private List<String> findFullyQualifiedSourceFileNames(
      IClassPathBuilder builder, IClassPath classPath) {

    List<ClassDescriptor> appClassList = builder.getAppClassList();


    List<String> fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList = new LinkedList<String>();

    for (ClassDescriptor classDesc : appClassList) {
      try {
        String fullyQualifiedSourceFileName =
            findFullyQualifiedSourceFileName(classPath, classDesc);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        errorLogger.logError("Couldn't scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e);
      } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) {
        errorLogger.logError("Couldn't scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e);


    return fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList;
  private String findFullyQualifiedSourceFileName(IClassPath classPath, ClassDescriptor classDesc)
      throws IOException, CheckedAnalysisException {
    try {
      // Open and parse the class file to attempt
      // to discover the source file name.
      ICodeBaseEntry codeBaseEntry = classPath.lookupResource(classDesc.toResourceName());

      ClassParserUsingASM classParser =
          new ClassParserUsingASM(
              new ClassReader(codeBaseEntry.openResource()), classDesc, codeBaseEntry);

      ClassInfo.Builder classInfoBuilder = new ClassInfo.Builder();
      ClassInfo classInfo =;

      // Construct the fully-qualified source file name
      // based on the package name and source file name.
      String packageName = classDesc.getPackageName();
      String sourceFile = classInfo.getSource();

      if (!packageName.equals("")) {
        packageName = packageName.replace('.', '/');
        packageName += "/";

      String fullyQualifiedSourceFile = packageName + sourceFile;

      return fullyQualifiedSourceFile;
    } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) {
      errorLogger.logError("Could scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e);
      throw e;
    } finally {
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IErrorLogger#reportMissingClass(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.ClassDescriptor)
  public void reportMissingClass(ClassDescriptor classDescriptor) {
      System.out.println("Missing class: " + classDescriptor);
      new Throwable().printStackTrace(System.out);

    if (verbosityLevel == SILENT) {

Beispiel #4
  * Lookup a class. <em>Use this method instead of Repository.lookupClass().</em>
  * @param classDescriptor descriptor specifying the class to look up
  * @return the class
  * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class can't be found
 public JavaClass lookupClass(@Nonnull ClassDescriptor classDescriptor)
     throws ClassNotFoundException {
   return lookupClass(classDescriptor.toDottedClassName());
  private TypeQualifierValue(ClassDescriptor typeQualifier, @CheckForNull Object value) {
    this.typeQualifier = typeQualifier;
    this.value = value;
    boolean isStrict = false; // will be set to true if this is a strict
    // type qualifier value
    boolean isExclusive = false; // will be set to true if this is an
    // exclusive type qualifier value
    boolean isExhaustive = false; // will be set to true if this is an
    // exhaustive type qualifier value

    TypeQualifierValidator<A> validator = null;
    Class<A> qualifierClass = null;
    A proxy = null;
    try {
      XClass xclass = Global.getAnalysisCache().getClassAnalysis(XClass.class, typeQualifier);

      // Annotation elements appear as abstract methods in the annotation
      // class (interface).
      // So, if the type qualifier annotation has specified a default When
      // value,
      // it will appear as an abstract method called "when".
      XMethod whenMethod = xclass.findMethod("when", "()Ljavax/annotation/meta/When;", false);
      if (whenMethod == null) {
        isStrict = true;
      for (XMethod xmethod : xclass.getXMethods()) {
        if (xmethod.getName().equals("value") && xmethod.getSignature().startsWith("()")) {
          isExhaustive = xmethod.getAnnotation(EXHAUSTIVE_ANNOTATION) != null;
          if (isExhaustive) {
            // exhaustive qualifiers are automatically exclusive
            isExclusive = true;
          } else {
            // see if there is an explicit @Exclusive annotation
            isExclusive = xmethod.getAnnotation(EXCLUSIVE_ANNOTATION) != null;

    } catch (MissingClassException e) {
    } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) {
          "Error looking up annotation class " + typeQualifier.toDottedClassName(), e);
    this.isStrict = isStrict;
    this.isExclusive = isExclusive;
    this.isExhaustive = isExhaustive;
    ClassDescriptor checkerName =
        DescriptorFactory.createClassDescriptor(typeQualifier.getClassName() + "$Checker");
    try {
      Global.getAnalysisCache().getClassAnalysis(ClassData.class, checkerName);
      // found it.
      //            System.out.println(checkerName);
      SecurityManager m = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (m == null) System.setSecurityManager(new ValidationSecurityManager());
      Class<?> c = validatorLoader.loadClass(checkerName.getDottedClassName());
      if (TypeQualifierValidator.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
        Class<? extends TypeQualifierValidator> checkerClass =
        validator = getValidator(checkerClass);
        qualifierClass = getQualifierClass(typeQualifier);

        InvocationHandler handler =
            new InvocationHandler() {

              public Object invoke(Object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2) throws Throwable {
                if (arg1.getName() == "value") return TypeQualifierValue.this.value;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't handle " + arg1);

        proxy =
                Proxy.newProxyInstance(validatorLoader, new Class[] {qualifierClass}, handler));
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      assert true; // ignore
    } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) {
      assert true; // ignore
    } catch (Exception e) {
      AnalysisContext.logError("Unable to construct type qualifier checker " + checkerName, e);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
          "Unable to construct type qualifier checker "
              + checkerName
              + " due to "
              + e.getClass().getSimpleName()
              + ":"
              + e.getMessage());
    this.validator = validator;
    this.typeQualifierClass = qualifierClass;
    this.proxy = proxy;