public double[][] trainWeights(
      GeneralDataset<L, F> dataset,
      double[] initial,
      boolean bypassTuneSigma,
      Minimizer<DiffFunction> minimizer) {
    if (minimizer == null) minimizer = minimizerCreator.create();
    if (dataset instanceof RVFDataset) ((RVFDataset<L, F>) dataset).ensureRealValues();
    double[] interimWeights = null;
    if (!bypassTuneSigma) {
      if (tuneSigmaHeldOut) {
        interimWeights =
                dataset); // the optimum interim weights from held-out training data have already
                          // been found.
      } else if (tuneSigmaCV) {
            dataset, folds); // TODO: assign optimum interim weights as part of this process.
    LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F> objective =
        new LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F>(dataset, logPrior);
    if (initial == null && interimWeights != null && !retrainFromScratchAfterSigmaTuning) {
      // System.err.println("## taking advantage of interim weights as starting point.");
      initial = interimWeights;
    if (initial == null) {
      initial = objective.initial();

    double[] weights = minimizer.minimize(objective, TOL, initial);
    return objective.to2D(weights);
 public LinearClassifier createLinearClassifier(double[] weights) {
   double[][] weights2D;
   if (objective != null) {
     weights2D = objective.to2D(weights);
   } else {
     weights2D = ArrayUtils.to2D(weights, featureIndex.size(), labelIndex.size());
   return new LinearClassifier<L, F>(weights2D, featureIndex, labelIndex);
  public Classifier<L, F> trainClassifier(
      GeneralDataset<L, F> dataset, float[] dataWeights, LogPrior prior) {
    Minimizer<DiffFunction> minimizer = getMinimizer();
    if (dataset instanceof RVFDataset) ((RVFDataset<L, F>) dataset).ensureRealValues();
    LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F> objective =
        new LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F>(dataset, dataWeights, logPrior);

    double[] initial = objective.initial();
    double[] weights = minimizer.minimize(objective, TOL, initial);

    LinearClassifier<L, F> classifier =
        new LinearClassifier<L, F>(
            objective.to2D(weights), dataset.featureIndex(), dataset.labelIndex());
    return classifier;
 public double[][] trainWeightsSemiSup(
     GeneralDataset<L, F> data,
     GeneralDataset<L, F> biasedData,
     double[][] confusionMatrix,
     double[] initial) {
   Minimizer<DiffFunction> minimizer = minimizerCreator.create();
   LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F> objective =
       new LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F>(data, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.NULL));
   BiasedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction biasedObjective =
       new BiasedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction(
           biasedData, confusionMatrix, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.NULL));
   SemiSupervisedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction semiSupObjective =
       new SemiSupervisedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction(objective, biasedObjective, logPrior);
   if (initial == null) {
     initial = objective.initial();
   double[] weights = minimizer.minimize(semiSupObjective, TOL, initial);
   return objective.to2D(weights);
  * Trains the linear classifier using Generalized Expectation criteria as described in
  * <tt>Generalized Expectation Criteria for Semi Supervised Learning of Conditional Random
  * Fields</tt>, Mann and McCallum, ACL 2008. The original algorithm is proposed for CRFs but has
  * been adopted to LinearClassifier (which is a simpler special case of a CRF). IMPORTANT: the
  * labeled features that are passed as an argument are assumed to be binary valued, although other
  * features are allowed to be real valued.
 public LinearClassifier<L, F> trainSemiSupGE(
     GeneralDataset<L, F> labeledDataset,
     List<? extends Datum<L, F>> unlabeledDataList,
     List<F> GEFeatures,
     double convexComboCoeff) {
   Minimizer<DiffFunction> minimizer = minimizerCreator.create();
   LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F> objective =
       new LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F>(
           labeledDataset, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.NULL));
   GeneralizedExpectationObjectiveFunction<L, F> geObjective =
       new GeneralizedExpectationObjectiveFunction<L, F>(
           labeledDataset, unlabeledDataList, GEFeatures);
   SemiSupervisedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction semiSupObjective =
       new SemiSupervisedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction(
           objective, geObjective, null, convexComboCoeff);
   double[] initial = objective.initial();
   double[] weights = minimizer.minimize(semiSupObjective, TOL, initial);
   return new LinearClassifier<L, F>(
       objective.to2D(weights), labeledDataset.featureIndex(), labeledDataset.labelIndex());
  public Classifier<L, F> trainClassifier(Iterable<Datum<L, F>> dataIterable) {
    Minimizer<DiffFunction> minimizer = getMinimizer();
    Index<F> featureIndex = Generics.newIndex();
    Index<L> labelIndex = Generics.newIndex();
    for (Datum<L, F> d : dataIterable) {
      featureIndex.addAll(d.asFeatures()); // If there are duplicates, it doesn't add them again.
            "Training linear classifier with %d features and %d labels",
            featureIndex.size(), labelIndex.size()));

    LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F> objective =
        new LogConditionalObjectiveFunction<L, F>(dataIterable, logPrior, featureIndex, labelIndex);
    objective.setPrior(new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.QUADRATIC));

    double[] initial = objective.initial();
    double[] weights = minimizer.minimize(objective, TOL, initial);

    LinearClassifier<L, F> classifier =
        new LinearClassifier<L, F>(objective.to2D(weights), featureIndex, labelIndex);
    return classifier;