   * Generate and return a virtual job profile representing how the job will behave under the
   * provided configuration settings.
   * @param conf the configuration settings
   * @param dataModel the data model that can reason about the data
   * @return a virtual job profile
  public MRJobProfile whatif(Configuration conf, DataSetModel dataModel) {
    this.virtualProf = new MRJobProfile(VIRTUAL + sourceProf.getJobId());
    this.conf = conf;

    // Set the cluster name and job inputs

    // Get the input specs
    List<MapInputSpecs> inputSpecs = dataModel.generateMapInputSpecs(this.conf);

    // Predict the map execution
    int numMappers = 0;
    for (MapInputSpecs inputSpec : inputSpecs) {
      MRMapProfile mapProf = mapOracles.get(inputSpec.getInputIndex()).whatif(conf, inputSpec);
      numMappers += inputSpec.getNumSplits();

    // Predict the reduce execution
    int numReducers = conf.getInt(MR_RED_TASKS, 1);
    if (numReducers > 0 && !ignoreReducers) {
      // Get the shuffle specs
      List<ReduceShuffleSpecs> shuffleSpecs =
          dataModel.generateReduceShuffleSpecs(conf, virtualProf.getMapProfiles());

      for (ReduceShuffleSpecs shuffleSpec : shuffleSpecs) {
        MRReduceProfile redProf = redOracle.whatif(conf, shuffleSpec);

    // Update the averaged task profiles
    virtualProf.addCounter(MRCounter.MAP_TASKS, (long) numMappers);
    virtualProf.addCounter(MRCounter.REDUCE_TASKS, (long) numReducers);

    return virtualProf;