Beispiel #1
  public Type typecheck(SymTab s) {
    Type varType = preDot.typecheck(s); // this must be a class type
    // if it's another type throw an error
    if (varType.getType() == "int" || varType.getType() == "bool" || varType.getType() == "empty") {
      throw new Error(
              + ":"
              + column
              + " error: "
              + "used non-class variabe like a class (bad field access)");

    classType = varType.getType();

    /* Currently postDot is an ArrExpr that is kinda broken. Take example FieldExpr a.var, a:Point, var:int[]
     * postDot currently has name as an IDExpr with name "var", but "var" isn't a variable
     * Construct a new ArrExpr with postDot's accesses but prepend the classname, and typecheck it
    ArrExpr real =
        new ArrExpr(
            new IDExpr(varType.getType() + "." + postDot.getName().getName(), line, column),

    // if this typechecks, the full FieldExpr is good
    type = real.typecheck(s);
    return type;