   * Sets the configurable class of this object.
   * @throws RuntimeException if the the <code>Configurable</code> is already instantiated.
  void setConfigurableClass(Class<? extends Configurable> confClass) {
    ownerClass = confClass;

    // Don't allow changes of the class if the configurable has already been instantiated
    if (isInstanciated()) throw new RuntimeException("class is already instantiated");

    // clean up the properties if necessary
    // registeredProperties.clear();

    final Collection<String> classProperties = new HashSet<String>();
    final Map<Field, Annotation> classProps = parseClass(ownerClass);
    for (Map.Entry<Field, Annotation> entry : classProps.entrySet()) {
      try {
        String propertyName = (String) entry.getKey().get(null);

        // make sure that there is not already another property with this name
        assert !classProperties.contains(propertyName)
            : "duplicate property-name for different properties: "
                + propertyName
                + " for the class "
                + confClass;

        registerProperty(propertyName, new S4PropWrapper(entry.getValue()));
      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {