protected boolean getShowLinearCurve() throws IOException { boolean res = false; { ConfigFactory f = DefaultConfigFactory.getInstance(); Config c = f.getConfig(); String configNameLinearCurve = getConfigNameLinearCurve(); boolean configValueDefault = false; // Set 'configValueDefault': { String mode = c.getProperty("mode"); if (mode != null) { if ("Test".equals(mode)) { configValueDefault = true; } } } res = c.getPropertyAsBoolean(configNameLinearCurve, configValueDefault); } return res; }
protected void init() { // Create link to backing-store: { BackingStore<String, DSLAMProviderRequest, C> backingStore = new DSLAMProviderContextBackingStore(); setBackingStore(backingStore); } // Set renew-time and cache-time: { int renewTime = TIME_RENEW_DEFAULT; int cacheTime = TIME_CACHE_DEFAULT; { try { ConfigFactory f = DefaultConfigFactory.getInstance(); Config c = f.getConfig(); if (c != null) { renewTime = c.getPropertyAsInt("provider.allocator.context-cache.time.renew", renewTime); cacheTime = c.getPropertyAsInt("provider.allocator.context-cache.time.cache", cacheTime); } } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore! } } setRenewTime(renewTime); setCacheTime(cacheTime); } }
protected List<String> getUserRolesFromConfig(String property) throws IOException { List<String> res = null; { if (property != null) { ConfigFactory f = DefaultConfigFactory.getInstance(); Config c = f.getConfig(); String v = c.getProperty(property); // re-read; marks property read in 'Config'-impl. cache res = parseStringList(v); } } return res; }
protected String getUserPresentationNameFromConfig(Principal userPrincipal) throws IOException { String res = null; { if (userPrincipal != null) { String userName = PrincipalUtil.getNameStripped(userPrincipal); if (userName != null) { String property = "security.authorization.user." + userName + ".presentation-name"; ConfigFactory f = DefaultConfigFactory.getInstance(); Config c = f.getConfig(); res = c.getProperty(property); } } } return res; }
@Override public Integer getThreadPoolSizeMinimum() throws IOException { Integer res = null; { final Integer defaultValue = THREAD_POOL_SIZE_MINIMUM_DEFAULT; res = config.getPropertyAsInt("thread-pool.size-minimum", defaultValue); if (res == null) { res = super.getThreadPoolSizeMinimum(); } if (res == null) { res = defaultValue; } } return res; }
@Override public Integer getQueueCapacity() throws IOException { Integer res = null; { final Integer defaultValue = THREAD_QUEUE_CAPACITY_DEFAULT; res = config.getPropertyAsInt("thread-pool.queue-capacity", defaultValue); if (res == null) { res = super.getQueueCapacity(); } if (res == null) { res = defaultValue; } } return res; }
@Override public Long getThreadKeepAliveTime() throws IOException { Long res = null; { final Long defaultValue = THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_DEFAULT; res = config.getPropertyAsLong("thread-pool.time-keep-alive", defaultValue); if (res == null) { res = super.getThreadKeepAliveTime(); } if (res == null) { res = defaultValue; } } return res; }