Beispiel #1
  protected void recalcOutFreq() {
    if (inRate == 0f) return;

    double omegaIn, omegaOut, warp;
    ParamField ggOutFreq;

    omegaIn = pr.para[PR_INFREQ].val / inRate * Constants.PI2;
    warp = Math.max(-0.98, Math.min(0.98, pr.para[PR_WARP].val / 100)); // DAFx2000 'b'
    omegaOut = omegaIn + 2 * Math.atan2(warp * Math.sin(omegaIn), 1.0 - warp * Math.cos(omegaIn));

    ggOutFreq = (ParamField) gui.getItemObj(GG_OUTFREQ);
    if (ggOutFreq != null) {
      ggOutFreq.setParam(new Param(omegaOut / Constants.PI2 * inRate, Param.ABS_HZ));
Beispiel #2
  *	@param	a			Quell-Wellenform
  *	@param	env			Ziel-RMS
  *	@param	average		Laenge der Samples in a, aus denen jeweils ein RMS berechnet wird
  *						(RMS = sqrt( energy/average ))
  *	@param	length		Zahl der generierten RMS (in env)
  *	@param	lastEnergy	Rueckgabewert aus dem letzten Aufruf dieser Routine
  *						(richtige Initialisierung siehe process(): summe der quadrate der prebuffered samples)
  *	@return				neuer Energiewert, der beim naechsten Aufruf als lastEnergy uebergeben werden muss
 protected double calcEnv(float[] a, float[] env, int average, int length, double lastEnergy) {
   for (int i = 0, j = average; i < length; i++, j++) { //   zu alten leistungswert "vergessen" und
     lastEnergy = lastEnergy - a[i] * a[i] + a[j] * a[j]; // neuen addieren
     env[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(lastEnergy / average);
   return lastEnergy;
Beispiel #3
  protected void recalcWarpAmount() {
    if (inRate == 0f) return;

    double omegaIn, omegaOut, warp, d1;
    ParamField ggWarp;

    omegaIn = pr.para[PR_INFREQ].val / inRate * Constants.PI2;
    omegaOut = pr.para[PR_OUTFREQ].val / inRate * Constants.PI2;
    d1 = Math.tan((omegaOut - omegaIn) / 2);
    warp =
            Math.min(0.98, d1 / (Math.sin(omegaIn) + Math.cos(omegaIn) * d1))); // DAFx2000 'b'

    ggWarp = (ParamField) gui.getItemObj(GG_WARP);
    if (ggWarp != null) {
      ggWarp.setParam(new Param(warp * 100, Param.FACTOR));
Beispiel #4
  protected void process() {
    int i, j, len, ch, chunkLength;
    long progOff, progLen;
    float f1;

    // io
    AudioFile inF = null;
    AudioFile outF = null;
    AudioFileDescr inStream;
    AudioFileDescr outStream;
    FloatFile[] floatF = null;
    File tempFile[] = null;

    // buffers
    float[][] inBuf, outBuf;
    float[] win;
    float[] convBuf1, convBuf2;
    float[] tempFlt;

    int inChanNum, inLength, inputStep, outputStep, winSize;
    int transLen, skip, inputLen, outputLen, fltLen;
    int framesRead, framesWritten;
    float warp, a1, b0, b1, x0, x1, y0, y1, b0init;

    Param ampRef = new Param(1.0, Param.ABS_AMP); // transform-Referenz
    Param peakGain;
    float gain = 1.0f; // gain abs amp
    float maxAmp = 0.0f;

    PathField ggOutput;

    try {

      // ---- open input, output ----

      // input
      inF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_INPUTFILE]));
      inStream = inF.getDescr();
      inChanNum = inStream.channels;
      inLength = (int) inStream.length;
      // this helps to prevent errors from empty files!
      if ((inLength * inChanNum) < 1) throw new EOFException(ERR_EMPTY);
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // output
      ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_OUTPUTFILE);
      if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP);
      outStream = new AudioFileDescr(inStream);
      outF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(outStream);
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- parameter inits ----

      warp =
          Math.max(-0.98f, Math.min(0.98f, (float) (pr.para[PR_WARP].val / 100))); // DAFx2000 'b'
      f1 = (1.0f - warp) / (1.0f + warp); // DAFx2000 (25)
      winSize = 32 << pr.intg[PR_FRAMESIZE]; // DAFx2000 'N'
      j = winSize >> 1;
      transLen = (int) (f1 * winSize + 0.5f); // DAFx2000 'P' (26)
      i = pr.intg[PR_OVERLAP] + 1;
      while (((float) transLen / (float) i) > j) i++;
      inputStep = (int) (((float) transLen / (float) i) + 0.5f); // DAFx2000 'L'
      fltLen = Math.max(winSize, transLen);
      // System.out.println( "inputStep "+inputStep+"; winSize "+winSize+"; transLen "+transLen+";
      // fltLen "+fltLen+"; warp "+warp+"; � "+f1 );
      win = Filter.createFullWindow(winSize, Filter.WIN_HANNING); // DAFx2000 (27)
      outputStep = inputStep;

      b0init = (float) Math.sqrt(1.0f - warp * warp);

      progOff = 0;
      progLen = (long) inLength * (2 + inChanNum); // + winSize;

      tempFlt = new float[fltLen];
      inputLen = winSize + inputStep;
      inBuf = new float[inChanNum][inputLen];
      outputLen = transLen + outputStep;
      outBuf = new float[inChanNum][outputLen];

      // normalization requires temp files
      if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        tempFile = new File[inChanNum];
        floatF = new FloatFile[inChanNum];
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown
          tempFile[ch] = null;
          floatF[ch] = null;
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          tempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile();
          floatF[ch] = new FloatFile(tempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT);
        progLen += (long) inLength;
      } else {
        gain = (float) ((Param.transform(pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val);
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ----==================== the real stuff ====================----

      framesRead = 0;
      framesWritten = 0;
      skip = 0;

      while (threadRunning && (framesWritten < inLength)) {

        chunkLength = Math.min(inputLen, inLength - framesRead + skip);
        // ---- read input chunk ----
        len = Math.max(0, chunkLength - skip);
        inF.readFrames(inBuf, skip, len);
        framesRead += len;
        progOff += len;
        //				off			+= len;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // zero padding
        if (chunkLength < inputLen) {
          for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
            convBuf1 = inBuf[ch];
            for (i = chunkLength; i < convBuf1.length; i++) {
              convBuf1[i] = 0.0f;

        for (ch = 0; threadRunning && (ch < inChanNum); ch++) {
          convBuf1 = inBuf[ch];
          convBuf2 = outBuf[ch];

          for (i = 0, j = fltLen; i < winSize; i++) {
            tempFlt[--j] = convBuf1[i] * win[i];
          while (j > 0) {
            tempFlt[--j] = 0.0f;

          a1 = -warp; // inital allpass
          b0 = b0init;
          b1 = 0.0f;
          for (j = 0; j < transLen; j++) {
            x1 = 0.0f;
            y1 = 0.0f;

            //						for( i = 0; i < transLen; i++ ) {		// DAFx2000 (2 resp. 3)
            for (i = 0; i < fltLen; i++) { // DAFx2000 (2 resp. 3)
              x0 = tempFlt[i];
              y0 = b0 * x0 + b1 * x1 - a1 * y1;
              tempFlt[i] = y0; // (work with double precision while computing cascades)
              y1 = y0;
              x1 = x0;

            a1 = -warp; // cascaded allpasses
            b0 = -warp;
            b1 = 1.0f;

            convBuf2[j] += (float) y1;
          // .... progress ....
          progOff += chunkLength - skip;
          setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        } // for channels
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        chunkLength = Math.min(outputStep, inLength - framesWritten);
        // ---- write output chunk ----
        if (floatF != null) {
          for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
            floatF[ch].writeFloats(outBuf[ch], 0, chunkLength);
          progOff += chunkLength;
          //					off			  += len;
          framesWritten += chunkLength;
          // .... progress ....
          setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);

        } else {
          for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
            Util.mult(outBuf[ch], 0, chunkLength, gain);
          outF.writeFrames(outBuf, 0, chunkLength);
          progOff += chunkLength;
          //					off			  += len;
          framesWritten += chunkLength;
          // .... progress ....
          setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // check max amp
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
          for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) {
            f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
            if (f1 > maxAmp) {
              maxAmp = f1;

        // overlaps
        skip = winSize;
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          System.arraycopy(inBuf[ch], inputStep, inBuf[ch], 0, winSize);
          convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
          System.arraycopy(convBuf1, outputStep, convBuf1, 0, transLen);
          for (i = transLen; i < outputLen; ) {
            convBuf1[i++] = 0.0f;
      } // until framesWritten == outLength
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ----==================== normalize output ====================----

      if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        peakGain = new Param((double) maxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP);
        gain =
                        new Param(1.0 / peakGain.val, peakGain.unit),
        normalizeAudioFile(floatF, outF, inBuf, gain, 1.0f);
        maxAmp *= gain;

        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          floatF[ch] = null;
          tempFile[ch] = null;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- Finish ----

      outF = null;
      outStream = null;
      inF = null;
      inStream = null;
      inBuf = null;

      // inform about clipping/ low level
    } catch (IOException e1) {
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) {
      inStream = null;
      outStream = null;
      inBuf = null;
      convBuf1 = null;
      convBuf2 = null;

      setError(new Exception(ERR_MEMORY));

    // ---- cleanup (topLevel) ----
    if (inF != null) {
      inF = null;
    if (outF != null) {
      outF = null;
    if (floatF != null) {
      for (ch = 0; ch < floatF.length; ch++) {
        if (floatF[ch] != null) {
          floatF[ch] = null;
        if (tempFile[ch] != null) {
          tempFile[ch] = null;
  } // process()
Beispiel #5
  protected void process() {
    int i, j, ch, len, off, chunkLength;
    long progOff, progLen;
    float f1, f2;
    double d1;
    boolean extraAudioFile;

    // io
    AudioFile inF = null;
    AudioFile outF = null;
    AudioFile envInF = null;
    AudioFile envOutF = null;
    AudioFileDescr inStream = null;
    AudioFileDescr outStream = null;
    AudioFileDescr envInStream = null;
    AudioFileDescr envOutStream = null;
    FloatFile[] outFloatF = null;
    FloatFile[] envFloatF = null;
    File outTempFile[] = null;
    File envTempFile[] = null;
    int inChanNum, outChanNum, envInChanNum, envOutChanNum, shapeChanNum;

    int[][] shapeChan = null;
    int[][] inChan = null;
    float[][] shapeChanWeight = null;
    float[][] inChanWeight = null;

    // buffers
    float[][] inBuf = null; // Sound-In
    float[][] outBuf = null; // Sound-Out
    float[][] inEnvBuf = null; // Envelope of Input
    float[][] shapeEnvBuf = null; // Envelope of Shaper
    float[][] envInBuf = null; // Direct-In of Shaper-File
    float[] convBuf1, convBuf2;

    int inLength, outLength, envInLength, envOutLength;
    int framesRead, framesWritten; // re sound-files
    int framesRead2, framesWritten2; // re env-files

    Param ampRef = new Param(1.0, Param.ABS_AMP); // transform-Referenz
    Param peakGain;
    float gain = 1.0f; // gain abs amp
    float envGain = 1.0f; // gain abs amp
    float maxAmp = 0.0f;
    float envMaxAmp = 0.0f;

    float maxChange;
    int average, avrOff;

    double[] inEnergy, envInEnergy;

    PathField ggOutput;

    try {

      // ---- open input, output; init ----

      // input
      inF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_INPUTFILE]));
      inStream = inF.getDescr();
      inChanNum = inStream.channels;
      inLength = (int) inStream.length;
      // this helps to prevent errors from empty files!
      if ((inLength < 1) || (inChanNum < 1)) throw new EOFException(ERR_EMPTY);
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      envInLength = 0;
      envInChanNum = inChanNum;
      shapeChanNum = 0;

      // shape input
      switch (pr.intg[PR_ENVSOURCE]) {
        case SRC_SOUNDFILE:
        case SRC_ENVFILE:
          envInF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_ENVINFILE]));
          envInStream = envInF.getDescr();
          envInChanNum = envInStream.channels;
          shapeChanNum = envInChanNum;
          envInLength = (int) envInStream.length;
          // this helps to prevent errors from empty files!
          if ((envInLength < 1) || (envInChanNum < 1)) throw new EOFException(ERR_EMPTY);

          i = Math.min(inLength, envInLength);
          inLength = i;
          envInLength = i;

        case SRC_ENV:
          if (pr.bool[PR_RIGHTCHAN]) {
            shapeChanNum = 2;
            envInChanNum = Math.max(envInChanNum, shapeChanNum); // ggf. mono => stereo
          } else {
            shapeChanNum = 1;

        case SRC_INPUT:
          shapeChanNum = inChanNum;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      outChanNum = Math.max(inChanNum, envInChanNum);
      outLength = inLength;

      shapeChan = new int[outChanNum][2];
      shapeChanWeight = new float[outChanNum][2];
      inChan = new int[outChanNum][2];
      inChanWeight = new float[outChanNum][2];
      extraAudioFile =
          (envInF != null) && (pr.intg[PR_ENVSOURCE] == SRC_SOUNDFILE); // not if SRC_ENVFILE!!!

      // calc weights
      for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
        if (shapeChanNum == 1) {
          shapeChan[ch][0] = 0;
          shapeChan[ch][1] = 0;
          shapeChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f;
          shapeChanWeight[ch][1] = 0.0f;
        } else {
          f1 = ((float) ch / (float) (outChanNum - 1)) * (float) (shapeChanNum - 1);
          shapeChan[ch][0] = (int) f1; // Math.max verhindert ArrayIndex-Fehler
          shapeChan[ch][1] = Math.min((int) f1 + 1, shapeChanNum - 1); // (Weight ist dabei eh Null)
          f1 %= 1.0f;
          shapeChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f - f1;
          shapeChanWeight[ch][1] = f1;
        if (inChanNum == 1) {
          inChan[ch][0] = 0;
          inChan[ch][1] = 0;
          inChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f;
          inChanWeight[ch][1] = 0.0f;
        } else {
          f1 = ((float) ch / (float) (outChanNum - 1)) * (float) (inChanNum - 1);
          inChan[ch][0] = (int) f1;
          inChan[ch][1] = Math.min((int) f1 + 1, inChanNum - 1);
          f1 %= 1.0f;
          inChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f - f1;
          inChanWeight[ch][1] = f1;
        for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
        	System.out.println( "shapeChan["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+shapeChan[ch][i] );
        	System.out.println( "shapeWeig["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+shapeChanWeight[ch][i] );
        	System.out.println( "inputChan["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+inChan[ch][i] );
        	System.out.println( "inputWeig["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+inChanWeight[ch][i] );

      // output
      ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_OUTPUTFILE);
      if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP);
      outStream = new AudioFileDescr(inStream);
      outStream.channels = outChanNum;
      outF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(outStream);
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      envOutLength = 0;
      envOutChanNum = 0;

      // envelope output
      if (pr.bool[PR_ENVOUTPUT]) {
        ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_ENVOUTFILE);
        if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP);
        envOutStream = new AudioFileDescr(inStream);
        envOutStream.file = new File(pr.text[PR_ENVOUTFILE]);
        envOutF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(envOutStream);
        envOutLength = inLength;
        envOutChanNum = inChanNum;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // average buffer size
      d1 =
                  new Param(AudioFileDescr.samplesToMillis(inStream, inLength), Param.ABS_MS),
              .val; // average in millis
      average = ((int) (AudioFileDescr.millisToSamples(inStream, d1) + 0.5) & ~1) + 1; // always odd
      avrOff = (average >> 1) + 1; // first element needed for subtraction (see calcEnv())

      progOff = 0;
      progLen =
          (long) Math.max(average - avrOff, inLength)
              + (long) (extraAudioFile ? Math.max(average - avrOff, envInLength) : envInLength)
              + (long) outLength
              + (long) envOutLength;

      // normalization requires temp files
      if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        outTempFile = new File[outChanNum];
        outFloatF = new FloatFile[outChanNum];
        for (ch = 0;
            ch < outChanNum;
            ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown
          outTempFile[ch] = null;
          outFloatF[ch] = null;
        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          outTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile();
          outFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(outTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT);
        progLen += (long) outLength;
      } else {
        gain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // normalization requires temp files
      if (pr.intg[PR_ENVGAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        envTempFile = new File[envOutChanNum];
        envFloatF = new FloatFile[envOutChanNum];
        for (ch = 0;
            ch < envOutChanNum;
            ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown
          envTempFile[ch] = null;
          envFloatF[ch] = null;
        for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) {
          envTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile();
          envFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(envTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT);
        progLen += (long) envOutLength;
      } else {
        envGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_ENVGAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- further inits ----
      maxChange = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_MAXCHANGE], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val;

      inBuf = new float[inChanNum][8192 + average];
      outBuf = new float[outChanNum][8192];
      if (extraAudioFile) {
        envInBuf = new float[envInChanNum][8192 + average];
      inEnvBuf = new float[inChanNum][8192]; // = envOutBuf
      shapeEnvBuf = new float[envInChanNum][8192];

      inEnergy = new double[inChanNum];
      for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
        inEnergy[ch] = 0.0;
      envInEnergy = new double[envInChanNum];
      for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) {
        envInEnergy[ch] = 0.0;

      // System.out.println( "inLength "+inLength+"; envInLength "+envInLength+"; envOutLength
      // "+envOutLength+"; outLength "+outLength );
      // System.out.println( "average "+average+"; avrOff "+avrOff );

      // ----==================== buffer init ====================----

      framesRead = 0; // re inF
      framesRead2 = 0; // re envInF

      // ---- init buffers ----
      for (off = avrOff; threadRunning && (off < average); ) {
        len = Math.min(inLength - framesRead, Math.min(8192, average - off));
        if (len == 0) break;

        inF.readFrames(inBuf, off, len);
        // calc initial energy per channel (see calcEnv())
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = inBuf[ch];
          d1 = 0.0;
          for (i = 0, j = off; i < len; i++) {
            f1 = convBuf1[j++];
            d1 += f1 * f1;
          inEnergy[ch] += d1;
        framesRead += len;
        off += len;
        progOff += len;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
      // zero padding bereits durch initialisierung mit Util.clear() passiert!

      if (extraAudioFile) {
        for (off = avrOff; threadRunning && (off < average); ) {
          len = Math.min(envInLength - framesRead2, Math.min(8192, average - off));
          if (len == 0) break;

          envInF.readFrames(envInBuf, off, len);
          // calc initial energy per channel (see calcEnv())
          for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) {
            convBuf1 = envInBuf[ch];
            d1 = 0.0;
            for (i = 0, j = off; i < len; i++) {
              f1 = convBuf1[j++];
              d1 += f1 * f1;
            envInEnergy[ch] += d1;
          framesRead2 += len;
          off += len;
          progOff += len;
          // .... progress ....
          setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // zero padding bereits durch initialisierung mit Util.clear() passiert!
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ----==================== the real stuff ====================----

      framesWritten = 0; // re OutF
      framesWritten2 = 0; // re envOutF

      while (threadRunning && (framesWritten < outLength)) {

        chunkLength = Math.min(8192, outLength - framesWritten);
        // ---- read input chunk ----
        len = Math.min(inLength - framesRead, chunkLength);
        inF.readFrames(inBuf, average, len);
        // zero padding
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = inBuf[ch];
          for (i = len, j = len + average; i < chunkLength; i++) {
            convBuf1[j++] = 0.0f;
        framesRead += len;
        progOff += len;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // ---- read input env chunk ----
        if (envInF != null) {
          len = Math.min(envInLength - framesRead2, chunkLength);
          if (extraAudioFile) { // ........ needs averaging ........
            envInF.readFrames(envInBuf, average, len);
            // zero padding
            for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) {
              convBuf1 = envInBuf[ch];
              for (i = len, j = len + average; i < chunkLength; i++) {
                convBuf1[j++] = 0.0f;
          } else { // ........ is already env ........
            envInF.readFrames(shapeEnvBuf, 0, len);
            // zero padding
            for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) {
              convBuf1 = shapeEnvBuf[ch];
              for (i = len; i < chunkLength; i++) {
                convBuf1[i] = 0.0f;
          framesRead2 += len;
          progOff += len;
          // .... progress ....
          setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // ---- calc input envelope ----
        for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
          inEnergy[ch] = calcEnv(inBuf[ch], inEnvBuf[ch], average, chunkLength, inEnergy[ch]);

        // ---- write output env file ----
        if (pr.bool[PR_ENVOUTPUT]) {
          if (envFloatF != null) { // i.e. unity gain
            for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) {
              convBuf1 = inEnvBuf[ch];
              for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp
                f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
                if (f1 > envMaxAmp) {
                  envMaxAmp = f1;
              envFloatF[ch].writeFloats(convBuf1, 0, chunkLength);
          } else { // i.e. abs gain
            for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) {
              convBuf1 = inEnvBuf[ch];
              for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp + adjust gain
                f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
                convBuf1[i] *= envGain;
                if (f1 > envMaxAmp) {
                  envMaxAmp = f1;
            envOutF.writeFrames(inEnvBuf, 0, chunkLength);
          framesWritten2 += chunkLength;
          progOff += chunkLength;
          // .... progress ....
          setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // ---- calc shape envelope ----
        switch (pr.intg[PR_ENVSOURCE]) {
          case SRC_INPUT: // shape env = input env
            for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) {
              System.arraycopy(inEnvBuf[ch], 0, shapeEnvBuf[ch], 0, chunkLength);
          case SRC_SOUNDFILE: // calc shape env from envInBuf
            for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) {
              envInEnergy[ch] =
                  calcEnv(envInBuf[ch], shapeEnvBuf[ch], average, chunkLength, envInEnergy[ch]);
          case SRC_ENVFILE: // nothing to do, we have already loaded the env
            break; //    in the correct buffer
          case SRC_ENV:
            throw new IOException("Graphic env not yet supported");

        // ---- calc output ----
        // first generate output envelope
        switch (pr.intg[PR_MODE]) {
          case MODE_SUPERPOSE:
            if (!pr.bool[PR_INVERT]) { // multiply by shape
              for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
                convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
                for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) {
                  f1 =
                      shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0]
                          + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1];
                  convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, f1);

            } else { // divide by shape
              for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
                convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
                for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) {
                  f1 =
                      shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0]
                          + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1];
                  if (f1 > 0.0f) {
                    convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, 1.0f / f1);
                  } else {
                    convBuf1[i] = maxChange;

          case MODE_REPLACE:
            if (!pr.bool[PR_INVERT]) { // shape / input
              for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
                convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
                for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) {
                  f1 =
                      shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0]
                          + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1];
                  f2 =
                      inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][0]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][0]
                          + inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][1]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][1];
                  if (f2 > 0.0f) {
                    convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, f1 / f2);
                  } else {
                    convBuf1[i] = 0.0f; // input ist eh ueberall null, somit unveraenderlich

            } else { // 1 / (shape * input)
              for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
                convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
                for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) {
                  f1 =
                      shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0]
                          + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1];
                  f1 *=
                      inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][0]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][0]
                          + inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][1]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][1];
                  if (f1 > 0.0f) {
                    convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, 1.0f / f1);
                  } else {
                    convBuf1[i] = maxChange;
        // then multiply input bites
        if (inChanNum == outChanNum) { // no weighting - use faster routine
          for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
            convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
            convBuf2 = inBuf[ch];
            for (i = 0, j = avrOff; i < chunkLength; i++, j++) {
              convBuf1[i] *= convBuf2[j];
        } else {
          for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
            convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
            for (i = 0, j = avrOff; i < chunkLength; i++, j++) {
              f1 =
                  inBuf[inChan[ch][0]][j] * inChanWeight[ch][0]
                      + inBuf[inChan[ch][1]][j] * inChanWeight[ch][1];
              convBuf1[i] *= f1;

        // ---- write output sound file ----
        if (outFloatF != null) { // i.e. unity gain
          for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
            convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
            for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp
              f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
              if (f1 > maxAmp) {
                maxAmp = f1;
            outFloatF[ch].writeFloats(convBuf1, 0, chunkLength);
        } else { // i.e. abs gain
          for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
            convBuf1 = outBuf[ch];
            for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp + adjust gain
              f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
              convBuf1[i] *= gain;
              if (f1 > maxAmp) {
                maxAmp = f1;
          outF.writeFrames(outBuf, 0, chunkLength);
        framesWritten += chunkLength;
        progOff += chunkLength;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);

        // ---- shift buffers ----
        for (ch = 0;
            ch < inChanNum;
            ch++) { // zero padding is performed after AudioFile.readFrames()!
          System.arraycopy(inBuf[ch], chunkLength, inBuf[ch], 0, average);
        if (extraAudioFile) {
          for (ch = 0;
              ch < envInChanNum;
              ch++) { // zero padding is performed after AudioFile.readFrames()!
            System.arraycopy(envInBuf[ch], chunkLength, envInBuf[ch], 0, average);
      } // until framesWritten == outLength
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- normalize output ----

      // sound file
      if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        peakGain = new Param((double) maxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP);
        gain =
                        new Param(1.0 / peakGain.val, peakGain.unit),
        f1 = 1.0f;
        if ((envOutF != null) && (pr.intg[PR_ENVGAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY)) { // leave prog space
          f1 = (1.0f + getProgression()) / 2;
        normalizeAudioFile(outFloatF, outF, outBuf, gain, f1);
        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          outFloatF[ch] = null;
          outTempFile[ch] = null;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // envelope file
      if ((envOutF != null) && (pr.intg[PR_ENVGAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY)) {
        peakGain = new Param((double) envMaxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP);
        envGain =
                        new Param(1.0 / peakGain.val, peakGain.unit),

        normalizeAudioFile(envFloatF, envOutF, inEnvBuf, envGain, 1.0f);
        for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) {
          envFloatF[ch] = null;
          envTempFile[ch] = null;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- Finish ----

      outF = null;
      outStream = null;
      if (envOutF != null) {
        envOutF = null;
        envOutStream = null;
      if (envInF != null) {
        envInF = null;
        envInStream = null;
      inF = null;
      inStream = null;
      outBuf = null;
      inBuf = null;
      inEnvBuf = null;
      envInBuf = null;
      shapeEnvBuf = null;

      // inform about clipping/ low level
      maxAmp *= gain;
      envMaxAmp *= envGain;
      //			handleClipping( envMaxAmp );	// ;( routine nicht flexibel genug!

    } catch (IOException e1) {
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) {
      inStream = null;
      outStream = null;
      envInStream = null;
      envOutStream = null;
      inBuf = null;
      outBuf = null;
      inEnvBuf = null;
      envInBuf = null;
      shapeEnvBuf = null;
      convBuf1 = null;
      convBuf2 = null;

      setError(new Exception(ERR_MEMORY));

    // ---- cleanup (topLevel) ----
    if (inF != null) {
      inF = null;
    if (outF != null) {
      outF = null;
    if (envInF != null) {
      envInF = null;
    if (envOutF != null) {
      envOutF = null;
    if (outFloatF != null) {
      for (ch = 0; ch < outFloatF.length; ch++) {
        if (outFloatF[ch] != null) outFloatF[ch].cleanUp();
        if (outTempFile[ch] != null) outTempFile[ch].delete();
    if (envFloatF != null) {
      for (ch = 0; ch < envFloatF.length; ch++) {
        if (envFloatF[ch] != null) envFloatF[ch].cleanUp();
        if (envTempFile[ch] != null) envTempFile[ch].delete();
  } // process()