public SettingsView(ZimbraME midlet, Settings settings) { super(midlet); mSettings = settings; // #style SettingsView TabbedForm f = new TabbedForm( Locale.get("main.Settings"), new String[] { Locale.get("settings.General"), Locale.get("settings.Display"), // Locale.get("settings.Mail"), Locale.get("settings.Shortcuts") }, null); // #if true // # mView = f; // #endif f.setItemStateListener(this); f.setTabbedFormListener(this); createGeneralTab(); createDisplayTab(); createShortcutsTab(); f.addCommand(SAVE); f.setCommandListener(this); f.setItemStateListener(this); }
/** Creates a new html tag handler */ public HtmlTagHandler() { // #ifdef polish.i18n.useDynamicTranslations if (Locale.get("polish.command.followlink") != CMD_LINK.getLabel()) { CMD_LINK = new Command(Locale.get("polish.command.followlink"), Command.OK, 2); CMD_SUBMIT = new Command(Locale.get("polish.command.submit"), Command.ITEM, 2); CMD_BACK = new Command(Locale.get("polish.command.back"), Command.BACK, 10); } // #endif STYLE_LINE_BREAK.layout = Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER; }
protected Item[] createStaticItems() { if (null == iden) return new Item[] { this.titleitem = new TitleBarItem(Locale.get(""), getModel()) }; else return new Item[] { this.titleitem = new TitleBarItem(Locale.get(""), getModel()) }; }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (processorThread.isAlive()) { logger.error(Locale.get("fsdiscover.StillBusyTryAgain") /*Still busy, try again later*/); return; } if (c == BACK_CMD) { /** * Need to call sl.selectedFile() before calling, as we need to keep track of * state for e.g. GuiDiscover */ sl.selectionCanceled();; return; } if (c == ROOT_CMD) { url = "file:///"; processorThread = new Thread(this); processorThread.start(); return; } if (list.getSelectedIndex() < 0) { logger.error(Locale.get("fsdiscover.NoElementSelected") /*No element selected*/); return; } if (c == OK_CMD) { selectEntry(); return; } if (c == DOWN_CMD) { if (list.getString(list.getSelectedIndex()).equalsIgnoreCase("..")) { c = UP_CMD; } else { url = (String) urlList.elementAt(list.getSelectedIndex()); processorThread = new Thread(this); processorThread.start(); return; } } if (c == UP_CMD) { url = url.substring(0, url.substring(0, url.length() - 1).lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // #debug debug logger.debug("Moving up directory to :" + url); if (url.length() < 9) { // file:/// url = "file:///"; } processorThread = new Thread(this); processorThread.start(); return; } }
public OutputStream openSession(String url, String name) { OutputStream oS = null; // #if polish.api.fileconnection try { url += name + ".gpx"; // #debug info"Opening file " + url); session =; FileConnection fileCon = (FileConnection) session; if (fileCon == null) throw new IOException("Couldn't open url " + url); if (!fileCon.exists()) { fileCon.create(); } else { fileCon.truncate(0); } oS = fileCon.openOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error( Locale.get( "fileexportsession.CouldNotObtainConnection") /*Could not obtain connection with */ + url + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); e.printStackTrace(); } // #endif return oS; }
public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) { if (d == Dialogs.mErrorD) { mMidlet.setTopViewCurrent(); } else if (cmd == DELETE) { ShortcutItem item = (ShortcutItem) mShortcutList.getFocusedItem(); item.shortcut.action = 0; createShortcutsTab(); } else if (cmd == OK || cmd == CANCEL) { if (cmd == OK) { // save the current shortcut int button = mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.button; // #debug System.out.println("saving shortcut " + button); Shortcut s = mSettings.getShortcut(button); s.copy(mSelectedShortcut.shortcut); } createShortcutsTab(); } else { try { mSettings.flush(); mMidlet.setTopViewCurrent(); } catch (IOException e) { Dialogs.popupErrorDialog(mMidlet, this, Locale.get("error.FailedToSaveSettings")); } } }
private void updateSolution(int state) {"Update Solution"); currentState = state; if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFixTimestamp) > 3000) { hasFix = false; } // locationUpdated(locationManager, locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider), true); if (state == LocationProvider.OUT_OF_SERVICE) { if (receiverList != null) { receiverList.receiveStatus(LocationMsgReceiver.STATUS_OFF, 0); receiverList.receiveMessage( Locale.get("androidlocationinput.ProviderStopped") /*provider stopped*/); } // some devices, e.g. Samsung Galaxy Note will claim LocationProvider.AVAILABLE // even when there's no fix, so use a timestamp to detect } else if (state == LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE || !hasFix) { if (receiverList != null) { receiverList.receiveStatus(LocationMsgReceiver.STATUS_NOFIX, numSatellites); } } else if (state == LocationProvider.AVAILABLE || hasFix) { if (receiverList != null) { receiverList.receiveStatus(LocationMsgReceiver.STATUS_ON, numSatellites); } } }
public void onNmeaReceived(long timestamp, String nmeaString) { // #debug info"Using extra NMEA info in Android location provider: " + nmeaString); // FIXME combine to one, duplicated in Jsr179Input and AndroidLocationInput if (nmeaString != null) { if (rawDataLogger != null) { try { rawDataLogger.write(nmeaString.getBytes()); rawDataLogger.flush(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.exception( Locale.get("jsr179input.CouldNotWriteGPSLog") /*Could not write raw GPS log*/, ioe); } } Vector messages = StringTokenizer.getVector(nmeaString, "$"); if (messages != null) { for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { String nmeaMessage = (String) messages.elementAt(i); if (nmeaMessage == null) { continue; } if (nmeaMessage.startsWith("$")) { // Cut off $GP from the start nmeaMessage = nmeaMessage.substring(3); } else if (nmeaMessage.startsWith("GP")) { // Cut off GP from the start nmeaMessage = nmeaMessage.substring(2); } int delimiterIdx = nmeaMessage.indexOf("*"); if (delimiterIdx > 0) { // remove the checksum nmeaMessage = nmeaMessage.substring(0, delimiterIdx); } delimiterIdx = nmeaMessage.indexOf(" "); if (delimiterIdx > 0) { // remove trailing whitespace because some mobiles like HTC Touch Diamond 2 with JavaFX // receive NMEA sentences terminated by a space instead of a star followed by the // checksum nmeaMessage = nmeaMessage.substring(0, delimiterIdx); } // #debug info"Decoding: " + nmeaMessage); if ((nmeaMessage != null) && (nmeaMessage.length() > 5)) { smsg.decodeMessage(nmeaMessage, false, false); // get *DOP from the message pos.pdop = smsg.getPosition().pdop; pos.hdop = smsg.getPosition().hdop; pos.vdop = smsg.getPosition().vdop; // disable for now if we have a fix; could be this is incorrect for devices with GPS & // GLONASS, and we get this from getGpsStatus() if (!hasFix) { numSatellites = smsg.getMAllSatellites(); updateSolution(LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE); } } } } } }
public GuiGpxOsmUpload() { super(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.GPXToOSM") /*GPX upload to OSM*/); descriptionTF = new TextField( Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Description") /*Description:*/, "", 255, TextField.ANY); tagsTF = new TextField(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Tags") /*Tags:*/, "", 255, TextField.ANY); String[] items = new String[1]; items[0] = Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Public") /*Public*/; publicCG = new ChoiceGroup("", Choice.MULTIPLE, items, null); this.append(descriptionTF); this.append(tagsTF); this.append(publicCG); this.addCommand(OK_CMD); this.addCommand(BACK_CMD); this.setCommandListener(this); }
public void closeSession() { // #if polish.api.fileconnection try { session.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error( Locale.get( "fileexportsession.FailedToCloseConnection") /*Failed to close connection after storing to file*/); e.printStackTrace(); } // #endif }
public void disableRawLogging() { if (rawDataLogger != null) { try { rawDataLogger.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.exception( Locale.get( "androidlocationinput.CouldntCloseRawGpsLogger") /*Couldnt close raw gps logger*/, e); } rawDataLogger = null; } }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == BACK_CMD) { if (d == this) {; } else { show(); } } if (c == ADD_CMD) { this.addTag = true; TextField tf = new TextField(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.key") /*key*/, "", 100, TextField.ANY); tf.addCommand(OK_CMD); tf.setItemCommandListener(this); this.append(tf); Display.getDisplay(GpsMid.getInstance()).setCurrentItem(tf); tf = new TextField(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.value") /*value*/, "", 100, TextField.ANY); tf.addCommand(OK_CMD); tf.setItemCommandListener(this); this.append(tf); } if (c == CREATE_CHANGE_CMD) { changesetGui = new GuiOsmChangeset(this, this);; } if (c == CLOSE_CHANGE_CMD) { if (changesetGui == null) { logger.error( Locale.get( "guiosmentitydisplay.NoChangesetIsCurrentlyOpen") /*No changeset is currently open*/); } else { changesetGui.closeChangeset(); changesetGui = null; } } }
private void createDisplayTab() { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif // #style SpanningLabel StringItem s = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.ShowTickersFor")); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, s); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mTickerCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Conversations"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Messages"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Appointments"), null); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, mTickerCG); // ========== Ticker Speed // #style SpanningLabel s = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.TickerSpeed")); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, s); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mTickerSpeedCG = new ChoiceGroup(null, ChoiceGroup.EXCLUSIVE); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerSpeedCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Slow"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerSpeedCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Medium"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerSpeedCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Fast"), null); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, mTickerSpeedCG); // TODO remove when Polish fixes bug that causes layout/highlighting weirdness if the below is // removed // #style Spacer s = new StringItem(null, ""); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, s); }
private void createGeneralTab() { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif // #style ChoiceGroup mKeepSignedInCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mKeepSignedInCG.append(Locale.get("login.KeepSignedIn"), null); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mKeepSignedInCG); // #style ChoiceGroup mCacheContactsCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mCacheContactsCG.append(Locale.get("settings.CacheContacts"), null); /* TODO Add this in later f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mCacheContactsCG); */ // ========== Preload Contacts // #style ChoiceGroup mPreloadContactsCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mPreloadContactsCG.append(Locale.get("settings.PreloadContacts"), null); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mPreloadContactsCG); // ========== Delete w/o confirmation boolean delWOC = mSettings.getDelWOConf(); // #style ChoiceGroupOffset mDelWOConfCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mDelWOConfCG.append(Locale.get("settings.DelWOConf"), null); mDelWOConfCG.setSelectedIndex(0, delWOC); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mDelWOConfCG); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mDelWOConfSubCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mDWOCConvCI = new ChoiceItem(Locale.get("settings.Conversations"), null, Choice.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mDWOCMsgCI = new ChoiceItem(Locale.get("settings.Messages"), null, Choice.MULTIPLE); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mDelWOConfSubCG); // TODO remove when Polish fixes bug that causes layout/highlighting weirdness if the below is // removed // #style Spacer StringItem s = new StringItem(null, ""); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, s); }
private void createShortcutsTab() { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif // #style ChoiceGroup mShortcutList = new de.enough.polish.ui.ListItem(null); Shortcut[] shortcuts = mSettings.getShortcuts(); Shortcut firstUnused = null; for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) { if (!shortcuts[i].isConfigured()) { firstUnused = shortcuts[i]; break; } } ChoiceItem ci = null; if (firstUnused != null) { // #style ChoiceItem ci = new ShortcutItem(Locale.get("settings.NewShortcut"), null, List.IMPLICIT, firstUnused); mShortcutList.append(ci); } for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) { if (!shortcuts[i].isConfigured()) continue; // #style ChoiceItem ci = new ShortcutItem(shortcuts[i].toString(), null, List.IMPLICIT, shortcuts[i]); mShortcutList.append(ci); } f.deleteAll(SHORTCUTS_TAB); f.removeCommand(OK); f.removeCommand(CANCEL); f.addCommand(SAVE); f.addCommand(DELETE); f.append(SHORTCUTS_TAB, mShortcutList); mShortcutList.setItemCommandListener(this); mShortcutList.setDefaultCommand(List.SELECT_COMMAND); }
private void getRoots() { // Work around the problem that list.deleteAll might cause problems on a // SE K750 list = createEmptyList(); urlList.removeAllElements(); // #if polish.api.pdaapi // logger.debug("getRoot"); Enumeration drives = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots(); // logger.debug("The valid roots found are: "); while (drives.hasMoreElements()) { String root = (String) drives.nextElement(); list.append(root, null); urlList.addElement(url + root); } // #else list.append(Locale.get("fsdiscover.APINotSupByDevice") /*API not supported by device*/, null); // #endif // Display the new list. We just assume, that the old list was still // displaying // As an attempt to check if that was the case didn't seem to work // reliably on // some mobiles show(); }
private void createShortcutEditTab(ShortcutItem si) { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif mSelectedShortcut = new ShortcutItem(si); int selectedIndex; switch (mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.action) { case Shortcut.ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER: default: selectedIndex = SHORTCUT_FOLDER; break; case Shortcut.ACTION_TAG: selectedIndex = SHORTCUT_TAG; break; case Shortcut.ACTION_RUN_SAVED_SEARCH: selectedIndex = SHORTCUT_SEARCH; break; } mShortcutEditScreen = new de.enough.polish.ui.ListItem(Locale.get("settings.EditShortcut")); // #style SpanningLabel Item item = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.Button")); mShortcutEditScreen.append(item); // #style ChoiceGroupPopup mShortcutButtonCG = new ChoiceGroup(null, Choice.POPUP); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // #style ChoiceItemPopup mShortcutButtonCG.append("# " + i, null); } mShortcutButtonCG.setSelectedIndex(mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.button, true); mShortcutEditScreen.append(mShortcutButtonCG); // #style SpanningLabel item = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.Action")); mShortcutEditScreen.append(item); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mShortcutActionCG = new ChoiceGroup(null, ChoiceGroup.EXCLUSIVE); // #style ChoiceItem mShortcutActionCG.append( mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.toString(false, Shortcut.ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER), null); // #style ChoiceItem mShortcutActionCG.append(mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.toString(false, Shortcut.ACTION_TAG), null); // #style ChoiceItem mShortcutActionCG.append( mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.toString(false, Shortcut.ACTION_RUN_SAVED_SEARCH), null); mShortcutEditScreen.append(mShortcutActionCG); mShortcutActionCG.setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex, true); f.removeCommand(SAVE); f.removeCommand(DELETE); f.addCommand(OK); f.addCommand(CANCEL); f.deleteAll(SHORTCUTS_TAB); f.append(SHORTCUTS_TAB, mShortcutEditScreen); }
public GuiSetupGui(ShareNavDisplayable parent, boolean initialSetup) { super(Locale.get("guisetupgui.GUIOptions") /*GUI Options*/); this.parent = parent; this.initialSetup = initialSetup; try { long mem = Configuration.getPhoneAllTimeMaxMemory(); if (mem == 0) { mem = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); } mem = mem / 1024; memField = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.DefineMaxMem") /*Define maxMem (kbyte)*/, Long.toString(mem), 8, TextField.DECIMAL); append(memField); String[] imenu = new String[7]; imenu[0] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.UseIconMenu") /*Use icon menu*/; imenu[1] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.UseSetupIconMenu") /*Use icon menu for settings*/; imenu[2] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.FullscreenIconMenu") /*Fullscreen icon menu*/; imenu[3] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.SplitscreenIconMenu") /*Split screen icon menu*/; imenu[4] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.LargeTabButtons") /*Large tab buttons*/; imenu[5] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.IconsMappedOnKeys") /*Icons mapped on keys*/; // imenu[5] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.OptimiseForRouting")/*Optimise for routing*/; imenu[6] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.FavoritesInRouteIconMenu") /*Favorites in route icon menu*/; imenuOpts = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.IconMenu") /*Icon Menu:*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, imenu, null); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 0, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 1, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SETUP)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 2, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_FULLSCREEN)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 3, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SPLITSCREEN)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 4, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_BIG_TAB_BUTTONS)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 5, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_MAPPED_ICONS)); // imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex(5, // Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_ROUTING_OPTIMIZED)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 6, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_FAVORITES_IN_ROUTE_ICON_MENU)); append(imenuOpts); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { String[] touch = new String[4]; int i = 0; touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.longMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.doubleMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.singleMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.clickableMarkers"); mapTapFeatures = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.MapTapFeatures") /*Map Touch Features*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, touch, null); i = 0; mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_LONG)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_DOUBLE)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_SINGLE)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_CLICKABLE_MAPOBJECTS)); append(mapTapFeatures); } // search options int iMax = 3; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { iMax++; } // #if iMax++; // #endif String[] search = null; search = new String[iMax]; int searchnum = 0; search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.scroll") /*Scroll result under cursor*/; search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.scrollall") /*Scroll all results*/; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.numberkeypad") /*Enable virtual keypad*/; } search[searchnum++] = Locale.get( "guisetupgui.SuppressSearchWarning") /*Suppress warning about exceeding max results*/; // #if search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.ShowNativeKeyboard") /*Show native keyboard in search*/; // #endif searchSettings = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.searchopts") /*Search options:*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, search, null); /* only display search settings available on the device */ // maximum search option entries searchnum = 0; searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH)); searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH_ALL)); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_TOUCH_NUMBERKEYPAD)); } searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SUPPRESS_SEARCH_WARNING)); // #if searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_SHOW_NATIVE_KEYBOARD)); // #endif append(searchSettings); String[] searchLayout = new String[2]; searchLayout[0] = Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchWholeNames") /*Search for whole names*/; searchLayout[1] = Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchWords") /*Search for words*/; searchLayoutGroup = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchStyle") /*Search style*/, Choice.EXCLUSIVE, searchLayout, null); searchLayoutGroup.setSelectedIndex( Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_WORD_ISEARCH) ? 1 : 0, true); append(searchLayoutGroup); int searchMax = Configuration.getSearchMax(); searchField = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.DefineMaxSearch") /*Max # of search results*/, Integer.toString(searchMax), 8, TextField.DECIMAL); append(searchField); float dist = Configuration.getPoiSearchDistance(); poiSearchDistance = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.PoiDistance") /*POI Distance: */, Float.toString(dist), 8, TextField.ANY); append(poiSearchDistance); String[] otherSettings = new String[1]; otherSettings[0] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.ExitWithBackButton") /* Back button exits application*/; otherGroup = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.otherOptions") /* Other options */, Choice.MULTIPLE, otherSettings, null); otherGroup.setSelectedIndex( 0, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_EXIT_APPLICATION_WITH_BACK_BUTTON)); append(otherGroup); addCommand(CMD_SAVE); addCommand(CMD_CANCEL); // Set up this Displayable to listen to command events setCommandListener(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public class GuiSetupGui extends Form implements CommandListener { private ChoiceGroup imenuOpts; private ChoiceGroup mapTapFeatures; private ChoiceGroup searchSettings; private ChoiceGroup searchLayoutGroup; private ChoiceGroup otherGroup; // commands private static final Command CMD_SAVE = new Command(Locale.get("generic.Save") /*Save*/, ShareNavMenu.OK, 2); private static final Command CMD_CANCEL = new Command(Locale.get("generic.Cancel") /*Cancel*/, ShareNavMenu.BACK, 3); // other private final ShareNavDisplayable parent; private final boolean initialSetup; private TextField memField; private TextField searchField; private TextField poiSearchDistance; public GuiSetupGui(ShareNavDisplayable parent, boolean initialSetup) { super(Locale.get("guisetupgui.GUIOptions") /*GUI Options*/); this.parent = parent; this.initialSetup = initialSetup; try { long mem = Configuration.getPhoneAllTimeMaxMemory(); if (mem == 0) { mem = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); } mem = mem / 1024; memField = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.DefineMaxMem") /*Define maxMem (kbyte)*/, Long.toString(mem), 8, TextField.DECIMAL); append(memField); String[] imenu = new String[7]; imenu[0] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.UseIconMenu") /*Use icon menu*/; imenu[1] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.UseSetupIconMenu") /*Use icon menu for settings*/; imenu[2] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.FullscreenIconMenu") /*Fullscreen icon menu*/; imenu[3] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.SplitscreenIconMenu") /*Split screen icon menu*/; imenu[4] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.LargeTabButtons") /*Large tab buttons*/; imenu[5] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.IconsMappedOnKeys") /*Icons mapped on keys*/; // imenu[5] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.OptimiseForRouting")/*Optimise for routing*/; imenu[6] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.FavoritesInRouteIconMenu") /*Favorites in route icon menu*/; imenuOpts = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.IconMenu") /*Icon Menu:*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, imenu, null); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 0, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 1, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SETUP)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 2, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_FULLSCREEN)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 3, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SPLITSCREEN)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 4, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_BIG_TAB_BUTTONS)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 5, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_MAPPED_ICONS)); // imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex(5, // Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_ROUTING_OPTIMIZED)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 6, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_FAVORITES_IN_ROUTE_ICON_MENU)); append(imenuOpts); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { String[] touch = new String[4]; int i = 0; touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.longMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.doubleMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.singleMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.clickableMarkers"); mapTapFeatures = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.MapTapFeatures") /*Map Touch Features*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, touch, null); i = 0; mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_LONG)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_DOUBLE)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_SINGLE)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_CLICKABLE_MAPOBJECTS)); append(mapTapFeatures); } // search options int iMax = 3; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { iMax++; } // #if iMax++; // #endif String[] search = null; search = new String[iMax]; int searchnum = 0; search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.scroll") /*Scroll result under cursor*/; search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.scrollall") /*Scroll all results*/; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.numberkeypad") /*Enable virtual keypad*/; } search[searchnum++] = Locale.get( "guisetupgui.SuppressSearchWarning") /*Suppress warning about exceeding max results*/; // #if search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.ShowNativeKeyboard") /*Show native keyboard in search*/; // #endif searchSettings = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.searchopts") /*Search options:*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, search, null); /* only display search settings available on the device */ // maximum search option entries searchnum = 0; searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH)); searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH_ALL)); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_TOUCH_NUMBERKEYPAD)); } searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SUPPRESS_SEARCH_WARNING)); // #if searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_SHOW_NATIVE_KEYBOARD)); // #endif append(searchSettings); String[] searchLayout = new String[2]; searchLayout[0] = Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchWholeNames") /*Search for whole names*/; searchLayout[1] = Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchWords") /*Search for words*/; searchLayoutGroup = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchStyle") /*Search style*/, Choice.EXCLUSIVE, searchLayout, null); searchLayoutGroup.setSelectedIndex( Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_WORD_ISEARCH) ? 1 : 0, true); append(searchLayoutGroup); int searchMax = Configuration.getSearchMax(); searchField = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.DefineMaxSearch") /*Max # of search results*/, Integer.toString(searchMax), 8, TextField.DECIMAL); append(searchField); float dist = Configuration.getPoiSearchDistance(); poiSearchDistance = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.PoiDistance") /*POI Distance: */, Float.toString(dist), 8, TextField.ANY); append(poiSearchDistance); String[] otherSettings = new String[1]; otherSettings[0] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.ExitWithBackButton") /* Back button exits application*/; otherGroup = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.otherOptions") /* Other options */, Choice.MULTIPLE, otherSettings, null); otherGroup.setSelectedIndex( 0, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_EXIT_APPLICATION_WITH_BACK_BUTTON)); append(otherGroup); addCommand(CMD_SAVE); addCommand(CMD_CANCEL); // Set up this Displayable to listen to command events setCommandListener(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == CMD_CANCEL) {; return; } if (c == CMD_SAVE) { try { long mem = Long.parseLong(memField.getString()); Configuration.setPhoneAllTimeMaxMemory(mem * 1024); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // nothing to do (ignore content) } try { int searchMax = Integer.parseInt(searchField.getString()); Configuration.setSearchMax(searchMax); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // nothing to do (ignore content) } try { float dist = Float.parseFloat(poiSearchDistance.getString()); Configuration.setPoiSearchDistance(dist); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // nothing to do (ignore content) } Trace trace = Trace.getInstance(); if (imenuOpts.isSelected(0) != Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS)) { trace.removeAllCommands(); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS, imenuOpts.isSelected(0)); trace.addAllCommands(); } Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SETUP, imenuOpts.isSelected(1)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_FULLSCREEN, imenuOpts.isSelected(2)); if (Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SPLITSCREEN) && !imenuOpts.isSelected(3)) { trace.stopShowingSplitScreen(); } Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SPLITSCREEN, imenuOpts.isSelected(3)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_BIG_TAB_BUTTONS, imenuOpts.isSelected(4)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_MAPPED_ICONS, imenuOpts.isSelected(5)); // Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_ROUTING_OPTIMIZED, // imenuOpts.isSelected(5)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_FAVORITES_IN_ROUTE_ICON_MENU, imenuOpts.isSelected(6)); // When the GUI is to be optimized for routing and we have a default // backlight method, turn the backlight on. // boolean optimizedForRouting = imenuOpts.isSelected(5); boolean optimizedForRouting = imenuOpts.isSelected(5); if (initialSetup && optimizedForRouting) { if (Configuration.getDefaultDeviceBacklightMethodCfgBit() != 0) { Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_BACKLIGHT_ON, true); ShareNav.getInstance().restartBackLightTimer(); } } Trace.uncacheIconMenu(); GuiDiscover.uncacheIconMenu(); boolean searchLayout = (searchLayoutGroup.getSelectedIndex() == 1); if (searchLayout != Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_WORD_ISEARCH)) { Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_WORD_ISEARCH, searchLayout); } int i = 0; Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH, searchSettings.isSelected(i++)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH_ALL, searchSettings.isSelected(i++)); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_TOUCH_NUMBERKEYPAD, searchSettings.isSelected(i++)); } Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_SUPPRESS_SEARCH_WARNING, searchSettings.isSelected(i++)); // #if Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_SHOW_NATIVE_KEYBOARD, searchSettings.isSelected(i++)); // #endif i = 0; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_LONG, mapTapFeatures.isSelected(i++)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_DOUBLE, mapTapFeatures.isSelected(i++)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_SINGLE, mapTapFeatures.isSelected(i++)); Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_CLICKABLE_MAPOBJECTS, mapTapFeatures.isSelected(i++)); } Configuration.setCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_EXIT_APPLICATION_WITH_BACK_BUTTON, otherGroup.isSelected(0));; return; } } public void show() { ShareNav.getInstance().show(this); } }
/** * This class implements the layout of the 'sign up' form of the WebAccounts pages * * <p>Used for editing of all SN types. * * @author Anders Bo Pedersen, [email protected] */ public class EditWebAccountForm extends BaseFramedForm { public static final Command cmdLogin = new Command(Locale.get(""), Command.SCREEN, 0); protected TitleBarItem titleitem; protected ExternalNetwork network; protected Identity iden; protected TextField usernameTextField, passwordTextField; public EditWebAccountForm(Model model, Controller controller, ExternalNetwork nw, Identity iden) { this(model, controller, nw, iden, null); } public EditWebAccountForm( Model model, Controller controller, ExternalNetwork nw, Identity iden, Style style) { super(model, controller, null, style); = nw; this.iden = iden; // #style webaccount_edit_headline Container info = new Container(false); info.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); // constructs network icon and sets default style to focused/'white' IconItem networkIcon = UiFactory.createNetworkIcon( (null != ? : ""), false); networkIcon.setStyle(networkIcon.getFocusedStyle()); networkIcon.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); info.add(networkIcon); info.add( // #style webaccount_edit_headline_text new StringItem( null, (null != ? : "") + " " + Locale.get(""))); this.append(info); String credentialsLabel = null; if (nw.getCredentialsType() == ExternalNetwork.CREDENTIALS_USERNAME) { credentialsLabel = Locale.get(""); } else if (nw.getCredentialsType() == ExternalNetwork.CREDENTIALS_USERNAME_OR_EMAIL) { credentialsLabel = Locale.get(""); } // add username textfield this.usernameTextField = UiFactory.createTextField( null, null, 128, TextField.ANY | TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER, this); // fix for PBLA-816 Touch device: predictive text while disabling the surepress // #if polish.blackberry this.usernameTextField.setNoComplexInput(true); // #endif // #if using.native.textfield:defined this.usernameTextField.setTitle(credentialsLabel); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(this.usernameTextField); // #endif // #endif // check for existing username if (null == this.iden) { this.usernameTextField.setHelpText(credentialsLabel); // #if polish.blackberry // #style ui_factory_textfield_helpfont usernameTextField.setHelpStyle(); // #endif } else { this.usernameTextField.setString(this.iden.getName()); // username uneditable in 'edit mode' // this.usernameTextField.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); } // add password textfield this.passwordTextField = UiFactory.createTextField( null, null, 128, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE | TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER | TextField.PASSWORD, this); // #if using.native.textfield:defined this.passwordTextField.setTitle(Locale.get("")); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(this.passwordTextField); // #elif polish.device.textField.requires.initialCapsNeverFix UiFactory.fixS40NativeTextField(this.passwordTextField); // #endif // #endif // check for existing password this.passwordTextField.setHelpText(Locale.get("")); // #if polish.blackberry // #style ui_factory_textfield_helpfont this.passwordTextField.setHelpStyle(); // #endif // #if polish.blackberry removeCommand(cmdBack); // #style ui_factory_button_item StringItem loginButton = UiFactory.createButtonItem( null, cmdLogin.getLabel(), (de.enough.polish.ui.Command) cmdLogin, null, null); append(loginButton); // #endif // adding disclaimer for given network if (null != { String[] disclaimer =; if (disclaimer[0] != null) { // #style .webaccount_edit_disclaimer_header this.append(disclaimer[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < disclaimer.length; i++) { // #style .webaccount_edit_disclaimer_text this.append(disclaimer[i]); } } // #if !polish.blackberry this.addCommand(cmdLogin); this.addCommand(cmdBack); // #endif } protected Item createBottomItem() { return null; } protected String createCssSelector() { return null; } protected Item[] createStaticItems() { if (null == iden) return new Item[] { this.titleitem = new TitleBarItem(Locale.get(""), getModel()) }; else return new Item[] { this.titleitem = new TitleBarItem(Locale.get(""), getModel()) }; } protected Item createTopItem() { return null; } public byte getContext() { return -1; } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == cmdLogin) { getController().notifyEvent(Event.Context.WEB_ACCOUNTS, Event.WebAccounts.SAVE, null); } else super.commandAction(c, d); } /** @return */ public ExternalNetwork getNetwork() { return; } /** @return */ public String getUsername() { return this.usernameTextField.getText(); } /** @return */ public String getPassword() { return this.passwordTextField.getString(); } public void showNotify() { super.showNotify(); // #if !polish.blackberry // #if not using.native.textfield:defined TextUtilities.loadTextFieldCharacterset( "la"); // Defaulting to latin characters as we only allow latin characters in input fields // #endif // #endif } // #if polish.blackberry // overrides /** * Handles key events. * * <p>WARNING: When this method should be overwritten, one need to ensure that super.keyPressed( * int ) is called! * * @param keyCode The code of the pressed key * @see de.enough.polish.ui.Screen#keyPressed(int) */ public void keyPressed(int keyCode) { if (Keypad.key(keyCode) == Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE) commandAction(cmdBack, this); else super.keyPressed(keyCode); } // #endif }
protected void setupScreen() { try { this.deleteAll(); addTag = false; if (osmentity == null) { this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.NoDataAvailable") /*No Data available*/, "...")); return; } Hashtable tags = osmentity.getTags(); if (tags == null) return; Enumeration keysEn = tags.keys(); while (keysEn.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keysEn.nextElement(); Item i = new StringItem(key, (String) tags.get(key)); i.addCommand(EDIT_CMD); i.addCommand(REMOVE_CMD); i.setItemCommandListener(this); // #style formItem this.append(i); } if (osmentity.getVersion() > 0) { // #style formItem this.append(new StringItem(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.Edited") /*Edited */, null)); // #style formItem this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("") /* at:*/, osmentity.getEditTime())); // #style formItem this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("") /* by:*/, osmentity.getEditor())); // #style formItem this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.ver") /* ver:*/, Integer.toString(osmentity.getVersion()))); } // #if ViewItem createButton = new SaveButton( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.CreateChangeset") /*Create changeset*/, this, (Displayable) this, CREATE_CHANGE_CMD); ViewItem closeButton = new SaveButton( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.CloseChangeset") /*Close changeset*/, this, (Displayable) this, CLOSE_CHANGE_CMD); this.append(createButton); this.append(closeButton); AndroidDisplay ad = AndroidDisplay.getDisplay(GpsMid.getInstance()); ad.setOnKeyListener( new OnKeyListener() { public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { // check if the right key was pressed if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { backPressed(); return true; } } return false; } }); // #endif } catch (Exception e) { logger.exception( Locale.get( "guiosmentitydisplay.InitialisingEntityTagScreenFailed") /*Initialising entity tag screen failed: */, e); } }
/** @author Jens Vesti */ public class LoginForm extends BaseForm // implements ItemCommandListener { public static Command cmdSave = new Command(Locale.get(""), Command.SCREEN, 10); public static Command cmdCancel = new Command(Locale.get(""), Command.CANCEL, 10); public static Command cmdExit = new Command(Locale.get(""), Command.EXIT, 10); boolean usernameReadonly = false; private TextField userName, passWord; private ChoiceItem rememberMeItem; private Model model; /** Title item displaying both screen name and current time */ protected TitleBarItem titleitem; // #if polish.blackberry private Command cmdQuit; // #endif public LoginForm( Model model, Controller controller, final String title, boolean firstLogin, final Style style) { super(model, controller, null, style); this.model = model; this.titleitem = new TitleBarItem(title, model); // #if polish.blackberry.isTouchBuild == true this.title = this.titleitem; // #else // add title item this.append(titleitem); // #endif // #if polish.blackberry titleitem.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); // #endif initForm(firstLogin); // focus on TextField of UserName input if (!usernameReadonly) { UiAccess.focus(this, userName); } } public LoginForm(Model model, Controller controller, final String title, boolean firstLogin) { this(model, controller, title, firstLogin, null); } // #if polish.blackberry public TextField getUserNameTextField() { return userName; } // #endif public String getUsername() { return userName.getString(); } public String getPassword() { return passWord.getString(); } public boolean isRememberMeSet() { return rememberMeItem.isSelected; } private void initForm(boolean firstLogin) { // #if !polish.blackberry this.addCommand(cmdSave); if (firstLogin) this.addCommand(cmdCancel); else this.addCommand(cmdExit); // #endif StringItem headLine; // #if polish.blackberry // #if polish.blackberry.isTouchBuild == false // #style .login_headline headLine = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("")); this.append(headLine); // #endif // #else // #style .login_headline headLine = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("")); this.append(headLine); // #endif // #if polish.blackberry && polish.blackberry.isTouchBuild == false headLine.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); // #endif String usernameString = model.getUserName(); String passwordString = ""; // #if username:defined // #message Username is set // #= usernameString = "${username}"; // #endif // #if password:defined // #message Password is set // #= passwordString = "${password}"; // #endif if (usernameString == null) usernameString = ""; if (passwordString == null) passwordString = ""; // username textfield // #if polish.blackberry userName = UiFactory.createTextField( Locale.get(""), usernameString, 255, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE, this); // fix for PBLA-816 Touch device: predictive text while disabling the surepress userName.setNoComplexInput(true); // #else userName = UiFactory.createTextField(null, usernameString, 255, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE, this); // #endif UiAccess.setTextfieldHelp(userName, Locale.get("")); // #if using.native.textfield:defined userName.setTitle(Locale.get("")); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(userName); // #endif // #endif if (userName.getText().length() > 0) { // Change username textfield into uneditable field once authenticated once to keep users from // switching username userName.setConstraints(TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE | TextField.UNEDITABLE); usernameReadonly = true; // #if not polish.blackberry // #style .login_textfield_readonly // #= userName.setStyle(); // #endif } // password textfield // #if polish.blackberry passWord = UiFactory.createTextField( Locale.get(""), passwordString, 255, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE | TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER | TextField.PASSWORD, this); // #else passWord = UiFactory.createTextField( null, passwordString, 255, TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER | TextField.PASSWORD, this); // #endif UiAccess.setTextfieldHelp(passWord, Locale.get("")); // #if using.native.textfield:defined passWord.setTitle(Locale.get("")); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(passWord); // #elif polish.device.textField.requires.initialCapsNeverFix:defined UiFactory.fixS40NativeTextField(passWord); // #endif // #endif rememberMeItem = UiFactory.createChoiceCheckBoxItem( Locale.get(""), Choice.MULTIPLE);; UiFactory.createChoiceGroup( null, ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE, new ChoiceItem[] {rememberMeItem}, 0, rememberMeItem.isSelected, null, this); // #if !polish.blackberry if (usernameReadonly) { this.focus(passWord); } // #endif // #if polish.blackberry // #style ui_factory_button_item StringItem loginButton = UiFactory.createButtonItem( null, cmdSave.getLabel(), (de.enough.polish.ui.Command) cmdSave, null, null); append(loginButton); if (firstLogin) { cmdQuit = cmdCancel; } else { cmdQuit = cmdExit; } // #endif } // #if polish.blackberry // overrides /** * Handles key events. * * <p>WARNING: When this method should be overwritten, one need to ensure that super.keyPressed( * int ) is called! * * @param keyCode The code of the pressed key */ public void keyPressed(int keyCode) { if (Keypad.key(keyCode) == Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE) getCommandListener().commandAction(cmdQuit, this); else super.keyPressed(keyCode); } // #endif public void showNotify() { super.showNotify(); // #if polish.blackberry.isTouchBuild == true DeviceControl.hideSoftKeyboard(); // #endif // #if !polish.blackberry // #if not using.native.textfield:defined TextUtilities.loadTextFieldCharacterset( "la"); // Defaulting to latin characters as we only allow latin characters in input fields // #endif // #endif } // Following snippet of code makes a screen dump of what is being displayed and saves it as a file // in default graphics directory // #if ${visualverification}==true // #public void paint(Graphics g) // #{ // # if(TestUtil.doPaint()) // # { // # super.paint(TestUtil.getGraphics(g)); // # TestUtil.flush(); // # } // # else // # super.paint(g); // #} // #endif // #if ${output.keystrokes}==true protected boolean handleKeyReleased(int keyCode, int gameAction) { System.out.println(DebugUtils.addKeystrokeReleased(keyCode)); return super.handleKeyReleased(keyCode, gameAction); } protected boolean handleKeyRepeated(int keyCode, int gameAction) { System.out.println(DebugUtils.addKeystrokeRepeated(keyCode)); return super.handleKeyRepeated(keyCode, gameAction); } protected boolean handleKeyPressed(int keyCode, int gameAction) { System.out.println(DebugUtils.addKeystrokePressed(keyCode)); return super.handleKeyPressed(keyCode, gameAction); } // #endif public void destroy() {} // #if polish.fix_uncaught_startup_exception public void create() { synchronized (this) { if (!this.isContentCreated) { createContent(); this.isContentCreated = true; } } } // #endif protected void createContent() {} public byte getContext() { return 0; } }
public EditWebAccountForm( Model model, Controller controller, ExternalNetwork nw, Identity iden, Style style) { super(model, controller, null, style); = nw; this.iden = iden; // #style webaccount_edit_headline Container info = new Container(false); info.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); // constructs network icon and sets default style to focused/'white' IconItem networkIcon = UiFactory.createNetworkIcon( (null != ? : ""), false); networkIcon.setStyle(networkIcon.getFocusedStyle()); networkIcon.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); info.add(networkIcon); info.add( // #style webaccount_edit_headline_text new StringItem( null, (null != ? : "") + " " + Locale.get(""))); this.append(info); String credentialsLabel = null; if (nw.getCredentialsType() == ExternalNetwork.CREDENTIALS_USERNAME) { credentialsLabel = Locale.get(""); } else if (nw.getCredentialsType() == ExternalNetwork.CREDENTIALS_USERNAME_OR_EMAIL) { credentialsLabel = Locale.get(""); } // add username textfield this.usernameTextField = UiFactory.createTextField( null, null, 128, TextField.ANY | TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER, this); // fix for PBLA-816 Touch device: predictive text while disabling the surepress // #if polish.blackberry this.usernameTextField.setNoComplexInput(true); // #endif // #if using.native.textfield:defined this.usernameTextField.setTitle(credentialsLabel); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(this.usernameTextField); // #endif // #endif // check for existing username if (null == this.iden) { this.usernameTextField.setHelpText(credentialsLabel); // #if polish.blackberry // #style ui_factory_textfield_helpfont usernameTextField.setHelpStyle(); // #endif } else { this.usernameTextField.setString(this.iden.getName()); // username uneditable in 'edit mode' // this.usernameTextField.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); } // add password textfield this.passwordTextField = UiFactory.createTextField( null, null, 128, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE | TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER | TextField.PASSWORD, this); // #if using.native.textfield:defined this.passwordTextField.setTitle(Locale.get("")); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(this.passwordTextField); // #elif polish.device.textField.requires.initialCapsNeverFix UiFactory.fixS40NativeTextField(this.passwordTextField); // #endif // #endif // check for existing password this.passwordTextField.setHelpText(Locale.get("")); // #if polish.blackberry // #style ui_factory_textfield_helpfont this.passwordTextField.setHelpStyle(); // #endif // #if polish.blackberry removeCommand(cmdBack); // #style ui_factory_button_item StringItem loginButton = UiFactory.createButtonItem( null, cmdLogin.getLabel(), (de.enough.polish.ui.Command) cmdLogin, null, null); append(loginButton); // #endif // adding disclaimer for given network if (null != { String[] disclaimer =; if (disclaimer[0] != null) { // #style .webaccount_edit_disclaimer_header this.append(disclaimer[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < disclaimer.length; i++) { // #style .webaccount_edit_disclaimer_text this.append(disclaimer[i]); } } // #if !polish.blackberry this.addCommand(cmdLogin); this.addCommand(cmdBack); // #endif }
/** * TODO Add ability to cancel out of settings (warn if changes made) * * @author rossd */ public class SettingsView extends View implements ItemCommandListener, ItemStateListener, TabbedFormListener { private static final Command SAVE = new Command(Locale.get("main.Save"), Command.CANCEL, 1); private static final Command OK = new Command(Locale.get("main.Ok"), Command.OK, 1); private static final Command DELETE = new Command(Locale.get("main.Delete"), Command.OK, 1); // TabbedForm tab indexes private static final int DISPLAY_TAB = 1; private static final int GENERAL_TAB = 0; // private static final int MAIL_TAB = 2; private static final int SHORTCUTS_TAB = 2; // Choice item indexes for show fragment ticker private static final int TICKER_CONV = 0; private static final int TICKER_MSG = 1; private static final int TICKER_APPT = 2; // Choice item indexes for fragment ticker speed private static final int TICKER_SLOW = 0; private static final int TICKER_MED = 1; private static final int TICKER_FAST = 2; // Choice item indexes for shortcut action private static final int SHORTCUT_FOLDER = 0; private static final int SHORTCUT_TAG = 1; private static final int SHORTCUT_SEARCH = 2; private Settings mSettings; // General Tab Elements private ChoiceGroup mKeepSignedInCG; private ChoiceGroup mCacheContactsCG; private ChoiceGroup mPreloadContactsCG; private ChoiceGroup mDelWOConfCG; private ChoiceGroup mDelWOConfSubCG; private ChoiceItem mDWOCConvCI; private ChoiceItem mDWOCMsgCI; // Display Tab Elements private ChoiceGroup mTickerCG; private ChoiceGroup mTickerSpeedCG; // Shortcut Tab Elements private de.enough.polish.ui.ListItem mShortcutList; private de.enough.polish.ui.ListItem mShortcutEditScreen; private ChoiceGroup mShortcutActionCG; private ChoiceGroup mShortcutButtonCG; private ShortcutItem mSelectedShortcut; public SettingsView(ZimbraME midlet, Settings settings) { super(midlet); mSettings = settings; // #style SettingsView TabbedForm f = new TabbedForm( Locale.get("main.Settings"), new String[] { Locale.get("settings.General"), Locale.get("settings.Display"), // Locale.get("settings.Mail"), Locale.get("settings.Shortcuts") }, null); // #if true // # mView = f; // #endif f.setItemStateListener(this); f.setTabbedFormListener(this); createGeneralTab(); createDisplayTab(); createShortcutsTab(); f.addCommand(SAVE); f.setCommandListener(this); f.setItemStateListener(this); } public void setCurrent() { // #if true // # initTabContent(((TabbedForm)mView).getSelectedTab()); // #endif mMidlet.mDisplay.setCurrent(mView); } public void commandAction(Command cmd, de.enough.polish.ui.Item item) { item = this.mShortcutList.getFocusedItem(); // #debug System.out.println( "cmd: " + cmd.getLabel() + ", type: " + cmd.getCommandType() + ", item: " + item); if (item instanceof ShortcutItem) { ShortcutItem shortcut = (ShortcutItem) item; createShortcutEditTab(shortcut); } } public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) { if (d == Dialogs.mErrorD) { mMidlet.setTopViewCurrent(); } else if (cmd == DELETE) { ShortcutItem item = (ShortcutItem) mShortcutList.getFocusedItem(); item.shortcut.action = 0; createShortcutsTab(); } else if (cmd == OK || cmd == CANCEL) { if (cmd == OK) { // save the current shortcut int button = mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.button; // #debug System.out.println("saving shortcut " + button); Shortcut s = mSettings.getShortcut(button); s.copy(mSelectedShortcut.shortcut); } createShortcutsTab(); } else { try { mSettings.flush(); mMidlet.setTopViewCurrent(); } catch (IOException e) { Dialogs.popupErrorDialog(mMidlet, this, Locale.get("error.FailedToSaveSettings")); } } } public void notifyTabChangeCompleted(int oldTabIdx, int newTabIdx) { initTabContent(newTabIdx); } public boolean notifyTabChangeRequested(int oldTabIdx, int newTabIdx) { return true; } public void itemStateChanged(Item item) { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif switch (f.getActiveTab()) { case GENERAL_TAB: itemStateChangedGeneralTab(item); break; case DISPLAY_TAB: itemStateChangedDisplayTab(item); break; case SHORTCUTS_TAB: itemStateChangedShortcutsTab(item); break; } } private void itemStateChangedGeneralTab(Item item) { ChoiceGroup cg = (ChoiceGroup) item; if (cg == mKeepSignedInCG) { mSettings.setKeepSignedIn(cg.isSelected(0)); } else if (cg == mCacheContactsCG) { mSettings.setCacheContacts(cg.isSelected(0)); } else if (cg == mPreloadContactsCG) { mSettings.setPreloadContacts(cg.isSelected(0)); } else if (cg == mDelWOConfCG) { setDelWOConfCG(cg.isSelected(0)); } else if (cg == mDelWOConfSubCG) { mSettings.setDelWOCConv(mDWOCConvCI.isSelected); mSettings.setDelWOCMsg(mDWOCMsgCI.isSelected); } } private void itemStateChangedDisplayTab(Item item) { ChoiceGroup cg = (ChoiceGroup) item; if (cg == mTickerCG) { mSettings.setShowConvTicker(cg.isSelected(TICKER_CONV)); mSettings.setShowMsgTicker(cg.isSelected(TICKER_MSG)); mSettings.setShowApptTicker(cg.isSelected(TICKER_APPT)); } else if (cg == mTickerSpeedCG) { switch (mTickerSpeedCG.getSelectedIndex()) { case TICKER_SLOW: mSettings.setTickerSpeed(Settings.SLOW_TICKER); break; case TICKER_MED: mSettings.setTickerSpeed(Settings.MED_TICKER); break; case TICKER_FAST: mSettings.setTickerSpeed(Settings.FAST_TICKER); break; } } } private void itemStateChangedShortcutsTab(Item item) { if (item == mShortcutButtonCG) { // #debug System.out.println("button: " + mShortcutButtonCG.getSelectedIndex()); mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.button = mShortcutButtonCG.getSelectedIndex(); return; } CollectionView v; switch (mShortcutActionCG.getSelectedIndex()) { case SHORTCUT_FOLDER: default: v = mMidlet.gotoFolderPickerView(mView); break; case SHORTCUT_TAG: v = mMidlet.gotoTagPickerView(mView, mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.destId); break; case SHORTCUT_SEARCH: v = mMidlet.gotoSavedSearchPickerView(mView); break; } v.setListener(new PickerListener(this, mSelectedShortcut)); } private void initTabContent(int tabIdx) { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif switch (tabIdx) { case GENERAL_TAB: initGeneralTab(); f.removeCommand(DELETE); break; case DISPLAY_TAB: initDisplayTab(); f.removeCommand(DELETE); break; case SHORTCUTS_TAB: initShortcutsTab(); f.addCommand(DELETE); break; } } private void initGeneralTab() { mKeepSignedInCG.setSelectedIndex(0, mSettings.getKeepSignedIn()); mCacheContactsCG.setSelectedIndex(0, mSettings.getCacheContacts()); mPreloadContactsCG.setSelectedIndex(0, mSettings.getPreloadContacts()); setDelWOConfCG(mSettings.getDelWOConf());;; } private void initDisplayTab() { mTickerCG.setSelectedIndex(TICKER_CONV, mSettings.getShowConvTicker()); mTickerCG.setSelectedIndex(TICKER_MSG, mSettings.getShowMsgTicker()); mTickerCG.setSelectedIndex(TICKER_APPT, mSettings.getShowApptTicker()); switch (mSettings.getTickerSpeed()) { case Settings.SLOW_TICKER: mTickerSpeedCG.setSelectedIndex(TICKER_SLOW, true); break; case Settings.MED_TICKER: mTickerSpeedCG.setSelectedIndex(TICKER_MED, true); break; case Settings.FAST_TICKER: mTickerSpeedCG.setSelectedIndex(TICKER_FAST, true); break; } } private void initShortcutsTab() {} private void createGeneralTab() { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif // #style ChoiceGroup mKeepSignedInCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mKeepSignedInCG.append(Locale.get("login.KeepSignedIn"), null); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mKeepSignedInCG); // #style ChoiceGroup mCacheContactsCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mCacheContactsCG.append(Locale.get("settings.CacheContacts"), null); /* TODO Add this in later f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mCacheContactsCG); */ // ========== Preload Contacts // #style ChoiceGroup mPreloadContactsCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mPreloadContactsCG.append(Locale.get("settings.PreloadContacts"), null); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mPreloadContactsCG); // ========== Delete w/o confirmation boolean delWOC = mSettings.getDelWOConf(); // #style ChoiceGroupOffset mDelWOConfCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mDelWOConfCG.append(Locale.get("settings.DelWOConf"), null); mDelWOConfCG.setSelectedIndex(0, delWOC); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mDelWOConfCG); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mDelWOConfSubCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mDWOCConvCI = new ChoiceItem(Locale.get("settings.Conversations"), null, Choice.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mDWOCMsgCI = new ChoiceItem(Locale.get("settings.Messages"), null, Choice.MULTIPLE); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, mDelWOConfSubCG); // TODO remove when Polish fixes bug that causes layout/highlighting weirdness if the below is // removed // #style Spacer StringItem s = new StringItem(null, ""); f.append(GENERAL_TAB, s); } private void createDisplayTab() { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif // #style SpanningLabel StringItem s = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.ShowTickersFor")); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, s); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mTickerCG = new ChoiceGroup("", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Conversations"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Messages"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Appointments"), null); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, mTickerCG); // ========== Ticker Speed // #style SpanningLabel s = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.TickerSpeed")); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, s); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mTickerSpeedCG = new ChoiceGroup(null, ChoiceGroup.EXCLUSIVE); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerSpeedCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Slow"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerSpeedCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Medium"), null); // #style ChoiceItem mTickerSpeedCG.append(Locale.get("settings.Fast"), null); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, mTickerSpeedCG); // TODO remove when Polish fixes bug that causes layout/highlighting weirdness if the below is // removed // #style Spacer s = new StringItem(null, ""); f.append(DISPLAY_TAB, s); } private void createShortcutsTab() { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif // #style ChoiceGroup mShortcutList = new de.enough.polish.ui.ListItem(null); Shortcut[] shortcuts = mSettings.getShortcuts(); Shortcut firstUnused = null; for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) { if (!shortcuts[i].isConfigured()) { firstUnused = shortcuts[i]; break; } } ChoiceItem ci = null; if (firstUnused != null) { // #style ChoiceItem ci = new ShortcutItem(Locale.get("settings.NewShortcut"), null, List.IMPLICIT, firstUnused); mShortcutList.append(ci); } for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) { if (!shortcuts[i].isConfigured()) continue; // #style ChoiceItem ci = new ShortcutItem(shortcuts[i].toString(), null, List.IMPLICIT, shortcuts[i]); mShortcutList.append(ci); } f.deleteAll(SHORTCUTS_TAB); f.removeCommand(OK); f.removeCommand(CANCEL); f.addCommand(SAVE); f.addCommand(DELETE); f.append(SHORTCUTS_TAB, mShortcutList); mShortcutList.setItemCommandListener(this); mShortcutList.setDefaultCommand(List.SELECT_COMMAND); } private void createShortcutEditTab(ShortcutItem si) { TabbedForm f = null; // #if true // # f = (TabbedForm)mView; // #endif mSelectedShortcut = new ShortcutItem(si); int selectedIndex; switch (mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.action) { case Shortcut.ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER: default: selectedIndex = SHORTCUT_FOLDER; break; case Shortcut.ACTION_TAG: selectedIndex = SHORTCUT_TAG; break; case Shortcut.ACTION_RUN_SAVED_SEARCH: selectedIndex = SHORTCUT_SEARCH; break; } mShortcutEditScreen = new de.enough.polish.ui.ListItem(Locale.get("settings.EditShortcut")); // #style SpanningLabel Item item = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.Button")); mShortcutEditScreen.append(item); // #style ChoiceGroupPopup mShortcutButtonCG = new ChoiceGroup(null, Choice.POPUP); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // #style ChoiceItemPopup mShortcutButtonCG.append("# " + i, null); } mShortcutButtonCG.setSelectedIndex(mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.button, true); mShortcutEditScreen.append(mShortcutButtonCG); // #style SpanningLabel item = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("settings.Action")); mShortcutEditScreen.append(item); // #style ChoiceGroupIndented mShortcutActionCG = new ChoiceGroup(null, ChoiceGroup.EXCLUSIVE); // #style ChoiceItem mShortcutActionCG.append( mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.toString(false, Shortcut.ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER), null); // #style ChoiceItem mShortcutActionCG.append(mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.toString(false, Shortcut.ACTION_TAG), null); // #style ChoiceItem mShortcutActionCG.append( mSelectedShortcut.shortcut.toString(false, Shortcut.ACTION_RUN_SAVED_SEARCH), null); mShortcutEditScreen.append(mShortcutActionCG); mShortcutActionCG.setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex, true); f.removeCommand(SAVE); f.removeCommand(DELETE); f.addCommand(OK); f.addCommand(CANCEL); f.deleteAll(SHORTCUTS_TAB); f.append(SHORTCUTS_TAB, mShortcutEditScreen); } static class ShortcutItem extends ChoiceItem { Shortcut shortcut; ShortcutItem(ShortcutItem copy) { super(copy.text, null, 0); shortcut = new Shortcut(copy.shortcut); } ShortcutItem(String text, Image image, int type, Shortcut s) { super(text, image, type); shortcut = s; } ShortcutItem(String text, Image image, int type, Shortcut s, Style style) { super(text, image, type, style); shortcut = s; } } static class PickerListener implements ZmeListener { SettingsView v; ShortcutItem s; PickerListener(SettingsView view, ShortcutItem item) { v = view; s = item; } public void action(Object obj, Object data) { if (data instanceof MailboxItem) handleMailboxItemPick((MailboxItem) data); else if (data instanceof Vector) handleMultiMailboxItemPick((Vector) data); } public void handleMailboxItemPick(MailboxItem mi) { if (mi instanceof Folder) s.shortcut.action = Shortcut.ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER; else if (mi instanceof SavedSearch) s.shortcut.action = Shortcut.ACTION_RUN_SAVED_SEARCH; s.shortcut.destId = new String[1]; s.shortcut.destId[0] = mi.mId; s.shortcut.dest = new String[1]; s.shortcut.dest[0] = mi.mName; v.createShortcutEditTab(s); } public void handleMultiMailboxItemPick(Vector mi) { int sz = mi.size(); s.shortcut.dest = new String[sz]; s.shortcut.destId = new String[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { s.shortcut.destId[i] = ((MailboxItem) mi.elementAt(i)).mId; s.shortcut.dest[i] = ((MailboxItem) mi.elementAt(i)).mName; } s.shortcut.action = Shortcut.ACTION_TAG; v.createShortcutEditTab(s); } } private void setDelWOConfCG(boolean selected) { // TODO Hack around J2ME Polish bug that cause the items to not get focus when // re-enabled mDelWOConfSubCG.deleteAll(); if (selected) { // #style ChoiceItem UiAccess.setAccessible(mDWOCConvCI, true); // #style ChoiceItem UiAccess.setAccessible(mDWOCMsgCI, true); } else { // #style ChoiceItemDisabled UiAccess.setAccessible(mDWOCConvCI, false); // #style ChoiceItemDisabled UiAccess.setAccessible(mDWOCMsgCI, false); } // TODO Continue of hack above // #if true // # mDelWOConfSubCG.append(mDWOCConvCI); // # mDelWOConfSubCG.append(mDWOCMsgCI); // #endif mSettings.setDelWOConf(selected); } }
public abstract class GuiOsmEntityDisplay extends Form implements GpsMidDisplayable, CommandListener, UploadListener, ItemCommandListener, SaveButtonListener { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(GuiOsmEntityDisplay.class, Logger.DEBUG); protected final Command BACK_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("generic.Back") /*Back*/, Command.BACK, 1); protected final Command OK_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("generic.OK") /*OK*/, Command.OK, 1); protected final Command ADD_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.AddTag") /*Add tag*/, Command.ITEM, 2); protected final Command EDIT_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.EditTag") /*Edit tag*/, Command.ITEM, 2); protected final Command REMOVE_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.RemoveTag") /*Remove tag*/, Command.ITEM, 3); protected final Command UPLOAD_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.UploadToOSM") /*Upload to OSM*/, Command.OK, 6); protected final Command REMOVE_ENTITY_CMD = new Command( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.RemoveEntity") /*Remove Entity*/, Command.ITEM, 3); protected final Command CREATE_CHANGE_CMD = new Command( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.CreateChangeset") /*Create changeset*/, Command.OK, 6); protected final Command CLOSE_CHANGE_CMD = new Command( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.CloseChangeset") /*Close changeset*/, Command.OK, 6); protected static final int LOAD_STATE_NONE = 0; protected static final int LOAD_STATE_LOAD = 1; protected static final int LOAD_STATE_UPLOAD = 2; protected static final int LOAD_STATE_CHANGESET = 3; protected static final int LOAD_STATE_DELETE_CHANGESET = 4; protected static final int LOAD_STATE_DELETE = 5; protected GpsMidDisplayable parent; protected static GuiOsmChangeset changesetGui; protected int loadState; protected OsmDataEntity osmentity; protected Image typeImage; protected boolean addTag; public GuiOsmEntityDisplay(String title, GpsMidDisplayable parent) { super(title); this.parent = parent; addCommand(BACK_CMD); addCommand(ADD_CMD); addCommand(UPLOAD_CMD); addCommand(REMOVE_ENTITY_CMD); addCommand(CREATE_CHANGE_CMD); addCommand(CLOSE_CHANGE_CMD); setCommandListener(this); osmentity = null; } protected void setupScreen() { try { this.deleteAll(); addTag = false; if (osmentity == null) { this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.NoDataAvailable") /*No Data available*/, "...")); return; } Hashtable tags = osmentity.getTags(); if (tags == null) return; Enumeration keysEn = tags.keys(); while (keysEn.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keysEn.nextElement(); Item i = new StringItem(key, (String) tags.get(key)); i.addCommand(EDIT_CMD); i.addCommand(REMOVE_CMD); i.setItemCommandListener(this); // #style formItem this.append(i); } if (osmentity.getVersion() > 0) { // #style formItem this.append(new StringItem(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.Edited") /*Edited */, null)); // #style formItem this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("") /* at:*/, osmentity.getEditTime())); // #style formItem this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("") /* by:*/, osmentity.getEditor())); // #style formItem this.append( new StringItem( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.ver") /* ver:*/, Integer.toString(osmentity.getVersion()))); } // #if ViewItem createButton = new SaveButton( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.CreateChangeset") /*Create changeset*/, this, (Displayable) this, CREATE_CHANGE_CMD); ViewItem closeButton = new SaveButton( Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.CloseChangeset") /*Close changeset*/, this, (Displayable) this, CLOSE_CHANGE_CMD); this.append(createButton); this.append(closeButton); AndroidDisplay ad = AndroidDisplay.getDisplay(GpsMid.getInstance()); ad.setOnKeyListener( new OnKeyListener() { public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { // check if the right key was pressed if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { backPressed(); return true; } } return false; } }); // #endif } catch (Exception e) { logger.exception( Locale.get( "guiosmentitydisplay.InitialisingEntityTagScreenFailed") /*Initialising entity tag screen failed: */, e); } } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == BACK_CMD) { if (d == this) {; } else { show(); } } if (c == ADD_CMD) { this.addTag = true; TextField tf = new TextField(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.key") /*key*/, "", 100, TextField.ANY); tf.addCommand(OK_CMD); tf.setItemCommandListener(this); this.append(tf); Display.getDisplay(GpsMid.getInstance()).setCurrentItem(tf); tf = new TextField(Locale.get("guiosmentitydisplay.value") /*value*/, "", 100, TextField.ANY); tf.addCommand(OK_CMD); tf.setItemCommandListener(this); this.append(tf); } if (c == CREATE_CHANGE_CMD) { changesetGui = new GuiOsmChangeset(this, this);; } if (c == CLOSE_CHANGE_CMD) { if (changesetGui == null) { logger.error( Locale.get( "guiosmentitydisplay.NoChangesetIsCurrentlyOpen") /*No changeset is currently open*/); } else { changesetGui.closeChangeset(); changesetGui = null; } } } public void show() { GpsMid.getInstance().show(this); } public void startProgress(String title) { // Not supported/used at the moment. } public void setProgress(String message) { // Not supported/used at the moment. } public void updateProgress(String message) { // Not supported/used at the moment. } public abstract void completedUpload(boolean success, String message); public void uploadAborted() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void updateProgressValue(int value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void commandAction(Command c, Item it) { // #debug info"Command " + c + " Item " + it); Hashtable tags = osmentity.getTags(); if (c == REMOVE_CMD) { tags.remove(((StringItem) it).getLabel()); setupScreen(); } if (c == EDIT_CMD) { for (int i = 0; i < this.size(); i++) { if (this.get(i) == it) { StringItem si = (StringItem) it; this.delete(i); TextField tf = new TextField(it.getLabel(), si.getText(), 100, TextField.ANY); tf.addCommand(OK_CMD); tf.setItemCommandListener(this); this.insert(i, tf); Display.getDisplay(GpsMid.getInstance()).setCurrentItem(tf); } } } if (c == OK_CMD) { if (addTag) { tags.put( ((TextField) this.get(this.size() - 2)).getString(), ((TextField) this.get(this.size() - 1)).getString()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.size(); i++) { if (this.get(i) == it) { TextField tf = (TextField) it; tags.put(it.getLabel(), tf.getString()); } } } addTag = false; setupScreen(); } } public void refresh() {} public void backPressed() {; } }
public void run() { PaintContext createPC = null; final byte MAXCRASHES = 5; byte crash = 0; do { try { while (!shutdown) { if (!needRedraw || suspended) { synchronized (this) { try { /* FIXME: We still have some situations where redraw is not done automatically immediately, * e.g. on Nokia 5800 after returning from another Displayable * Therefore reduce the timeout for redrawing anyway from 30 seconds to 1 seconds * if the last user interaction happened less than 1.5 secs before if (Trace.getDurationSinceLastUserActionTime() > 1500 ) { wait(30000); } else { wait(1000); } */ wait(30000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; // Recheck condition of the loop } } } needRedraw = false; // moved here and deleted from the bottom of this routine // #debug debug logger.debug("Redrawing Map"); iDrawState = 1; synchronized (this) { while (pc[nextCreate].state != PaintContext.STATE_READY && !shutdown) { try { // System.out.println("img not ready"); wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (suspended || shutdown) { continue; } pc[nextCreate].state = PaintContext.STATE_IN_CREATE; } iDrawState = 2; createPC = pc[nextCreate]; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // create PaintContext createPC.xSize = nextSc.xSize; createPC.ySize = nextSc.ySize; =; mapCenter =; createPC.scale = nextSc.scale; createPC.course = nextSc.course; // Projection p = ProjFactory.getInstance(, // nextSc.course, nextSc.scale, xSize, ySize); createPC.setP(nextSc.getP()); // p.inverse(xSize, 0, createPC.screenRU); // p.inverse(0, ySize, createPC.screenLD); // pcCollect.trace = nextSc.trace; // pcCollect.dataReader = nextSc.dataReader; // cleans the screen createPC.g = img[nextCreate].getGraphics(); createPC.g.setColor(Legend.COLORS[Legend.COLOR_MAP_BACKGROUND]); createPC.g.fillRect(0, 0, xSize, ySize); // createPC.g.setColor(0x00FF0000); // createPC.g.drawRect(0, 0, xSize - 1, ySize - 1); // createPC.g.drawRect(20, 20, xSize - 41, ySize - 41); createPC.squareDstWithPenToWay = Float.MAX_VALUE; createPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay = Float.MAX_VALUE; createPC.squareDstWithPenToRoutePath = Float.MAX_VALUE; createPC.squareDstToRoutePath = Float.MAX_VALUE; createPC.dest = nextSc.dest; createPC.waysPainted = 0; // System.out.println("create " + pcCollect); Way.setupDirectionalPenalty(createPC, tr.speed, tr.gpsRecenter && !tr.gpsRecenterInvalid); float boost = Configuration.getMaxDetailBoostMultiplier(); /* * layers containing highlighted path segments */ createPC.hlLayers = 0; /* * highlighted path is on top if gps recentered, but if not it might still come to top * when we determine during painting that the cursor is closer than 25 meters at the route line. */ createPC.highlightedPathOnTop = tr.gpsRecenter; /** * At the moment we don't really have proper layer support in the data yet, so only split * it into Area, Way and Node layers */ byte layersToRender[] = { Tile.LAYER_AREA, 1 | Tile.LAYER_AREA, 2 | Tile.LAYER_AREA, 3 | Tile.LAYER_AREA, 4 | Tile.LAYER_AREA, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Tile.LAYER_NODE, 0 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT, 1 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT, 2 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT, 3 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT }; /** * Draw each layer separately to enforce paint ordering: * * <p>Go through the entire tile tree multiple times to get the drawing order correct. * * <p>The first 5 layers correspond to drawing areas with the osm layer tag of (< -1, -1, * 0, 1, >1), then next 5 layers are drawing streets with osm layer tag (< -1, -1, 0, 1, * >1). * * <p>Then we draw the highlighted streets and finally we draw the POI layer. * * <p>So e. g. layer 7 corresponds to all streets that have no osm layer tag or layer = 0. */ boolean simplifyMap = Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SIMPLIFY_MAP_WHEN_BUSY); boolean skippableLayer = false; if (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TMS_BACKGROUND)) { RasterTile.drawRasterMap(createPC, createPC.trace.rootWindow); } for (byte layer = 0; layer < layersToRender.length; layer++) { if (simplifyMap) { skippableLayer = ((layer < 5 && layer > 1) // #if polish.api.finland // don't skip node layer where speed camera is if camera alert is on || (layer == 14 && !Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SPEEDCAMERA_ALERT)) // #else || (layer == 14) // #endif // #if || (Trace.getInstance().mapBrowsing && ((layer < 5) || layer == 14)) // #else || (Trace.getInstance().mapBrowsing && ((layer < 5 && layer > 1) || layer == 14)) // #endif ); // skip update if a new one is queued if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } } if (layersToRender[layer] == Tile.LAYER_NODE) { tr.resetClickableMarkers(); } // render only highlight layers which actually have highlighted path segments if ((layersToRender[layer] & Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT) > 0 && layersToRender[layer] != Tile.LAYER_NODE) { /** * as we do two passes for each way layer when gps recentered - one for the ways and * one for the route line on top, we can use in the second pass the determined route * path connection / idx to highlight the route line in the correct / prior route line * color. when not gps recentered, this info will be by one image obsolete however */ if (layersToRender[layer] == Tile .LAYER_HIGHLIGHT /*(0 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT) pointless bitwise operation*/) { /* * only take ImageCollector loops into account for dstToRoutePath if ways were painted * otherwise this would trigger wrong route recalculations */ if (createPC.waysPainted != 0) { // RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath = // createPC.getDstFromSquareDst(createPC.squareDstToRoutePath); RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath = createPC.getDstFromRouteSegment(); if (RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath != RouteInstructions.DISTANCE_UNKNOWN) { RouteInstructions.routePathConnection = createPC.routePathConnection; RouteInstructions.pathIdxInRoutePathConnection = createPC.pathIdxInRoutePathConnection; RouteInstructions.actualRoutePathWay = createPC.actualRoutePathWay; // when we determine during painting that the cursor is closer than 25 meters at // the route line, bring it to the top if (RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath < 25) { createPC.highlightedPathOnTop = true; } } // System.out.println("waysPainted: " + createPC.waysPainted); } else { // FIXME: Sometimes there are ImageCollector loop with no way pained even when // ways would be there and tile data is fully loaded // Update 2011-06-11: Might be fixed with the patch from gojkos at [ // sharenav-Bugs-3310178 ] Delayed map draw on LG cookie phone // Update 2012-03-17 (patch from walter9): The image collector has been started // twice. This seems to be fixed now in System.out.println("No ways painted in this ImageCollector loop"); } } byte relLayer = (byte) (((int) layersToRender[layer]) & 0x0000000F); if ((createPC.hlLayers & (1 << relLayer)) == 0) { continue; } } minTile = Legend.scaleToTile((int) (createPC.scale / (boost * overviewTileScaleBoost))); if (t[0] != null) { if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } t[0].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]); if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } } if ((minTile >= 1) && (t[1] != null)) { if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } t[1].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]); if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } Thread.yield(); } if ((minTile >= 2) && (t[2] != null)) { if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } t[2].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]); if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } Thread.yield(); } if ((minTile >= 3) && (t[3] != null)) { if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } t[3].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]); if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) { continue; } Thread.yield(); } /** Drawing waypoints */ if (t[DictReader.GPXZOOMLEVEL] != null) { t[DictReader.GPXZOOMLEVEL].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]); } if (suspended) { // Don't continue rendering if suspended createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY; break; } } /** Drawing debuginfo for routing */ if (!suspended && t[DictReader.ROUTEZOOMLEVEL] != null && (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ROUTE_CONNECTIONS) || Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SHOW_TURN_RESTRICTIONS))) { t[DictReader.ROUTEZOOMLEVEL].paint(createPC, (byte) 0); } iDrawState = 0; icDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; // #mdebug"Painting map took " + icDuration + " ms"); // #enddebug System.out.println("Painting map took " + icDuration + " ms " + xSize + "/" + ySize); createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY; lastCreatedSc = createPC.cloneToScreenContext(); if (!shutdown) { newCollected(); } createImageCount++; // needRedraw = false; tr.cleanup(); // System.out.println("create ready"); // System.gc(); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { if (createPC != null) { createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY; } String recoverZoomedIn = ""; crash++; if (tr.scale > 10000 && crash < MAXCRASHES) { tr.scale /= 1.5f; recoverZoomedIn = Locale.get("imagecollector.ZoomingInToRecover") /* Zooming in to recover.*/; } logger.fatal( Locale.get( "imagecollector.ImageCollectorRanOutOfMemory") /*ImageCollector ran out of memory: */ + oome.getMessage() + recoverZoomedIn); } catch (Exception e) { crash++; logger.exception( Locale.get( "imagecollector.ImageCollectorCrashed") /*ImageCollector thread crashed unexpectedly with error */, e); } if (crash >= MAXCRASHES) { logger.fatal( Locale.get( "imagecollector.ImageCollectorCrashedAborting") /*ImageCollector crashed too often. Aborting.*/); } } while (!shutdown && crash < MAXCRASHES); processorThread = null; synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); } }
public class GuiGpxOsmUpload extends Form implements GpsMidDisplayable, CommandListener, ExportSession { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(GuiGpxOsmUpload.class, Logger.DEBUG); private static final Command BACK_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("generic.Cancel") /*Cancel*/, Command.BACK, 2); private static final Command OK_CMD = new Command(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Upload") /*Upload*/, Command.OK, 1); private TextField descriptionTF; private TextField tagsTF; private ChoiceGroup publicCG; private String description; private String tags; private boolean proceed = false; private ByteArrayOutputStream gpxOS; private String url; private String name; private boolean publicFlag; public GuiGpxOsmUpload() { super(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.GPXToOSM") /*GPX upload to OSM*/); descriptionTF = new TextField( Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Description") /*Description:*/, "", 255, TextField.ANY); tagsTF = new TextField(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Tags") /*Tags:*/, "", 255, TextField.ANY); String[] items = new String[1]; items[0] = Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Public") /*Public*/; publicCG = new ChoiceGroup("", Choice.MULTIPLE, items, null); this.append(descriptionTF); this.append(tagsTF); this.append(publicCG); this.addCommand(OK_CMD); this.addCommand(BACK_CMD); this.setCommandListener(this); } public void upload() throws IOException {"guigpxosmupload.UploadingOSMGPX") /*Uploading OSM GPX*/); int respCode; String respMessage; try { HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection); System.out.println(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Connection") /*Connection: */ + connection); connection.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST); connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "GpsMid"); connection.setRequestProperty( "Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encode(Configuration.getOsmUsername() + ":" + Configuration.getOsmPwd())); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" + name + "\"\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(new String(gpxOS.toByteArray())); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"tags\"\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(tags + "\r\n"); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"description\"\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(description + "\r\n"); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"public\"\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(publicFlag ? "1" : "0" + "\r\n"); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879--\r\n"); osw.flush(); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(baos.toByteArray().length)); connection.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------12132519071893744613145780879"); OutputStream os = connection.openOutputStream(); os.write(baos.toByteArray()); os.flush(); // HTTP Response respCode = connection.getResponseCode(); respMessage = connection.getResponseMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException( Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.FailedUploadingGPX") /*Failed uploading GPX: */ + e.getMessage()); } if (respCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {"Successfully uploaded GPX"); } else { throw new IOException( Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.GPXTraceNotAccepted") /*GPX trace was not accepted (*/ + respCode + "): " + respMessage); } } public void show() { GpsMid.getInstance().show(this); } public synchronized void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == OK_CMD) { description = descriptionTF.getString(); tags = tagsTF.getString(); boolean[] publicFlags = new boolean[1]; publicCG.getSelectedFlags(publicFlags); publicFlag = publicFlags[0]; proceed = true;"Uploading GPX: desc=" + description + " tags=" + tags + " public=" + publicFlag); GpsMid.getInstance().showPreviousDisplayable(); notifyAll(); } if (c == BACK_CMD) { proceed = false; GpsMid.getInstance().showPreviousDisplayable(); notifyAll(); } } public void closeSession() throws IOException { upload(); } public OutputStream openSession(String url, String name) { this.url = url; = name; show(); synchronized (this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } } if (!proceed) return null; gpxOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); return gpxOS; } }
/** * copy the last created image to the real screen * * <p>public void restart() { processorThread = new Thread(this, "ImageCollector"); //#if * processorThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); //#else * processorThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); //#endif //#if not polish.api.paintdirect * processorThread.start(); //#endif } * * <p>/** copy the last created image to the real screen but with the last collected position and * direction in the center */ public Node paint(PaintContext screenPc) { PaintContext paintPC; // System.out.println("paint this: " + screenPc); // System.out.println("paint image: " + pc[nextPaint]); if (suspended || !collectorReady) { return new Node(0, 0); } // Define the parameters for the next image that will be created =; nextSc.course = screenPc.course; nextSc.scale = screenPc.scale; nextSc.dest = screenPc.dest; nextSc.xSize = screenPc.xSize; nextSc.ySize = screenPc.ySize; Projection p = ProjFactory.getInstance(, nextSc.course, nextSc.scale, xSize, ySize); // System.out.println("p =" + p); Projection p1 = ProjFactory.getInstance(, pc[nextPaint].course, pc[nextPaint].scale, xSize, ySize); // System.out.println("p =" + p1); nextSc.setP(p); screenPc.setP(p); synchronized (this) { if (pc[nextPaint].state != PaintContext.STATE_READY) { logger.error( Locale.get( "imagecollector.ImageCollectorNonReadyPaintContext") /*ImageCollector was trying to draw a non ready PaintContext */ + pc[nextPaint].state); return new Node(0, 0); } paintPC = pc[nextPaint]; paintPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_IN_PAINT; } int screenXCenter = xSize / 2 - xScreenOverscan; int screenYCenter = ySize / 2 - yScreenOverscan; int newXCenter = screenXCenter; int newYCenter = screenYCenter; // return center of the map image drawn to the caller Node getDrawnCenter =; if (p.isOrthogonal()) { // maps can painted so that the hotspot is at the predefined point on the screen // therfore the offset is useful in that case its not necessary to create a new image // if the position has changed less then half of the offset if (lastCreatedSc != null) { p1.forward(, oldCenter); newXCenter = oldCenter.x - p.getImageCenter().x + screenXCenter; newYCenter = oldCenter.y - p.getImageCenter().y + screenYCenter; // System.out.println("Paint pos = " + newXCenter + "/" + // newYCenter); // System.out.println("Paint ysize=" + ySize + " nextSc.xSize=" // + nextSc.ySize + " hotspot=" + p.getImageCenter()); } screenPc.g.drawImage( img[nextPaint], newXCenter, newYCenter, Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.HCENTER); // Test if the new center is around the middle of the screen, in which // case we don't need to redraw (recreate a new image), as nothing has changed. if (Math.abs(newXCenter - screenXCenter) > 4 || Math.abs(newYCenter - screenYCenter) > 4 || paintPC.course != nextSc.course) { // The center of the screen has moved or rotated, so need // to redraw the map image needRedraw = true; // System.out.println("wakeup thread because course or position changed"); // System.out.println("Changed " + newXCenter + "->" + // screenXCenter + " and " + newYCenter + "->" + screenYCenter); } } else { screenPc.g.drawImage( img[nextPaint], screenXCenter, screenYCenter, Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.HCENTER); p.forward(, oldCenter); newXCenter = oldCenter.x - p.getImageCenter().x + screenXCenter; newYCenter = oldCenter.y - p.getImageCenter().y + screenYCenter; if (Math.abs(newXCenter - screenXCenter) > 1 || Math.abs(newYCenter - screenYCenter) > 1 || paintPC.course != nextSc.course) { needRedraw = true; } } // screenPc.g.drawArc(newXCenter-14, newYCenter-14, 28, 28, 0, 360); // if (p instanceof Proj3D){ // screenPc.g.setColor(255,50,50); // IntPoint pt0 = new IntPoint(); // IntPoint pt1 = new IntPoint(); // Proj3D p3=(Proj3D)p; // p.forward(p3.borderLD,pt0); // p.forward(p3.borderLU,pt1); // screenPc.g.drawLine(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt1.x, pt1.y); // p.forward(p3.borderRU,pt0); // screenPc.g.drawLine(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt1.x, pt1.y); // p.forward(p3.borderRD,pt1); // screenPc.g.drawLine(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt1.x, pt1.y); // p.forward(p3.borderLD,pt0); // screenPc.g.drawLine(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt1.x, pt1.y); // // } String name = null; Way wayForName = null; /** * used to check for pixel distances because checking for meters from converted pixels requires * to be exactly on the pixel when zoomed out far */ final int SQUARE_MAXPIXELS = 5 * 5; // Tolerance of 15 pixels converted to meters float pixDest = 15 / paintPC.ppm; if (pixDest < 15) { pixDest = 15; } if (paintPC.trace.gpsRecenter) { // Show closest routable way name if map is gpscentered and we are // closer // than SQUARE_MAXPIXELS or 30 m (including penalty) to it. // If the routable way is too far away, we try the closest way. if (paintPC.bUsedGpsCenter == false) { if (paintPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay < SQUARE_MAXPIXELS || paintPC.getDstFromSquareDst(paintPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay) < 30) { wayForName = paintPC.actualRoutableWay; } else if (paintPC.squareDstWithPenToWay < SQUARE_MAXPIXELS || paintPC.getDstFromSquareDst(paintPC.squareDstWithPenToWay) < 30) { wayForName = paintPC.actualWay; } } else { if (paintPC.getDstFromRouteableWay() < 100) { wayForName = paintPC.actualRoutableWay; } else if (paintPC.getDstFromWay() < 100) { wayForName = paintPC.actualWay; } } } else if (paintPC.getDstFromSquareDst(paintPC.squareDstWithPenToWay) <= pixDest) { // If not gpscentered show closest way name if it's no more than 15 // pixels away. wayForName = paintPC.actualWay; } /* * As we are double buffering pc, nothing should be writing to paintPC * therefore it should be safe to access the volatile variable actualWay */ if (paintPC.actualWay != null) { screenPc.actualWay = paintPC.actualWay; screenPc.actualSingleTile = paintPC.actualSingleTile; tr.actualWay = paintPC.actualWay; tr.actualSingleTile = paintPC.actualSingleTile; } if (wayForName != null) { int nummaxspeed; String maxspeed = ""; String winter = ""; // store for OSM editing if (wayForName.getMaxSpeed() != 0) { nummaxspeed = wayForName.getMaxSpeed(); if (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAXSPEED_WINTER) && (wayForName.getMaxSpeedWinter() > 0)) { nummaxspeed = wayForName.getMaxSpeedWinter(); winter = Locale.get("imagecollector.Winter") /*W */; } if (nummaxspeed == Legend.MAXSPEED_MARKER_NONE) { maxspeed = Locale.get("imagecollector.SL") /* SL:*/ + winter + Locale.get("imagecollector.MaxSpeedNone") /*none*/; } else if (nummaxspeed == Legend.MAXSPEED_MARKER_VARIABLE) { maxspeed = Locale.get("imagecollector.SL") /* SL:*/ + winter + Locale.get("imagecollector.MaxSpeedVariable") /*var*/; } else if (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_METRIC)) { maxspeed = Locale.get("imagecollector.SL") /* SL:*/ + winter + nummaxspeed; } else { // Round up at this point, as the the previouse two // conversions // were rounded down already. (Seems to work better for // speed limits of // 20mph and 30mph) maxspeed = Locale.get("imagecollector.SL") /* SL:*/ + winter + ((int) (nummaxspeed / 1.609344f + 0.5f)); } } if (wayForName.nameIdx != -1) { name = screenPc.trace.getName(wayForName.nameIdx); } else { // #if polish.api.bigstyles WayDescription wayDesc = Legend.getWayDescription(wayForName.type); // #else WayDescription wayDesc = Legend.getWayDescription((short) (wayForName.type & 0xff)); // #endif name = Locale.get("imagecollector.unnamed") /*(unnamed */ + wayDesc.description + ")"; } if (name == null) { name = maxspeed; } else { name = name + maxspeed; } // If there's an URL associated with way, show a letter next to name if (wayForName.urlIdx != -1) { name = name + Locale.get("imagecollector.W") /* W*/; } // Show 'P' for phone number if (wayForName.phoneIdx != -1) { name = name + Locale.get("imagecollector.P") /* P*/; } } // use the nearest routable way for the the speed limit detection if // it's // closer than 30 m or SQUARE_MAXPIXELS including penalty if (paintPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay < SQUARE_MAXPIXELS || paintPC.getDstFromSquareDst(paintPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay) < 30) { tr.actualSpeedLimitWay = paintPC.actualRoutableWay; } else { tr.actualSpeedLimitWay = null; } boolean showLatLon = Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SHOWLATLON); LayoutElement e =[TraceLayout.WAYNAME]; if (showLatLon) { // #if polish.api.finland // show Finnish ETRS-TM35FIN coordinates // FIXME: add a config option for selection of coordinates if (false) { PositionMark pmETRS = ETRSTM35FINconvert.latlonToEtrs(,; e.setText( Locale.get("") /* lat: */ + Float.toString( + " " + Locale.get("imagecollector.lon") /* lon: */ + Float.toString(pmETRS.lon)); } else { // #endif e.setText( Locale.get("") /* lat: */ + Float.toString( * MoreMath.FAC_RADTODEC) + " " + Locale.get("imagecollector.lon") /* lon: */ + Float.toString( * MoreMath.FAC_RADTODEC)); // #if polish.api.finland } // #endif } else { if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { e.setText(name); } else { e.setText(" "); } } if (paintPC.scale != screenPc.scale) { // System.out.println("wakeup thread because scale changed"); needRedraw = true; } // when the projection has changed we must redraw if (!paintPC.getP().getProjectionID().equals(screenPc.getP().getProjectionID())) { // System.out.println("wakeup thread because projection changed"); needRedraw = true; } synchronized (this) { paintPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY; if (needRedraw) { notify(); } else { // System.out.println("No need to redraw after painting"); } } // currentVisibleSc=lastCreatedSc.cloneToScreenContext(); return getDrawnCenter; }
public void upload() throws IOException {"guigpxosmupload.UploadingOSMGPX") /*Uploading OSM GPX*/); int respCode; String respMessage; try { HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection); System.out.println(Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.Connection") /*Connection: */ + connection); connection.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST); connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "GpsMid"); connection.setRequestProperty( "Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encode(Configuration.getOsmUsername() + ":" + Configuration.getOsmPwd())); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" + name + "\"\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(new String(gpxOS.toByteArray())); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"tags\"\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(tags + "\r\n"); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"description\"\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(description + "\r\n"); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879\r\n"); osw.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"public\"\r\n\r\n"); osw.write(publicFlag ? "1" : "0" + "\r\n"); osw.write("-----------------------------12132519071893744613145780879--\r\n"); osw.flush(); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(baos.toByteArray().length)); connection.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------12132519071893744613145780879"); OutputStream os = connection.openOutputStream(); os.write(baos.toByteArray()); os.flush(); // HTTP Response respCode = connection.getResponseCode(); respMessage = connection.getResponseMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException( Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.FailedUploadingGPX") /*Failed uploading GPX: */ + e.getMessage()); } if (respCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {"Successfully uploaded GPX"); } else { throw new IOException( Locale.get("guigpxosmupload.GPXTraceNotAccepted") /*GPX trace was not accepted (*/ + respCode + "): " + respMessage); } }
private void initForm(boolean firstLogin) { // #if !polish.blackberry this.addCommand(cmdSave); if (firstLogin) this.addCommand(cmdCancel); else this.addCommand(cmdExit); // #endif StringItem headLine; // #if polish.blackberry // #if polish.blackberry.isTouchBuild == false // #style .login_headline headLine = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("")); this.append(headLine); // #endif // #else // #style .login_headline headLine = new StringItem(null, Locale.get("")); this.append(headLine); // #endif // #if polish.blackberry && polish.blackberry.isTouchBuild == false headLine.setAppearanceMode(Item.PLAIN); // #endif String usernameString = model.getUserName(); String passwordString = ""; // #if username:defined // #message Username is set // #= usernameString = "${username}"; // #endif // #if password:defined // #message Password is set // #= passwordString = "${password}"; // #endif if (usernameString == null) usernameString = ""; if (passwordString == null) passwordString = ""; // username textfield // #if polish.blackberry userName = UiFactory.createTextField( Locale.get(""), usernameString, 255, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE, this); // fix for PBLA-816 Touch device: predictive text while disabling the surepress userName.setNoComplexInput(true); // #else userName = UiFactory.createTextField(null, usernameString, 255, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE, this); // #endif UiAccess.setTextfieldHelp(userName, Locale.get("")); // #if using.native.textfield:defined userName.setTitle(Locale.get("")); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(userName); // #endif // #endif if (userName.getText().length() > 0) { // Change username textfield into uneditable field once authenticated once to keep users from // switching username userName.setConstraints(TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE | TextField.UNEDITABLE); usernameReadonly = true; // #if not polish.blackberry // #style .login_textfield_readonly // #= userName.setStyle(); // #endif } // password textfield // #if polish.blackberry passWord = UiFactory.createTextField( Locale.get(""), passwordString, 255, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE | TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER | TextField.PASSWORD, this); // #else passWord = UiFactory.createTextField( null, passwordString, 255, TextField.INITIAL_CAPS_NEVER | TextField.PASSWORD, this); // #endif UiAccess.setTextfieldHelp(passWord, Locale.get("")); // #if using.native.textfield:defined passWord.setTitle(Locale.get("")); // #if (${lowercase(polish.vendor)}==samsung) UiFactory.fixSamsungNativeTextField(passWord); // #elif polish.device.textField.requires.initialCapsNeverFix:defined UiFactory.fixS40NativeTextField(passWord); // #endif // #endif rememberMeItem = UiFactory.createChoiceCheckBoxItem( Locale.get(""), Choice.MULTIPLE);; UiFactory.createChoiceGroup( null, ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE, new ChoiceItem[] {rememberMeItem}, 0, rememberMeItem.isSelected, null, this); // #if !polish.blackberry if (usernameReadonly) { this.focus(passWord); } // #endif // #if polish.blackberry // #style ui_factory_button_item StringItem loginButton = UiFactory.createButtonItem( null, cmdSave.getLabel(), (de.enough.polish.ui.Command) cmdSave, null, null); append(loginButton); if (firstLogin) { cmdQuit = cmdCancel; } else { cmdQuit = cmdExit; } // #endif }