/** Tests that HTML with no tables is ignored. */
  public final void testNoTables_Ignored() {
    final String html; // HTML code to fix
    final String htmlExpected; // Expected result
    final String result; // Actual result

    html = "<p>Some text</p>";

    result = util.updateTables(html);

    htmlExpected = "<p>Some text</p>";

    Assert.assertEquals(result, htmlExpected);
  /** Tests that outdated tables are correctly cleaned up. */
  public final void testOutdatedTable_Updated() {
    final String html; // HTML code to fix
    final String htmlExpected; // Expected result
    final String result; // Actual result

    html =
        "<table border=\"0\" class=\"bodyTable\"><tbody><tr class=\"a\"><th>Header 1</th><th>Header 2</th></tr><tr class=\"b\"><td>Data 1</td><td>Data 2</td></tr></tbody></table>";

    result = util.updateTables(html);

    htmlExpected =
        "<table>\n <thead>\n  <tr>\n   <th>Header 1</th>\n   <th>Header 2</th>\n  </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n  <tr>\n   <td>Data 1</td>\n   <td>Data 2</td>\n  </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>";

    Assert.assertEquals(result, htmlExpected);