Beispiel #1
  private static QImage composeCup(QImage bg_image, QImage fg_image, int size, int warp) {
    double coffey_alpha = 1;
    QColor dark_brown = QColor.fromRgbF(0.3, 0.15, 0, coffey_alpha);
    QColor light_brown = QColor.fromRgbF(0.66, 0.33, 0, coffey_alpha);
    QColor highlight = QColor.fromRgbF(1, 1, 0.8, coffey_alpha);
    QColor transparent = QColor.transparent;
    double highlight_pos = 0.4;
    double highlight_size = 0.05;

    QImage combined =
        new QImage(
            size + size / 2, size + warp * 2 + size / 8, QImage.Format.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);

    QPainter p = new QPainter();

    // draw the background
    p.drawImage(0, 0, bg_image);

    // Draw the coffey
    QRectF coffey_bounds = new QRectF(0, warp, size, 2 * warp);
    QConicalGradient cg =
        new QConicalGradient(
            coffey_bounds.width() * GOLDEN_MEAN + warp * 0.1,
            warp * 1.2 + coffey_bounds.height() / 2.0,
    cg.setColorAt(0, dark_brown);
    cg.setColorAt(highlight_pos - highlight_size, light_brown);
    cg.setColorAt(0.4, highlight);
    cg.setColorAt(highlight_pos + highlight_size, light_brown);
    cg.setColorAt(1, dark_brown);
    p.setPen(new QPen(new QBrush(, size * 0.01));
    p.setBrush(new QBrush(cg));

    // draw the foreground
    p.drawImage(0, warp, fg_image);

    // Draw the handle
    double handle_dim = size * 0.8;
    QRectF handle_bounds = new QRectF(size - handle_dim / 2, size / 3, handle_dim, handle_dim);
    double hcx = handle_bounds.width() / 2;
    double hcy = handle_bounds.height() / 2;
    QImage handle_im =
        new QImage(handle_bounds.size().toSize(), QImage.Format.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
      QPainter ph = new QPainter();
      QRadialGradient rg = new QRadialGradient(hcx, hcy, hcx, hcx, hcy + size / 30);
      double ir = 0.5;
      double or = 0.9;
      double aa = 0.02;
      double shade = 0.08;
      rg.setColorAt(ir - aa, transparent);
      rg.setColorAt(ir, QColor.fromRgbF(0, 0, 0, 1));
      rg.setColorAt(ir + shade, color_green);
      rg.setColorAt((ir + or) / 2, QColor.fromRgbF(0.8, 0.85, 0.6));
      rg.setColorAt(or - shade, color_green);
      rg.setColorAt(or, QColor.fromRgbF(0, 0, 0, 1));
      rg.setColorAt(or + aa, transparent);
      ph.setBrush(new QBrush(rg));
      ph.drawEllipse(0, 0, (int) handle_bounds.width(), (int) handle_bounds.height());

      QLinearGradient lg = new QLinearGradient(0, 0, handle_bounds.width(), 0);
      lg.setColorAt(0.42, transparent);
      lg.setColorAt(0.47, QColor.fromRgbF(0, 0, 0));
      ph.setBrush(new QBrush(lg));
      ph.drawRect(0, 0, (int) handle_bounds.width(), (int) handle_bounds.height());
    p.drawImage(handle_bounds.topLeft(), handle_im);

    // The drop shadow...
    QRadialGradient dsg = new QRadialGradient(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0);
    dsg.setColorAt(0, QColor.fromRgbF(0, 0, 0, .75));
    dsg.setColorAt(1, transparent);
    p.translate(size * 3 / 4, size + warp * 1.4);
    p.scale(size * 1.5, size / 2);
    p.setBrush(new QBrush(dsg));
    p.drawEllipse(new QRectF(-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1));
    //      p.drawEllipse(new QRectF(size - size / 2, size + warp - size / 2, size, size));


    return combined;