  * The HTTP POST handler. Posting XML to the queue, receiving result and sets the result as an
  * attribute to the model.
  * @param accountForm form
  * @param model model
 @RequestMapping(value = "/accountNameChangeEvent", method = RequestMethod.POST)
 public void testAccountNameChangeEvent(@ModelAttribute AccountForm accountForm, Model model) {
   AccountForm accForm = createAccountNameChangeForm(accountForm);
   String xml =
       accForm.toUpdateEventXML(AccountForm.EventType.UPDATE, AccountUpdateSubType.NAME_CHANGE);
   LOG.info("called testAccountNameChangeEvent() for POST. xml = " + xml);
   String correlationId = getJms().send(INCOMING, xml);
   LOG.info("Sent XML with correlationId " + correlationId);
   AccountNameChangeEvent consumedAccountNameChangeEvent =
       (AccountNameChangeEvent) getJms().receive(ACCOUNT_NAME_CHANGE, correlationId);
   model.addAttribute("result", consumedAccountNameChangeEvent);
   LOG.info("received event = " + consumedAccountNameChangeEvent);