   * Updates the user account information. After sucessful operation, the federation status
   * corresponding to the user with the remote provider is set to inactive.
   * @param ni <code>NameIdentifier</code> object corresponding to a user
   * @return boolean containing the status of the update operation
  protected boolean updateAccountInformation(NameIdentifier ni) {
    try {
      FSUtils.debug.message("FSFedTerminationHandler::updateAccountInformation: start");
      String searchDomain = remoteEntityId;
      // get name identifier to remove it from federation info key
      String nameId = null;
      String nameQualifier = null;
      if (ni != null) {
        nameQualifier = ni.getNameQualifier();
        if (nameQualifier != null
            && (nameQualifier.length() != 0)
            && !nameQualifier.equals(remoteEntityId)) {
          searchDomain = nameQualifier;
        nameId = ni.getName();
      if (nameId == null && acctInfo != null) {
        FSUtils.debug.message("FSAccountManager: getnameId in accInfo");
        NameIdentifier temp = acctInfo.getLocalNameIdentifier();
        if (temp != null) {
          nameId = temp.getName();
          nameQualifier = temp.getNameQualifier();
        } else {
          temp = acctInfo.getRemoteNameIdentifier();
          if (temp != null) {
            nameId = temp.getName();
            nameQualifier = temp.getNameQualifier();
      FSAccountFedInfoKey fedInfoKey = new FSAccountFedInfoKey(nameQualifier, nameId);
      managerInst.removeAccountFedInfo(userID, fedInfoKey, searchDomain);

      if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            "FSFedTerminationHandler:: "
                + "updateAccountInformation deactivate successfully completed");
    } catch (FSAccountMgmtException e) {
          "FSFedTerminationHandler::updateAccountInformation "
              + FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.TERMINATION_LOCAL_FAILED));
      String[] data = {userID};
      LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.TERMINATION_FAILED, data, ssoToken);
      return false;
    // Clean SessionMap off the partner to be done here.
    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
      FSUtils.debug.message("Cleaning Session manager for user : "******"Cleaning Session manager for remote provider: " + remoteEntityId);
      FSUtils.debug.message("Cleaning Session manager for hosted provider: " + hostedEntityId);
    FSLogoutUtil.cleanSessionMapPartnerList(userID, remoteEntityId, metaAlias, null);
    return true;