public static void reset() { rootStore = RootCertStore.getCertStore(); sslRootStore = SSLRootCertStore.getCertStore(); permanentStore = DeploySSLCertStore.getCertStore(); sessionStore = new SessionCertStore("x509Extended7"); deniedStore = new DeniedCertStore(); alwaysShow = Config.getBooleanProperty(""); mismatchShow = Config.getBooleanProperty(""); if (Config.getBooleanProperty("")) { Service localService = ServiceManager.getService(); browserSSLRootStore = localService.getBrowserSSLRootCertStore(); isBrowserSSLRootStoreLoaded = false; } }
private void initComponents(String appTitle, boolean doDesktop, boolean doMenu) { Object messages[] = new Object[2]; JButton buttons[] = new JButton[3]; buttons[0] = new JButton(ResourceManager.getString("install.yesButton")); buttons[0].setMnemonic(ResourceManager.getVKCode("install.yesMnemonic")); final JButton yesButton = buttons[0]; buttons[1] = new JButton(ResourceManager.getString("install.noButton")); buttons[1].setMnemonic(ResourceManager.getVKCode("install.noMnemonic")); final JButton noButton = buttons[1]; buttons[2] = new JButton(ResourceManager.getString("install.configButton")); buttons[2].setMnemonic(ResourceManager.getVKCode("install.configMnemonic")); final JButton configureButton = buttons[2]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { buttons[i].addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { JButton b = (JButton) ae.getSource(); if (b == configureButton) { Main.launchJavaControlPanel("advanced"); return; } if (b == yesButton) { _answer = Config.SHORTCUT_YES; } else if (b == noButton) { _answer = Config.SHORTCUT_NO; } Component source = (Component) ae.getSource(); JDialog dialog = null; // Iterate through container to find JDialog while (source.getParent() != null) { if (source instanceof JDialog) { dialog = (JDialog) source; } source = source.getParent(); } if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(false); } } }); } String message = null; if (Config.getOSName().equalsIgnoreCase("Windows")) { // windows platform if (doDesktop && doMenu) { message = ResourceManager.getString("", appTitle); } else if (doDesktop) { message = ResourceManager.getString("install.desktop.message", appTitle); } else if (doMenu) { message = ResourceManager.getString("", appTitle); } } else { // unix platform GNOME if (doDesktop && doMenu) { message = ResourceManager.getString("install.gnome.both.message", appTitle); } else if (doDesktop) { message = ResourceManager.getString("install.desktop.message", appTitle); } else if (doMenu) { message = ResourceManager.getString("", appTitle); } } setOptions(buttons); setMessage(message); setMessageType(JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); setInitialValue(buttons[0]); }
private Object openLockFileObject(int paramInt1, String paramString, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2) throws IOException { int i = paramInt2 == 0 ? 1 : 0; boolean bool = paramString.equals("r"); SyncAccess.Lock localLock = this.fileAccSync.lock(bool ? 2 : 4); Object localObject1 = null; try { while (null == localObject1) { if (paramBoolean1) localObject1 = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(paramInt1, paramString, paramBoolean2) { private final int val$type; private final String val$mode; private final boolean val$fopt1; public Object run() { Object localObject = null; try { switch (this.val$type) { case 1: localObject = new RandomAccessFile(SyncFileAccess.this.file, this.val$mode); break; case 2: localObject = new FileInputStream(SyncFileAccess.this.file); break; case 3: localObject = new FileOutputStream(SyncFileAccess.this.file.getPath(), this.val$fopt1); break; default: throw new InternalError("wrong fobj type: " + this.val$type); } } catch (FileNotFoundException localFileNotFoundException) { Trace.ignoredException(localFileNotFoundException); } return localObject; } }); else try { switch (paramInt1) { case 1: localObject1 = new RandomAccessFile(this.file, paramString); break; case 2: localObject1 = new FileInputStream(this.file); break; case 3: localObject1 = new FileOutputStream(this.file.getPath(), paramBoolean2); break; default: throw new InternalError("wrong fobj type: " + paramInt1); } } catch (FileNotFoundException localFileNotFoundException) { Trace.ignoredException(localFileNotFoundException); } if (null == localObject1) throw new FileNotFoundException("index file not found"); if (!Config.isJavaVersionAtLeast14()) { if (localObject1 != null) { localObject2 = FObjLock.createFObjLock(paramInt1, localObject1, localLock); return localObject2; } localObject2 = null; return localObject2; } Object localObject2 = null; switch (paramInt1) { case 1: localObject2 = ((RandomAccessFile)localObject1).getChannel(); break; case 2: localObject2 = ((FileInputStream)localObject1).getChannel(); break; case 3: localObject2 = ((FileOutputStream)localObject1).getChannel(); break; default: throw new InternalError("wrong fobj type: " + paramInt1); } if (!((FileChannel)localObject2).isOpen()) { localObject2 = null; localObject1 = null; if ((i == 0) && (paramInt2 <= 0)) throw new IOException("index file could not be opened, timeout reached"); Trace.println("SyncFileAccess.openLock: index file not opened, remaining TO : " + paramInt2, TraceLevel.NETWORK); try { if (i == 0) { Thread.sleep(paramInt2); paramInt2 -= 100; } else { Thread.sleep(100L); } } catch (Exception localException1) { } continue; } try { FileLock localFileLock = null; while (localFileLock == null) try { localFileLock = ((FileChannel)localObject2).lock(0L, 9223372036854775807L, bool); } catch (OverlappingFileLockException localOverlappingFileLockException) { if ((i == 0) && (paramInt2 <= 0)) throw new IOException("handled OverlappingFileLockException, timeout reached", localOverlappingFileLockException); Trace.println("SyncFileAccess.openLock: handled OverlappingFileLockException, remainint TO : " + paramInt2, TraceLevel.NETWORK); try { if (i == 0) { Thread.sleep(paramInt2); paramInt2 -= 100; } else { Thread.sleep(100L); } } catch (Exception localException3) { } localFileLock = null; } catch (IOException localIOException) { localObject1 = null; Object localObject3 = null; if (localObject1 == null) localLock.release(); return localObject3; } } catch (ClosedChannelException localClosedChannelException) { localObject2 = null; localObject1 = null; if ((i == 0) && (paramInt2 <= 0)) throw new IOException("handled ClosedChannelException, timeout reached", localClosedChannelException); Trace.println("SyncFileAccess.openLock: handled ClosedChannelException, remaining TO: " + paramInt2, TraceLevel.NETWORK); try { if (i == 0) { Thread.sleep(paramInt2); paramInt2 -= 100; } else { Thread.sleep(100L); } } catch (Exception localException2) { } } } } finally { if (localObject1 == null) localLock.release(); } if (localObject1 != null) return FObjLock.createFObjLock(paramInt1, localObject1, localLock); return null; }