private void initializeFromClassPath(String classpath) throws StandardException {

    final String[][] elements = IdUtil.parseDbClassPath(classpath);

    final int jarCount = elements.length;
    jarList = new JarLoader[jarCount];

    if (jarCount != 0) {
      // Creating class loaders is a restricted operation
      // so we need to use a privileged block.
          new {

            public Object run() {
              for (int i = 0; i < jarCount; i++) {
                jarList[i] = new JarLoader(UpdateLoader.this, elements[i], vs);
              return null;
    if (vs != null) {
      vs.println(MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.CM_CLASS_LOADER_START, classpath));

    thisClasspath = classpath;
    initDone = false;
   * Delete a row from our index. This assumes our index ScanController is positioned before the row
   * by setScan if we own the SC, otherwise it is positioned on the row by the underlying index
   * scan.
   * <p>This verifies the row exists and is unique.
   * @exception StandardException Thrown on error
  private void doDelete() throws StandardException {
    if (ownIndexSC) {
      if (! {
        // This means that the entry for the index does not exist, this
        // is a serious problem with the index.  Past fixed problems
        // like track 3703 can leave db's in the field with this problem
        // even though the bug in the code which caused it has long
        // since been fixed.  Then the problem can surface months later
        // when the customer attempts to upgrade.  By "ignoring" the
        // missing row here the problem is automatically "fixed" and
        // since the code is trying to delete the row anyway it doesn't
        // seem like such a bad idea.  It also then gives a tool to
        // support to be able to fix some system catalog problems where
        // they can delete the base rows by dropping the system objects
        // like stored statements.

                     dem 2013/04/10 - temporarily comment this out while
                     we are getting snapshot isolation DDL support in

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                            "Index row "+RowUtil.toString(ourIndexRow)+
                            " not found in conglomerateid " + indexCID +
                            "Current scan = " + indexSC);

        Object[] args = new Object[2];
        args[0] = ourIndexRow.getRowArray()[ourIndexRow.getRowArray().length - 1];
        args[1] = new Long(indexCID);


        // just return indicating the row has been deleted.

   * Load the class from the class path. Called by JarLoader when it has a request to load a class
   * to fulfill the sematics of db.database.classpath.
   * <p>Enforces two restrictions:
   * <UL>
   *   <LI>Do not allow classes in certain name spaces to be loaded from installed jars, see
   *       RESTRICTED_PACKAGES for the list.
   *   <LI>Referencing Derby's internal classes (those outside the public api) from installed is
   *       disallowed. This is to stop user defined routines bypassing security or taking advantage
   *       of security holes in Derby. E.g. allowing a routine to call a public method in db would
   *       allow such routines to call public static methods for system procedures without having
   *       been granted permission on them, such as setting database properties.
   * </UL>
   * @exception ClassNotFoundException Class can not be found or the installed jar is restricted
   *     from loading it.
  Class loadClass(String className, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {

    JarLoader jl = null;

    boolean unlockLoader = false;
    try {
      unlockLoader = lockClassLoader(ShExQual.SH);

      synchronized (this) {
        if (needReload) {

        Class clazz = checkLoaded(className, resolve);
        if (clazz != null) return clazz;

        // Refuse to load classes from restricted name spaces
        // That is classes in those name spaces can be not
        // loaded from installed jar files.
        for (int i = 0; i < RESTRICTED_PACKAGES.length; i++) {
          if (className.startsWith(RESTRICTED_PACKAGES[i]))
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(className);

        String jvmClassName = className.replace('.', '/').concat(".class");

        if (!initDone) initLoaders();

        for (int i = 0; i < jarList.length; i++) {
          jl = jarList[i];
          Class c = jl.loadClassData(className, jvmClassName, resolve);
          if (c != null) {
            if (vs != null)
                      MessageId.CM_CLASS_LOAD, className, jl.getJarName()));

            return c;
        // Ok we are missing the class, we will try to reload once and Find it...
        initDone = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < jarList.length; i++) {
          jl = jarList[i];
          Class c = jl.loadClassData(className, jvmClassName, resolve);
          if (c != null) {
            if (vs != null)
                      MessageId.CM_CLASS_LOAD, className, jl.getJarName()));

            return c;

      return null;

    } catch (StandardException se) {
      throw new ClassNotFoundException(
              jl == null ? null : jl.getJarName(),
    } finally {
      if (unlockLoader) {
        lf.unlock(compat, this, classLoaderLock, ShExQual.SH);
 /** Construct an SQLException whose message and severity are derived from the message id. */
 public final SQLException getSQLException(
     String messageId, SQLException next, Throwable cause, Object[] args) {
   String message = MessageService.getCompleteMessage(messageId, args);
   int severity = StandardException.getSeverityFromIdentifier(messageId);
   return getSQLException(message, messageId, next, severity, cause, args);