private void buildListCustomFormat() {

    if (listaAdapter.size() > 0) {

      List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>();
      int start = 0;
      int end = 0;
      String previousLetter = null;
      Object[] tmpIndexItem = null;
      Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]");

      for (FormatCustomListView item : listaAdapter) {

        String firstLetter = item.getTitulo().substring(0, 1);

        // Group numbers together in the scroller
        if (numberPattern.matcher(firstLetter).matches()) {
          firstLetter = "#";

        // If we've changed to a new letter, add the previous letter to
        // the
        // alphabet scroller
        if (previousLetter != null && !firstLetter.equals(previousLetter)) {
          end = rows.size() - 1;
          tmpIndexItem = new Object[3];
          tmpIndexItem[0] = previousLetter.toUpperCase(Locale.UK);
          tmpIndexItem[1] = start;
          tmpIndexItem[2] = end;

          start = end + 1;

        // Check if we need to add a header row
        if (!firstLetter.equals(previousLetter)) {
          rows.add(new Section(firstLetter));
          sections.put(firstLetter, start);

        // Add the country to the list
        rows.add(new Item(item));
        previousLetter = firstLetter;

      if (previousLetter != null) {
        // Save the last letter
        tmpIndexItem = new Object[3];
        tmpIndexItem[0] = previousLetter.toUpperCase(Locale.UK);
        tmpIndexItem[1] = start;
        tmpIndexItem[2] = rows.size() - 1;



      /** *********************************** */
      /** ********* <-INDEXEEERRRR ************ */
      /** ********************************** */