Beispiel #1
  public void grantAbilities(MOB mob, boolean isBorrowedClass) {
    super.grantAbilities(mob, isBorrowedClass);

    // if he already has one, don't give another!
    if (mob.playerStats() != null) {
      final int classLevel = mob.baseCharStats().getClassLevel(this);
      if (classLevel < 2) return;
      if ((classLevel % 2) != 0) return;

      int maxSkills = classLevel / 2;

      // now only give one, for current level, respecting alignment!
      // first, get a list of all skills you don't qualify for that you MIGHT have gained or will
      // gain
      final List<Ability> choices = new Vector<Ability>();
      for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = CMClass.abilities(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        final Ability A = a.nextElement();
        final int lql = CMLib.ableMapper().lowestQualifyingLevel(A.ID());
        if ((CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(mob, A) <= 0)
            && (lql < 25)
            && (lql > 0)
            && (!CMLib.ableMapper().getSecretSkill(A.ID()))
            && (CMLib.ableMapper().qualifiesByAnyCharClass(A.ID()))
            && (CMLib.ableMapper().availableToTheme(A.ID(), Area.THEME_FANTASY, true))
            && (!CMLib.ableMapper().qualifiesOnlyByClan(mob, A))
            && (!CMLib.ableMapper().qualifiesOnlyByRace(mob, A))
            && (A.isAutoInvoked()
                || ((A.triggerStrings() != null) && (A.triggerStrings().length > 0))))

      // now count those you already have
      for (int a = choices.size() - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
        final Ability A = choices.get(a);
        if (mob.fetchAbility(A.ID()) != null) maxSkills--;
      if (maxSkills < 1) // if that reduced you to 0, you are done.
      // now eliminate those you already have, and those that are
      // above your level, if you are <25
      for (int a = choices.size() - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
        final Ability A = choices.get(a);
        final int lql = CMLib.ableMapper().lowestQualifyingLevel(A.ID());
        if ((mob.fetchAbility(ID()) != null)
            || ((lql != classLevel) && (lql != classLevel - 1) && (classLevel < 25)))
      if (choices.size() == 0) return;
      final Ability A = choices.get(CMLib.dice().roll(1, choices.size(), -1));
      if (A != null) giveMobAbility(mob, A, 0, "", isBorrowedClass);
    } else {
      final List<AbilityMapper.AbilityMapping> V =
              .getUpToLevelListings(ID(), mob.charStats().getClassLevel(ID()), false, false);
      for (final AbilityMapper.AbilityMapping able : V) {
        final Ability A = CMClass.getAbility(able.abilityID);
        if ((A != null)
            && (!CMLib.ableMapper().getAllQualified(ID(), true, A.ID()))
            && (!CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultGain(ID(), true, A.ID())))
              CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultProficiency(ID(), true, A.ID()),
              CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultParm(ID(), true, A.ID()),