 * Implementation of {@link ORecordVersion} adapted to distributed environment. Opposite of {@link
 * OSimpleVersion} contains additional information about timestamp of last change and mac address of
 * server that made this change.
 * @see OVersionFactory
 * @see ORecordVersion
 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Artem Orobets</a>
public final class ODistributedVersion implements ORecordVersion {
  public static final int STREAMED_SIZE =
      OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT + OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG + OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;

  public static final OBinaryConverter CONVERTER = OBinaryConverterFactory.getConverter();

  private int counter;
  private long timestamp;
  private long macAddress;

  public ODistributedVersion() {}

  public ODistributedVersion(int counter) {
    this.counter = counter;
    this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    this.macAddress = OVersionFactory.instance().getMacAddress();

  public ODistributedVersion(int counter, long timestamp, long macAddress) {
    this.counter = counter;
    this.timestamp = timestamp;
    this.macAddress = macAddress;

  public void increment() {
    if (isTombstone())
      throw new IllegalStateException("Record was deleted and can not be updated.");

    timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    macAddress = OVersionFactory.instance().getMacAddress();

  public void decrement() {
    if (isTombstone())
      throw new IllegalStateException("Record was deleted and can not be updated.");

    timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    macAddress = OVersionFactory.instance().getMacAddress();

  public boolean isUntracked() {
    return counter == -1;

  public boolean isTemporary() {
    return counter < -1;

  public boolean isValid() {
    return counter > -1;

  public void setCounter(int iVersion) {
    counter = iVersion;

  public int getCounter() {
    return counter;

  public boolean isTombstone() {
    return counter < 0;

  public void convertToTombstone() {
    if (isTombstone())
      throw new IllegalStateException("Record was deleted and can not be updated.");

    counter = -counter;

    timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    macAddress = OVersionFactory.instance().getMacAddress();

  public void copyFrom(ORecordVersion version) {
    ODistributedVersion other = (ODistributedVersion) version;
    update(other.counter, other.timestamp, other.macAddress);

  public void update(int recordVersion, long timestamp, long macAddress) {
    this.counter = recordVersion;
    this.timestamp = timestamp;
    this.macAddress = macAddress;

  public void reset() {
    counter = 0;
    timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    macAddress = OVersionFactory.instance().getMacAddress();

  public void setRollbackMode() {
    counter = Integer.MIN_VALUE + counter;

  public void clearRollbackMode() {
    counter = counter - Integer.MIN_VALUE;

  public void disable() {
    counter = -1;

  public void revive() {
    counter = -counter;

  public ORecordVersion copy() {
    ODistributedVersion copy = new ODistributedVersion();
    copy.counter = counter;
    copy.timestamp = timestamp;
    copy.macAddress = macAddress;
    return copy;

  public ORecordVersionSerializer getSerializer() {
    return ODistributedVersionSerializer.INSTANCE;

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    return other instanceof ODistributedVersion
        && ((ODistributedVersion) other).compareTo(this) == 0;

  public int hashCode() {
    int result = counter;
    result = 31 * result + (int) (timestamp ^ (timestamp >>> 32));
    result = 31 * result + (int) (macAddress ^ (macAddress >>> 32));
    return result;

  public String toString() {
    return ODistributedVersionSerializer.INSTANCE.toString(this);

  public int compareTo(ORecordVersion o) {
    ODistributedVersion other = (ODistributedVersion) o;

    final int myCounter;
    if (isTombstone()) myCounter = -counter;
    else myCounter = counter;

    final int otherCounter;
    if (o.isTombstone()) otherCounter = -o.getCounter();
    else otherCounter = o.getCounter();

    if (myCounter != otherCounter) return myCounter > otherCounter ? 1 : -1;

    if (timestamp != other.timestamp) return (timestamp > other.timestamp) ? 1 : -1;

    if (macAddress > other.macAddress) return 1;
    else if (macAddress < other.macAddress) return -1;
    else return 0;

  public long getTimestamp() {
    return timestamp;

  public long getMacAddress() {
    return macAddress;

  public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
    ODistributedVersionSerializer.INSTANCE.writeTo(out, this);

  public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    ODistributedVersionSerializer.INSTANCE.readFrom(in, this);

  private static final class ODistributedVersionSerializer implements ORecordVersionSerializer {
    private static final ODistributedVersionSerializer INSTANCE =
        new ODistributedVersionSerializer();

    public void writeTo(DataOutput out, ORecordVersion version) throws IOException {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;


    public void readFrom(DataInput in, ORecordVersion version) throws IOException {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      distributedVersion.counter = in.readInt();
      distributedVersion.timestamp = in.readLong();
      distributedVersion.macAddress = in.readLong();

    public void writeTo(OutputStream stream, ORecordVersion version) throws IOException {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      OBinaryProtocol.int2bytes(distributedVersion.counter, stream);
      OBinaryProtocol.long2bytes(distributedVersion.timestamp, stream);
      OBinaryProtocol.long2bytes(distributedVersion.macAddress, stream);

    public void readFrom(InputStream stream, ORecordVersion version) throws IOException {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      distributedVersion.counter = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2int(stream);
      distributedVersion.timestamp = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2long(stream);
      distributedVersion.macAddress = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2long(stream);

    public int writeTo(byte[] stream, int pos, ORecordVersion version) {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      int len = 0;
      OBinaryProtocol.int2bytes(distributedVersion.counter, stream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT;
      OBinaryProtocol.long2bytes(distributedVersion.timestamp, stream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      OBinaryProtocol.long2bytes(distributedVersion.macAddress, stream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;

      return len;

    public int readFrom(byte[] iStream, int pos, ORecordVersion version) {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      int len = 0;
      distributedVersion.counter = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2int(iStream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT;
      distributedVersion.timestamp = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2long(iStream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      distributedVersion.macAddress = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2long(iStream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      return len;

    public int writeTo(OFile file, long pos, ORecordVersion version) throws IOException {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      int len = 0;
      file.writeInt(pos + len, distributedVersion.counter);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT;
      file.writeLong(pos + len, distributedVersion.timestamp);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      file.writeLong(pos + len, distributedVersion.macAddress);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;

      return len;

    public long readFrom(OFile file, long pos, ORecordVersion version) throws IOException {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      int len = 0;
      distributedVersion.counter = file.readInt(pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT;
      distributedVersion.timestamp = file.readLong(pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      distributedVersion.macAddress = file.readLong(pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      return len;

    public int fastWriteTo(byte[] iStream, int pos, ORecordVersion version) {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      int len = 0;
      CONVERTER.putInt(iStream, pos + len, distributedVersion.counter);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT;
      CONVERTER.putLong(iStream, pos + len, distributedVersion.timestamp);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      CONVERTER.putLong(iStream, pos + len, distributedVersion.macAddress);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;

      return len;

    public int fastReadFrom(byte[] iStream, int pos, ORecordVersion version) {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      int len = 0;
      distributedVersion.counter = CONVERTER.getInt(iStream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT;
      distributedVersion.timestamp = CONVERTER.getLong(iStream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      distributedVersion.macAddress = CONVERTER.getLong(iStream, pos + len);
      len += OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      return len;

    public byte[] toByteArray(ORecordVersion version) {
      int size = OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT + OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG + OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_LONG;
      byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
      fastWriteTo(buffer, 0, version);
      return buffer;

    public String toString(ORecordVersion version) {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      return distributedVersion.counter
          + "."
          + distributedVersion.timestamp
          + "."
          + distributedVersion.macAddress;

    public void fromString(String string, ORecordVersion version) {
      final ODistributedVersion distributedVersion = (ODistributedVersion) version;

      String[] parts = string.split("\\.");
      if (parts.length != 3)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Not correct format of distributed version. Expected <recordVersion>.<timestamp>.<macAddress>");

      distributedVersion.counter = Integer.valueOf(parts[0]);
      distributedVersion.timestamp = Long.valueOf(parts[1]);
      distributedVersion.macAddress = Long.valueOf(parts[2]);
Beispiel #2
 * Serializer for {@link Double}
 * @author ibershadskiy <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Ilya Bershadskiy</a>
 * @since 17.01.12
public class ODoubleSerializer implements OBinarySerializer<Double> {
  private static final OBinaryConverter CONVERTER = OBinaryConverterFactory.getConverter();

  public static ODoubleSerializer INSTANCE = new ODoubleSerializer();
  public static final byte ID = 6;

  /** size of double value in bytes */
  public static final int DOUBLE_SIZE = 8;

  public int getObjectSize(Double object) {
    return DOUBLE_SIZE;

  public void serialize(Double object, byte[] stream, int startPosition) {
    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serialize(Double.doubleToLongBits(object), stream, startPosition);

  public Double deserialize(byte[] stream, int startPosition) {
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserialize(stream, startPosition));

  public int getObjectSize(byte[] stream, int startPosition) {
    return DOUBLE_SIZE;

  public byte getId() {
    return ID;

  public int getObjectSizeNative(byte[] stream, int startPosition) {
    return DOUBLE_SIZE;

  public void serializeNative(Double object, byte[] stream, int startPosition) {
        stream, startPosition, Double.doubleToLongBits(object), ByteOrder.nativeOrder());

  public Double deserializeNative(byte[] stream, int startPosition) {
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(
        CONVERTER.getLong(stream, startPosition, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()));

  public void serializeInDirectMemory(Double object, ODirectMemory memory, long pointer) {
    memory.setLong(pointer, Double.doubleToLongBits(object));

  public Double deserializeFromDirectMemory(ODirectMemory memory, long pointer) {
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(memory.getLong(pointer));

  public int getObjectSizeInDirectMemory(ODirectMemory memory, long pointer) {
    return DOUBLE_SIZE;

  public boolean isFixedLength() {
    return true;

  public int getFixedLength() {
    return DOUBLE_SIZE;