 public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
   // This is called when the connection with the service has been
   // established, giving us the service object we can use to
   // interact with the service. Because we have bound to a explicit
   // service that we know is running in our own process, we can
   // cast its IBinder to a concrete class and directly access it.
   mBoundService = ((DownloadService.LocalBinder) service).getService();
   if (onStart != null) {
     Thread thread = new Thread(onStart);
   LogHelper.info("DownloadView", "Connecting to service - button should say pause");
 public boolean isDownloading() {
   if (mBoundService == null) {
     return false;
   return mBoundService.userIsDownloading();
 public boolean canStart(float positionFraction) {
   if (mBoundService == null) {
     return false;
   return mBoundService.canStartPlayingPriorityDownload(currentSection, positionFraction);
 public void stop() {
   if (mBoundService != null) {