public static String checkProduct(String prodId, String mailid, String appendNo) { int count = 0; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query = "select count(*) from cart where email='" + mailid + "'and productId='" + prodId + "'and cartAppendNo='" + appendNo + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( count = resultSet.getInt("count(*)"); // System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); if (count != 0) return "found"; else return "notfound"; }
public static void removeItem(String email, String appendNo, String product_id) { // ResultSet rs; String query = "delete from cart where email='" + email + "' and cartAppendNo='" + appendNo + "' and productId='" + product_id + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Statement stmt = null; Connection con = DB.getConnection(); // rs=DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { stmt = (Statement) con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(query); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("In"); } // DB.close(rs); try { stmt.close(); DB.close(con); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void updateQuantity(String email, String appendNo, String product_id, int qty) { // ResultSet rs; String query = "update cart set quantity='" + qty + "'" + " where email='" + email + "' and cartAppendNo='" + appendNo + "' and productId='" + product_id + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection con = DB.getConnection(); // rs=DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { Statement stmt = (Statement) con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(query); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("In"); } // DB.close(rs); DB.close(con); }
/*public static double getsubTotal(String productId) { double result=0; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query= "select price from product where productId='"+productId+"'"; System.out.println("********"+query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while( result=(double)resultSet.getDouble("price"); //System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("",50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); return result; } */ public static double getPrice(String productId) { double result = 0; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query = "select price from product where productId='" + productId + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( result = (double) resultSet.getDouble("price"); // System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); return result; }
public static String getItemDescription(String productId) { String result = ""; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query = "select description from product where productId='" + productId + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( result = resultSet.getString("description"); // System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); return result; }
// public static double amount=0; // public ArrayList<Cart> CartList=new ArrayList<Cart>(); public static String getCurrentAppendNo(String email) { String result = ""; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query = "select CartAppendNo from customer where email ='" + email + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( result = resultSet.getString("CartAppendNo"); System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); return result; }
public static boolean checkCurrentCart(String email, String appendNo) { String result = ""; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query = "select * from cart where email ='" + email + "' and CartAppendNo='" + appendNo + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( result = resultSet.getString("CartAppendNo"); // System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); if (result == "") return false; else return true; }
public static ArrayList<Cart> getCart(String email, String appendNo) { ArrayList<Cart> CartList = new ArrayList<Cart>(); String result = ""; ResultSet resultSet = null; String query = "select * from cart where email ='" + email + "' and CartAppendNo='" + appendNo + "'"; System.out.println("********" + query); Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); resultSet = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( { Cart obj = new Cart(); obj.DeliveryTime = "2-3 days"; obj.productId = resultSet.getString("productId"); obj.ItemDesc = Cart.getItemDescription(resultSet.getString("productId")); System.out.println(obj.ItemDesc); obj.price = Cart.getPrice(resultSet.getString("productId")); obj.quantity = resultSet.getInt("quantity"); obj.subtotal = (obj.quantity) * (Cart.getPrice(resultSet.getString("productId"))); System.out.println(obj.subtotal); // amount+=obj.subtotal; CartList.add(obj); } // System.out.println(result); } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(resultSet); DB.close(connection); return CartList; }
public static ArrayList<Cart> findAll(String selectionModifier) { ArrayList<Cart> selection = new ArrayList<Cart>(); ResultSet rs = null; String query = "select * " + "from cart " + selectionModifier; Connection connection = DB.getConnection(); rs = DB.readFromDB(query, connection); try { while ( { Cart cart = new Cart(); cart.cartId = rs.getInt("cartId"); = rs.getString("email"); cart.cartAppendNo = rs.getString("cartAppendNo"); cart.productId = rs.getString("productId"); cart.quantity = rs.getInt("quantity"); selection.add(cart); } } catch (SQLException e) { MyLog.myCatch("", 50, e); e.printStackTrace(); } DB.close(rs); DB.close(connection); return selection; }