public LoadingStage() { initViewport(); // Get our textureatlas from the manager, then get assets TextureAtlas atlas = Game.GDXVars().getTextureAtlas(Paths.loadingPack); font = Game.GDXVars().getFont(Paths.defaultFont); // Create actors background = new Image(Game.GDXVars().getTexture(Paths.splashBackground)); background.setSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); loadingBar = new LoadingBar(atlas); loadingBar.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 - loadingBar.getWidth() / 2, loadingBar.getHeight() / 2f); // Add actors addActor(background); addActor(loadingBar); // Selection group selector = new AtlasSelector( Game.GDXVars().getTextureAtlas(Paths.charactersPack), Game.Save().characters); addActor(selector); selector.setPosition(getWidth() / 2f - selector.getWidth() / 2f, 130); progress = 0f; // Start the work startLoadingWork(); }
@Override public void act(float delta) { Game.GDXVars().assetManager.update(); progress = Game.GDXVars().assetManager.getProgress(); loadingBar.setProgress(progress); loadingBar.setMessage((progress == 1) ? "Tap to continue..." : "Loading textures ..."); selector.setSelectable(Game.Save().characters); super.act(delta); }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (!super.touchUp(screenX, screenY, pointer, button)) { if (Game.GDXVars().assetManager.update()) { // Load some, will return true if done loading if (Game.Save().characters[selector.getSelectedIndex()]) { Game.startSurvivorGame(selector.getSelectedIndex()); return true; } } } return false; }
@Override public void draw() { // Draw actors super.draw(); // Write title getBatch().begin(); font.setScale(1f); font.draw( getBatch(), Game.TITLE, getWidth() / 2f - font.getBounds(Game.TITLE).width / 2f, getHeight() - 10f); font.setScale(0.5f); TextBounds bounds = font.getBounds("Highscore : " + Game.Save().highScore); font.draw( getBatch(), "Highscore : " + Game.Save().highScore, getWidth() - bounds.width, getHeight()); getBatch().end(); }
/** Start the work needed to be done */ private void startLoadingWork() { Game.GDXVars().loadSurvivorStageAssets(); }