Beispiel #1
  public void run() {

    System.out.println("System has entered running mode");

    while (threadCheck) {

      System.out.println("O.K. see how we execute target program");


      try {

        System.out.println("Right, let's wait for task to complete of fail");


        System.out.println("It's time for us threads to get back to work after the nap");

      } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException IntExec) {


      threadCheck = false;

      System.out.println("We shall be lucky to get back to start in one piece");

    if (!threadCheck) {

  //  public void FinalPatientInvoicePdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate,
  // java.lang.String endate, java.lang.String combox) {
  public void NHIFStatementAccPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String combox,
      java.lang.String combox1) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    memNo1 = combox1;

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    System.out.println("Days Date" + endDate);
    ageingSeries = new com.afrisoftech.timeseries.AgeingSeries(4, endate);
    // periodicDates = new com.afrisoftech.lib.PeriodicDates(endDate, 3);

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void SalesReportPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String cashPoint,
      java.lang.String glAccount) {

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    CashPoint = cashPoint;

    gAccount = glAccount;

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
Beispiel #4
  public void ReceiptsRtf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.lang.String combox,
      java.lang.String name,
      java.lang.String amount,
      java.lang.String receipt,
      java.lang.String paymode) {

    MNo = combox;

    Name = name;

    Amount = amount;

    Receipt = receipt;

    connectDB = connDb;

    Paymode = paymode;

    // beginDate = begindate;

    // endDate = endate;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  //  public void FinalPatientInvoicePdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate,
  // java.lang.String endate, java.lang.String combox) {
  public void StatementAccDetailPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String combox1,
      java.lang.String combox) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    memNo1 = combox1;
    memNo = combox;

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void TransByAccountPdf1(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String combox,
      java.lang.String ptype) {

    bank = combox;

    paType = ptype;

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
  public void RevenuePriceListPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String combox) {
    // public void StoresBalPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    bank = combox;

    connectDB = connDb;

    // beginDate = begindate;

    // endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
Beispiel #8
  // public void ReceiptsPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate,
  // java.lang.String endate, java.lang.String combox) {
  public void GatePassPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String combox, String invNo) {

    invoiceNo = invNo;

    MNo = combox;

    connectDB = connDb;

    // beginDate = begindate;

    // endDate = endate;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void CorporateTaxPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.util.Date begindate, java.util.Date endate) {
    connectDB = connDb;
    beginDate = begindate;
    endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void BalanceSheetPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate, java.lang.String endate) {
    connectDB = connDb;
    beginDate = begindate;
    endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
Beispiel #11
  public void RevenuesPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb) {

    connectDB = connDb;
    // beginDate = begindate;
    // endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public DeliveriesMonthlyPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.util.Date begindate, java.util.Date endate) {
    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    connectDB = connDb;
    beginDate = begindate;
    endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void PettyCashPaymentsShiftPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String combox, java.lang.String cashPoint) {

    memNo = combox;

    CashPoint = cashPoint;

    connectDB = connDb;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  //  public void FinalPatientInvoicePdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate,
  // java.lang.String endate, java.lang.String combox) {
  public void FinalPatientInvoicePdf(java.sql.Connection connDb) {

    //  MNo = combox;

    connectDB = connDb;

    //    beginDate = begindate;

    //    endDate = endate;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  // public void ReceiptsPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate,
  // java.lang.String endate, java.lang.String combox) {
  public void PatientRefundPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String voucno) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    vouchNo = voucno;
    connectDB = connDb;
    //  previewPrint = printPreview;
    // beginDate = begindate;

    // endDate = endate;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void DoctorStmsPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String combox) {
    MNo = combox;

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    connectDB = connDb;

    // beginDate = begindate;

    // endDate = endate;
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  //  public void FinalPatientInvoicePdf(java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String begindate,
  // java.lang.String endate, java.lang.String combox) {
  public void FinalDescInvoiceByinvPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String inv1, java.lang.String inv2) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    connectDB = connDb;

    INV01 = inv1;

    INV02 = inv2;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void MOH204BOPOver5RegisterPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date lastDate) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = startDate;

    endDate = lastDate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void UnBankedItemsPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.util.Date begindate, java.util.Date enddate) {

    //        bank = combox;

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = enddate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void JournalsIndvPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.lang.String jno, java.lang.String jno1) {

    connectDB = connDb;

    //  beginDate = begindate;

    //  endDate = endate;

    Jno = jno;

    Jno1 = jno1;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void TrialBalanceMvtPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.util.Date begindate, java.util.Date endate) {

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    ageingSeries = new com.afrisoftech.timeseries.AgeingSeries(2, endate);

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void WeeklyComparisonRevPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb, java.util.Date begindate, java.util.Date endate) {
    // public void OrderedItemsPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb) {
    // Debtor = combox;
    connectDB = connDb;
    beginDate = begindate;
    endDate = endate;
    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    System.out.println("Days Date" + endDate);
    // periodicDates = new com.afrisoftech.lib.PeriodicDates(endDate, 3);
    ageingSeries = new com.afrisoftech.timeseries.WeeklyAgeing(2, endate);
    // long enDate = java.util.Date.parse(endDate);

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void PayerAgeingPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String combox) {
    // public void OrderedItemsPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb) {
    Debtor = combox;
    connectDB = connDb;
    beginDate = begindate;
    endDate = endate;
    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    System.out.println("Days Date" + endDate);
    periodicDates = new com.afrisoftech.lib.PeriodicDates(endDate, 3);
    ageingSeries = new com.afrisoftech.timeseries.AgeingSeries(4, endate);
    // long enDate = java.util.Date.parse(endDate);

    // java.util.Date endDates = new java.util.Date(endDate);

    // java
    /* java.util.Calendar calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();

                java.util.Calendar endCal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();


                calendar.set(endCal.getTime().getYear(), 0, 1);

                java.util.Date endDate = calendar.getTime();

                System.out.println("First day of year "+endDate.toString());

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void OpRevBrdwnPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String combox) {

    bank = combox;

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void DebtorsageddateAlphaPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String bal) {

    balnc = bal;
    connectDB = connDb;
    beginDate = begindate;
    endDate = endate;
    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    System.out.println("Days Date" + endDate);
    //   periodicDates = new com.afrisoftech.lib.PeriodicDates(endDate, 3);
    ageingSeries = new com.afrisoftech.timeseries.AgeingSeries(4, endate);

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void SubStoresCostPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String store) {

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    StoreName = store;

    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();
    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");
  public void DebtorsStatementPdf(
      java.sql.Connection connDb,
      java.util.Date begindate,
      java.util.Date endate,
      java.lang.String debtor) {
    // public void OrderedItemsPdf(java.sql.Connection connDb) {
    dbObject = new com.afrisoftech.lib.DBObject();

    connectDB = connDb;

    beginDate = begindate;

    endDate = endate;

    Debtor = debtor;

    threadSample = new java.lang.Thread(this, "SampleThread");

    System.out.println("threadSample created");


    System.out.println("threadSample fired");