private int visitCode(
      Reference<AVM2Instruction> assignment,
      Set<Integer> visited,
      TranslateStack stack,
      int classIndex,
      boolean isStatic,
      MethodBody body,
      int scriptIndex,
      ABC abc,
      AVM2Code code,
      int idx,
      int endIdx,
      Set<Integer> ignored,
      Set<Integer> ignoredGets)
      throws InterruptedException {
    List<GraphTargetItem> output = new ArrayList<>();
    AVM2LocalData localData =
        newLocalData(scriptIndex, abc, abc.constants, body, isStatic, classIndex);
    initLocalRegs(localData, body.getLocalReservedCount(), body.max_regs);
    localData.localRegs.put(0, new NullAVM2Item(null, null)); // this

    List<Integer> toVisit = new ArrayList<>();
    List<TranslateStack> toVisitStacks = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
      if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
        throw new InterruptedException();

      idx = toVisit.remove(0);
      stack = toVisitStacks.remove(0);

      while (true) {
        if (idx > endIdx) {
        if (visited.contains(idx)) {

        AVM2Instruction ins = code.code.get(idx);
        InstructionDefinition def = ins.definition;
        // System.err.println("" + idx + ": " + ins + " stack:" + stack.size());

        // do not throw EmptyStackException, much faster
        int requiredStackSize = ins.getStackPopCount(localData);
        if (stack.size() < requiredStackSize) {
          continue outer;

        ins.translate(localData, stack, output, Graph.SOP_USE_STATIC, "");
        if (def instanceof SetLocalTypeIns) {
          int regId = ((SetLocalTypeIns) def).getRegisterId(ins);
          if (!ignored.contains(regId)) {
            return regId;
        } else if (def instanceof GetLocalTypeIns) {
          int regId = ((GetLocalTypeIns) def).getRegisterId(ins);
          if (!ignored.contains(regId) && !ignoredGets.contains(regId)) {
            return regId;
        } else if (!(def instanceof KillIns) && !(def instanceof DebugIns)) {
          // can be inclocal, declocal, hasnext...
          for (int p = 0; p < ins.definition.operands.length; p++) {
            int op = ins.definition.operands[p];
            if (op == AVM2Code.DAT_LOCAL_REG_INDEX) {
              int regId = ins.operands[p];
              if (!ignored.contains(regId)) {
                return regId;


        if (ins.definition instanceof JumpIns) {

          long address = ins.offset + ins.getBytesLength() + ins.operands[0];
          idx = code.adr2pos(address); // code.indexOf(code.getByAddress(address));
          if (idx == -1) {
            throw new TranslateException("Jump target not found: " + address);

        if (ins.isBranch()) {
          List<Integer> branches =
                  new GraphSource() {

                    public int size() {
                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                          "Not supported yet."); // To change body of generated methods, choose
                      // Tools | Templates.

                    public GraphSourceItem get(int pos) {
                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                          "Not supported yet."); // To change body of generated methods, choose
                      // Tools | Templates.

                    public boolean isEmpty() {
                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                          "Not supported yet."); // To change body of generated methods, choose
                      // Tools | Templates.

                    public List<GraphTargetItem> translatePart(
                        GraphPart part,
                        BaseLocalData localData,
                        TranslateStack stack,
                        int start,
                        int end,
                        int staticOperation,
                        String path)
                        throws InterruptedException {
                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                          "Not supported yet."); // To change body of generated methods, choose
                      // Tools | Templates.

                    public int adr2pos(long adr) {
                      return code.adr2pos(adr);

                    public long pos2adr(int pos) {
                      return code.pos2adr(pos);
          idx = branches.get(0);
          for (int n = 1; n < branches.size(); n++) {
            // visitCode(visited, (TranslateStack) stack.clone(), classIndex, isStatic, body,
            // scriptIndex, abc, code, branches.get(n), endIdx, result);
            int nidx = branches.get(n);
            if (visited.contains(nidx)) {
            toVisitStacks.add((TranslateStack) stack.clone());
        /*if (ins.definition instanceof IfTypeIns) {
        long address = ins.offset + ins.getBytes().length + ins.operands[0];
        int newIdx = code.adr2pos(address);
        if (newIdx == -1) {
        throw new TranslateException("If target not found: " + address);
        visitCode(visited, (TranslateStack) stack.clone(), classIndex, isStatic, body, scriptIndex, abc, code, newIdx, endIdx, result);

        if (ins.definition instanceof ReturnValueIns) {

        if (ins.definition instanceof ThrowIns) {

        if (ins.definition instanceof ReturnVoidIns) {
    return -1;