Beispiel #1
  * @param jarFileUri jar:file:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/
  * @param jarEntry com/jogamp/common/GlueGenVersion.class
  * @return jar:file:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/com/jogamp/common/GlueGenVersion.class
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException null arguments
  * @throws URISyntaxException
 public static Uri getJarEntryUri(final Uri jarFileUri, final Uri.Encoded jarEntry)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, URISyntaxException {
   if (null == jarEntry) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("jarEntry is null");
   return Uri.cast(jarFileUri.toString() + jarEntry);
Beispiel #2
  * @param jarSubUriS file:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar (Uri encoded)
  * @return jar:file:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException null arguments
  * @throws URISyntaxException
 public static Uri getJarFileUri(final Uri.Encoded jarSubUriS)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, URISyntaxException {
   if (null == jarSubUriS) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("jarSubUriS is null");
   return Uri.cast(Uri.JAR_SCHEME + Uri.SCHEME_SEPARATOR + jarSubUriS + "!/");
Beispiel #3
  * @param baseUri file:/some/path/
  * @param jarFileName gluegen-rt.jar (Uri encoded)
  * @return jar:file:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/
  * @throws URISyntaxException
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException null arguments
 public static Uri getJarFileUri(final Uri baseUri, final Uri.Encoded jarFileName)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, URISyntaxException {
   if (null == baseUri || null == jarFileName) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "null arguments: baseUri " + baseUri + ", jarFileName " + jarFileName);
   return Uri.cast(
       Uri.JAR_SCHEME + Uri.SCHEME_SEPARATOR + baseUri.toString() + jarFileName + "!/");
Beispiel #4
  * The Class's <code>"com.jogamp.common.GlueGenVersion"</code> Uri <code>
  * jar:<i>sub_protocol</i>:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/com/jogamp/common/GlueGenVersion.class"
  * </code> Jar file Uri <code>jar:<i>sub_protocol</i>:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/</code> will be
  * returned.
  * <p><i>sub_protocol</i> may be "file", "http", etc..
  * @param clazzBinName "com.jogamp.common.GlueGenVersion"
  * @param cl
  * @return "jar:<i>sub_protocol</i>:/some/path/gluegen-rt.jar!/"
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Uri doesn't match the expected formatting or null
  *     arguments
  * @throws IOException if the class's Jar file could not been found by the ClassLoader
  * @throws URISyntaxException if the Uri could not be translated into a RFC 2396 Uri
  * @see {@link IOUtil#getClassURL(String, ClassLoader)}
 public static Uri getJarFileUri(final String clazzBinName, final ClassLoader cl)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
   if (null == clazzBinName || null == cl) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "null arguments: clazzBinName " + clazzBinName + ", cl " + cl);
   final Uri jarSubUri = getJarUri(clazzBinName, cl).getContainedUri();
   final Uri uri = Uri.cast(Uri.JAR_SCHEME + Uri.SCHEME_SEPARATOR + jarSubUri.toString() + "!/");
   if (DEBUG) {
     System.err.println("getJarFileUri res: " + uri);
   return uri;