public ParticleSystem(String name, int numParticles, ParticleType particleType) { super(name); this.numParticles = numParticles; this.particleType = particleType; emissionDirection = new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); minimumLifeTime = DEFAULT_MIN_LIFE; maximumLifeTime = DEFAULT_MAX_LIFE; maximumAngle = DEFAULT_MAX_ANGLE; startSize = DEFAULT_START_SIZE; endSize = DEFAULT_END_SIZE; startColor = DEFAULT_START_COLOR.clone(); endColor = DEFAULT_END_COLOR.clone(); upVector = Vector3f.UNIT_Y.clone(); leftVector = new Vector3f(-1, 0, 0); originCenter = new Vector3f(); originOffset = new Vector3f(); startSpin = 0; endSpin = 0; startMass = 1; endMass = 1; startTexIndex = 0; texQuantity = 1; releaseRate = numParticles; // init working vectors.. used to prevent additional object creation. upXemit = new Vector3f(); absUpVector = new Vector3f(); abUpMinUp = new Vector3f(); initialVelocity = 1.0f; rotMatrix = new Matrix3f(); initializeParticles(numParticles); }
public void read(JMEImporter e) throws IOException { detachAllChildren();; InputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this); emitType = capsule.readEnum("emitType", EmitType.class, EmitType.Point); particleType = capsule.readEnum("particleType", ParticleType.class, ParticleType.Quad); psLine = (Line) capsule.readSavable("psLine", null); psRect = (Rectangle) capsule.readSavable("psRect", null); psRing = (Ring) capsule.readSavable("psRing", null); psGeom = (Geometry) capsule.readSavable("psGeom", null); startSize = capsule.readFloat("startSize", DEFAULT_START_SIZE); endSize = capsule.readFloat("endSize", DEFAULT_END_SIZE); startColor = (ColorRGBA) capsule.readSavable("startColor", DEFAULT_START_COLOR.clone()); endColor = (ColorRGBA) capsule.readSavable("endColor", DEFAULT_END_COLOR.clone()); startSpin = capsule.readFloat("startSpin", 0); endSpin = capsule.readFloat("endSpin", 0); startMass = capsule.readFloat("startMass", 0); endMass = capsule.readFloat("endMass", 0); startTexIndex = capsule.readInt("startTexIndex", 0); texQuantity = capsule.readInt("texQuantity", 1); initialVelocity = capsule.readFloat("initialVelocity", 1); minimumLifeTime = capsule.readFloat("minimumLifeTime", DEFAULT_MIN_LIFE); maximumLifeTime = capsule.readFloat("maximumLifeTime", DEFAULT_MAX_LIFE); minimumAngle = capsule.readFloat("minimumAngle", 0); maximumAngle = capsule.readFloat("maximumAngle", DEFAULT_MAX_ANGLE); emissionDirection = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("emissionDirection", Vector3f.UNIT_Y.clone()); worldEmit = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("worldEmit", Vector3f.ZERO.clone()); upVector = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("upVector", Vector3f.UNIT_Y.clone()); leftVector = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("leftVector", new Vector3f(-1, 0, 0)); numParticles = capsule.readInt("numParticles", 0); rotateWithScene = capsule.readBoolean("rotateWithScene", false); geometryCoordinates = capsule.readFloatBuffer("geometryCoordinates", null); appearanceColors = capsule.readFloatBuffer("appearanceColors", null); releaseRate = capsule.readInt("releaseRate", numParticles); particleOrientation = capsule.readFloat("particleOrientation", 0); originCenter = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("originCenter", new Vector3f()); originOffset = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("originOffset", new Vector3f()); controller = (ParticleController) capsule.readSavable("controller", null); cameraFacing = capsule.readBoolean("cameraFacing", true); velocityAligned = capsule.readBoolean("velocityAligned", false); particlesInWorldCoords = capsule.readBoolean("particlesInWorldCoords", true); ramp = (ParticleAppearanceRamp) capsule.readSavable("ramp", new ParticleAppearanceRamp()); texAnimation = (TexAnimation) capsule.readSavable("texAnimation", new TexAnimation()); invScale = new Vector3f(); upXemit = new Vector3f(); absUpVector = new Vector3f(); abUpMinUp = new Vector3f(); rotMatrix = new Matrix3f(); initializeParticles(numParticles); }
public static void setTranslucent(Spatial spatial) { MaterialState rs = (MaterialState) doRemoveRenderState(spatial, StateType.Material); if (rs != null) { materials.put(spatial.getName(), rs); MaterialState newState = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem().getRenderer().createMaterialState(); ColorRGBA ambient = rs.getAmbient(); ambient.a = .5f; ColorRGBA diffuse = rs.getDiffuse(); diffuse.a = .5f; ColorRGBA emissive = rs.getEmissive(); emissive.a = .5f; ColorRGBA specular = rs.getSpecular(); specular.a = .5f; newState.setAmbient(ambient); newState.setColorMaterial(rs.getColorMaterial()); newState.setDiffuse(diffuse); newState.setEmissive(emissive); newState.setMaterialFace(rs.getMaterialFace()); newState.setShininess(rs.getShininess()); newState.setSpecular(specular); } spatial.updateRenderState(); if (spatial instanceof Node && ((Node) spatial).getChildren() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ((Node) spatial).getChildren().size(); i++) { colorStripper(((Node) spatial).getChildren().get(i)); } } }
@Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); for (LightRecord record : lightList) { record.invalidate(); } lightMask = -1; backLightMask = -1; twoSidedOn = false; enabled = false; localViewer = false; separateSpecular = false; globalAmbient.set(-1, -1, -1, -1); }
private void applyFogColor(ColorRGBA color, FogStateRecord record) { final GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL(); if (!record.isValid() || !color.equals(record.fogColor)) { record.fogColor.set(color); record.colorBuff.clear(); record .colorBuff .put(record.fogColor.r) .put(record.fogColor.g) .put(record.fogColor.b) .put(record.fogColor.a); record.colorBuff.flip(); gl.glFogfv(GL.GL_FOG_COLOR, record.colorBuff); // TODO Check for float } }
/** * <code>toString</code> returns the string representation of this font object in the Format: <br> * <br> * jme.geometry.hud.text.Font2D@1c282a1 <br> * Color: {RGBA COLOR} <br> * * @return the string representation of this object. */ public String toString() { String string = super.toString(); string += "\nColor: " + fontColor.toString(); return string; }
/** * <code>setColor</code> sets the RGBA values to render the font as. By default the color is white * with no transparency. * * @param color the color to set. */ public void setColor(ColorRGBA color) { fontColor.set(color); }