Beispiel #1
   * Returns a printable representation of this header.
   * @param filter FormatProperties object for filtering this header.
   * @return Returns a string representation of this header.
  public String toString(FormatProperties filter) {

    // Check for Port filtering
    if (filter != null) { // If filter is enabled
      boolean print = false;
      String port = filter.getPort();
      if (port == null) {
        print = true; // The filtering doesn't apply to this header
      } else if (port.equals(sourceport.toString()) || port.equals(destport.toString())) {
        print = true;
      if (!print) { // Don't print the packet
        if (Trace.isTraceOn() && Trace.isTraceInformationOn()) {
          Trace.log(Trace.INFORMATION, CLASS + ".toString() " + "Not printing record");
        return ""; // Return empty record because it didn't pass the filter

    String portname = (String) Port.get(this.sourceport.toString());
    String portname2 = (String) Port.get(this.destport.toString());

    // Make sure we have enough data to parse a full header
    if (rawheader.getBitSize() < getHeaderLen()) {
      return (new Data(rawheader)).toString();

    if (portname == null) {
      portname = UNASSIGNED;
    if (portname2 == null) {
      portname2 = UNASSIGNED;
    String sourceport = this.sourceport.toString() + ", " + portname;
    String destport = this.destport.toString() + ", " + portname2;
    Object[] args = {sourceport, destport, length, checksum};

    return Formatter.jsprintf(
            "\t    "
                + UDPSTR
                + "  . . . . :  "
                + SRC
                + ":  {0,18,L} "
                + DST
                + ":  {1,18,L}\n"
                + "\t\t\t    "
                + LEN
                + ":  {2,5,L} "
                + CHKSUM
                + ":  {3}\n",
        + printHexHeader()
        + printnext(filter)
        + (new Data(rawpayload)).toString();
   * Removes a row from the table.
   * @param rowIndex The row index. Indices start at 0.
  public void removeRow(int rowIndex) {
    synchronized (this) {
      Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "Removing row ", rowIndex);

      // array to hold new data
      String[][] newData = new String[data_.length - 1][NUM_COLUMNS_];
      int[] newTypes = new int[types_.length - 1];

      // copy table data to new table less row being removed
      if (rowIndex == 0) {
        // remove first row
        System.arraycopy(data_, 1, newData, 0, newData.length);
        System.arraycopy(types_, 1, newTypes, 0, newTypes.length);
      } else if (rowIndex == data_.length - 1) {
        // remove last row
        System.arraycopy(data_, 0, newData, 0, newData.length);
        System.arraycopy(types_, 0, newTypes, 0, newTypes.length);
      } else {
        // remove row in middle
        System.arraycopy(data_, 0, newData, 0, rowIndex);
        System.arraycopy(data_, rowIndex + 1, newData, rowIndex, newData.length - rowIndex);
        System.arraycopy(types_, 0, newTypes, 0, rowIndex);
        System.arraycopy(types_, rowIndex + 1, newTypes, rowIndex, newTypes.length - rowIndex);

      data_ = newData;

    // notify listeners that we've changed
    fireTableRowsDeleted(rowIndex, rowIndex);
 /** Starts the Output Thread to recieve debug info from the remotely running Java program. */
 public void run() {
   Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread();
   while (outThread_ == myThread) {
     String s = jaCall_.getStandardOutString();
     if (s != null) Trace.log(Trace.INFORMATION, s);
     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       // the VM doesn't want us to sleep anymore,
       // so get back to work
  /** Loads the table based on the state of the system. */
  public void load() {
    synchronized (this) {
      // Set back fields in case there is an error.
      data_ = new String[0][0];
      types_ = new int[0];
      numRows_ = 0;
    // notify listeners that we've changed number of rows.
    TableModelEvent event = new TableModelEvent(this, -1);
    Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "Starting load, changed number of rows to:", numRows_);

    if (tables_ == null || tables_.length == 0 || connection_ == null) {
      // If no tables, the panel will be disabled, don't throw
      // error, just leave table empty.

    synchronized (this) {

      // Number of rows we create our table with and number of
      // rows we bump our capacity by each time we run out of room.
      int ROW_INCREMENT = 50;

      ResultSet resultSet = null;
      try {
        // Get database meta data
        DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection_.getMetaData();

        // Create new array to hold table values.
        data_ = new String[ROW_INCREMENT][NUM_COLUMNS_];
        types_ = new int[ROW_INCREMENT];

        // Loop through each database file.
        String library, table, tprefix;
        int sepIndex;
        int curRow;
        for (int i = 0; i < tables_.length; ++i) {
          // Get meta data.
          sepIndex = tables_[i].indexOf(".");
          if (sepIndex == -1) {
            // Incorrect table specification, send error
            // and continue to next table.
            // Create generic exception to hold error message
            Exception e = new Exception(ResourceLoader.getText("EXC_TABLE_SPEC_NOT_VALID"));
          } else {
            library = tables_[i].substring(0, sepIndex);
            table = tables_[i].substring(sepIndex + 1);
            if (tables_.length > 1) tprefix = table + "."; // need to qualify field names
            else tprefix = ""; // only 1 table, can just use field names
            resultSet = metaData.getColumns(null, library, table, null);

            // Loop through fields for this database file.
            while ( {
              curRow = numRows_; // current row in table

              // make sure we have room in table for this row.
              if (curRow >= data_.length) // @D1C
                String[][] newData = new String[data_.length + ROW_INCREMENT][NUM_COLUMNS_];
                System.arraycopy(data_, 0, newData, 0, data_.length);
                data_ = newData;
                int[] newTypes = new int[types_.length + ROW_INCREMENT];
                System.arraycopy(types_, 0, newTypes, 0, types_.length);
                types_ = newTypes;

              // Store SQL type for use by getSQLType,
              // although this is not externalized in the table.
              types_[curRow] = resultSet.getInt(5);

              // Add field info to table
              data_[curRow][FIELD_NAME_] = tprefix + resultSet.getString(4).trim();
              data_[curRow][FIELD_TYPE_] = resultSet.getString(6);
              // The following code should not be necessary when using
              // most drivers, but makes the length values correct
              // when using the i5/OS JDBC driver.
              // These values came from the ODBC description of precision
              // (in 2.0 ref, Appendix D page 624).
              switch (types_[curRow]) {
                case Types.SMALLINT:
                  data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "5";
                case Types.INTEGER:
                  data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "10";
                case Types.TIME:
                  data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "8";
                case Types.TIMESTAMP:
                  // We always give length = 23, even though
                  // we should give 19 if there is no decimals.
                  // In order to not mess up 'correct' values,
                  // only change it if we know the value is bad.
                  if (resultSet.getInt(7) == 10) data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "23";
                case Types.DATE:
                  data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "10";
                case Types.DOUBLE:
                  if (resultSet.getInt(7) == 4)
                    // single precision (type REAL)
                    data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "7";
                    // double precison (type FLOAT)
                    data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = "15";
                  // Other types are correct.
                  data_[curRow][FIELD_LENGTH_] = resultSet.getString(7);
              data_[curRow][FIELD_DECIMALS_] = resultSet.getString(9);
              data_[curRow][FIELD_NULLS_] = resultSet.getString(18);
              data_[curRow][FIELD_DESC_] = resultSet.getString(12);

      } catch (SQLException e) {
        // In case of error, set fields to init state
        data_ = new String[0][0];
        types_ = new int[0];
        numRows_ = 0;
        error_ = true;
      } finally {
        if (resultSet != null) {
          try {
          } catch (SQLException e) {
    } // end of synchronized block

    // notify listeners that we've changed
    event = new TableModelEvent(this, -1);
    Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "Did load, changed number of rows to:", numRows_);

   * Returns the HTML tag that represents the resource link with the specified <i>text</i> and
   * <i>properties</i>. The original ServletHyperlink object <i>text</i> and <i>properties</i> are
   * not changed/updated.
   * @param text The text.
   * @param properties The Properties.
   * @return The HTML tag.
  public String getTag(String text, Properties properties) {

    // Verify that the link has been set.
    if (getLink() == null) {
      Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "Attempting to get tag before setting the link.");
      throw new ExtendedIllegalStateException(
          "link", ExtendedIllegalStateException.PROPERTY_NOT_SET);

    // Validate the text parameter.
    if (text == null) throw new NullPointerException("text");

    // create the tag.
    StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(getLink());

    // path info for servlet ex.- http://myServer/myPathInfo
    if (pathInfo_ != null) {
      // if the link ends with a "/", the path does not need a leading "/"
      if (getLink().endsWith("/")) {
        if (pathInfo_.startsWith("/")) {
          pathInfo_ = pathInfo_.substring(1);
        } else {
          // pathInfo_ = pathInfo_;
      } else // link does not end with a "/", so the path needs to start with "/"
        if (pathInfo_.startsWith("/")) {
          // pathInfo_ = pathInfo_;
        } else {
          pathInfo_ = "/" + pathInfo_;

      // place holder for real implementation...
      link.append(URLEncoder.encode(pathInfo_, false));

    if (properties != null) {
      String name;
      String parmStart = "?";
      Enumeration propertyList = properties.propertyNames();
      while (propertyList.hasMoreElements()) {
        name = (String) propertyList.nextElement();
        parmStart = "&";

    StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();

    if (response_ != null) url.append(response_.encodeURL(link.toString()));
    else url.append(link.toString());

    // create the tag.
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

    buffer.append("<a href=\"");

    String location = getLocation(); // $A3A
    if (location != null) // $A3A
      buffer.append("#"); // $A3A
      buffer.append(location); // $A3A


    String name = getName();
    if (name != null) {
      buffer.append(" name=\"");

    String title = getTitle();
    if (title != null) {
      buffer.append(" title=\"");

    String target = getTarget();
    if (target != null) {
      buffer.append(" target=\"");

    buffer.append(getAttributeString()); // @Z1A


    return buffer.toString();