Beispiel #1
  * Construct the backpropagation trainer.
  * @param theNetwork The network to train.
  * @param theTraining The training data to use.
  * @param theLearningRate The learning rate. Can be changed as training runs.
  * @param theMomentum The momentum. Can be changed as training runs.
 public BackPropagation(
     BasicNetwork theNetwork,
     List<BasicData> theTraining,
     double theLearningRate,
     double theMomentum) { = theNetwork; = theTraining;
   this.learningRate = theLearningRate;
   this.momentum = theMomentum;
   this.gradients = new GradientCalc(, new CrossEntropyErrorFunction(), this);
   this.lastDelta = new double[theNetwork.getWeights().length];
Beispiel #2
  /** Run the example. */
  public void process() {
    try {
      final InputStream istream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/iris.csv");
      if (istream == null) {
        System.out.println("Cannot access data set, make sure the resources are available.");
      final DataSet ds = DataSet.load(istream);
      // The following ranges are setup for the Iris data set.  If you wish to normalize other files
      // you will
      // need to modify the below function calls other files.
      ds.normalizeRange(0, -1, 1);
      ds.normalizeRange(1, -1, 1);
      ds.normalizeRange(2, -1, 1);
      ds.normalizeRange(3, -1, 1);
      final Map<String, Integer> species = ds.encodeOneOfN(4); // species is column 4

      final List<BasicData> trainingData = ds.extractSupervised(0, 4, 4, 3);

      BasicNetwork network = new BasicNetwork();
      network.addLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, 4));
      network.addLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 20));
      network.addLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSoftMax(), false, 3));

      final BackPropagation train = new BackPropagation(network, trainingData, 0.001, 0.9);

      performIterations(train, 100000, 0.01, true);
      queryOneOfN(network, trainingData, species);

    } catch (Throwable t) {