Beispiel #1
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
       .add(attr("foo", LABEL_LIST).allowedFileTypes(FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE))
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
       .add(attr(":jvm", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(JavaSemantics.JVM))
       .add(attr(":host_jdk", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(JavaSemantics.HOST_JDK))
       .add(attr(":java_toolchain", LABEL).value(JavaSemantics.JAVA_TOOLCHAIN))
           attr("$javac_extdir", LABEL)
           attr("$java_langtools", LABEL)
                   env.getLabel(Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/defaults:java_langtools")))
           attr("$javac_bootclasspath", LABEL)
           attr("$javabuilder", LABEL)
           attr("$singlejar", LABEL)
       .add(attr("$genclass", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(env.getLabel(JavaSemantics.GENCLASS_LABEL)))
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
       /*<!-- #BLAZE_RULE(action_listener).ATTRIBUTE(mnemonics) -->
       A list of action mnemonics this <code>action_listener</code> should listen
       for, e.g. <code>[ "Javac" ]</code>.
         Mnemonics are not a public interface.
         There's no guarantee that the mnemonics and their actions don't change.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
       .add(attr("mnemonics", STRING_LIST).mandatory())
       /*<!-- #BLAZE_RULE(action_listener).ATTRIBUTE(extra_actions) -->
       A list of <code><a href="#extra_action">extra_action</a></code> targets
       this <code>action_listener</code> should add to the build graph.
       E.g. <code>[ "//my/tools:analyzer" ]</code>.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
           attr("extra_actions", LABEL_LIST)
Beispiel #4
    public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
      return builder
              attr("size", STRING)
                  .nonconfigurable("policy decision: should be consistent across configurations"))
              attr("timeout", STRING)
                  .nonconfigurable("policy decision: should be consistent across configurations")
                      new Attribute.ComputedDefault() {
                        public Object getDefault(AttributeMap rule) {
                          TestSize size = TestSize.getTestSize(rule.get("size", Type.STRING));
                          if (size != null) {
                            String timeout = size.getDefaultTimeout().toString();
                            if (timeout != null) {
                              return timeout;
                          return "illegal";
              attr("flaky", BOOLEAN)
                  .nonconfigurable("policy decision: should be consistent across configurations"))
          .add(attr("shard_count", INTEGER).value(-1))
              attr("local", BOOLEAN)
                  .nonconfigurable("policy decision: should be consistent across configurations"))
          .add(attr("args", STRING_LIST))
          // Input files for every test action
              attr("$test_runtime", LABEL_LIST)
          // Input files for test actions collecting code coverage
              attr("$coverage_support", LABEL)
          // Used in the one-per-build coverage report generation action.
              attr("$coverage_report_generator", LABEL)

          // The target itself and run_under both run on the same machine. We use the DATA config
          // here because the run_under acts like a data dependency (e.g. no LIPO optimization).
          .add(attr(":run_under", LABEL).cfg(DATA).value(RUN_UNDER).skipPrereqValidatorCheck())
Beispiel #5
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
       .add(attr("deps", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType())
       .add(attr("data", LABEL_LIST).cfg(DATA).allowedFileTypes(FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE))
Beispiel #6
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
           attr("foo", LABEL_LIST)
Beispiel #7
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
           attr("foo", LABEL_LIST)
       .add(attr("bar", LABEL_LIST).allowedFileTypes(FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE))
Beispiel #8
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
           attr("foo", LABEL_LIST)
               .aspect(ParametrizedDefinitionAspect.class, new TestAspectParametersExtractor()))
       .add(attr("baz", STRING))
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
           attr("$ijar", LABEL)
               .value(env.getLabel(Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/defaults:ijar")))
Beispiel #10
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
       .add(attr("testonly", BOOLEAN).nonconfigurable("test").value(false))
       .add(attr("deprecation", STRING).nonconfigurable("test"))
       .add(attr("tags", STRING_LIST))
           attr("visibility", NODEP_LABEL_LIST)
Beispiel #11
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   // filegroup ignores any filtering set with setSrcsAllowedFiles.
   return builder
       /*<!-- #BLAZE_RULE(filegroup).ATTRIBUTE(srcs) -->
       The list of targets that are members of the file group.
         It is common to use the result of a <a href="#glob">glob</a> expression for the value
         of the <code>srcs</code> attribute. If a rule and a source file with the same name both
         exist in the package, the glob will return the outputs of the rule instead of the source
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
       .add(attr("srcs", LABEL_LIST).allowedFileTypes(FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE))
       /*<!-- #BLAZE_RULE(filegroup).ATTRIBUTE(data) -->
       The list of files needed by this rule at runtime.
         Targets named in the <code>data</code> attribute will be added to the
         <code>runfiles</code> of this <code>filegroup</code> rule. When the
         <code>filegroup</code> is referenced in the <code>data</code> attribute of
         another rule its <code>runfiles</code> will be added to the <code>runfiles</code>
         of the depending rule. See the <a href="build-ref.html#data">data dependencies</a>
         section and <a href="">general documentation of <code>data</code></a>
         for more information about how to depend on and use data files.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
       .add(attr("data", LABEL_LIST).cfg(DATA).allowedFileTypes(FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE))
       .add(attr("output_licenses", LICENSE))
       /*<!-- #BLAZE_RULE(filegroup).ATTRIBUTE(path) -->
       An optional string to set a path to the files in the group, relative to the package path.
         This attribute can be used internally by other rules depending on this
         <code>filegroup</code> to find the name of the directory holding the files.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
       .add(attr("path", STRING))
Beispiel #12
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(ios_device).ATTRIBUTE(ios_version) -->
       The operating system version of the device. This corresponds to the
       <code>simctl</code> runtime.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
       .add(attr("ios_version", STRING).mandatory())
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(ios_device).ATTRIBUTE(type) -->
       The hardware type. This corresponds to the <code>simctl</code> device
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE -->*/
       .add(attr("type", STRING).mandatory())
           attr("locale", STRING)
               .undocumented("this is not yet supported by any test runner")
Beispiel #13
  public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
    return builder
        /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(maven_jar).ATTRIBUTE(artifact) -->
        A description of a Maven artifact using
        <a href="">Maven coordinates</a>.

        <p>These descriptions are of the form &lt;groupId&gt:&lt;artifactId&gt;:&lt;version&gt;,
        see <a href="#maven_jar_examples">the documentation below</a> for an example.
        <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
        .add(attr("artifact", Type.STRING))
        .add(attr("artifact_id", Type.STRING).undocumented("deprecated"))
        .add(attr("group_id", Type.STRING).undocumented("deprecated"))
        .add(attr("version", Type.STRING).undocumented("deprecated"))
        /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(maven_jar).ATTRIBUTE(repository) -->
        A URL for a Maven repository to fetch the jar from.

        <p>Either this or <code>server</code> can be specified. Defaults to Maven Central
        <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
        .add(attr("repository", Type.STRING))
        /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(maven_jar).ATTRIBUTE(server) -->
        A maven_server to use for this artifact.

        <p>Either this or <code>repository</code> can be specified.</p>
        <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
        .add(attr("server", Type.STRING))
        /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(maven_jar).ATTRIBUTE(sha1) -->
        A SHA-1 hash of the desired jar.

        <p>If the downloaded jar does not match this hash, Bazel will error out. <em>It is a
        security risk to omit the SHA-1 as remote files can change.</em> At best omitting this
        field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development easier but
        should be set before shipping.</p>
        <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
        .add(attr("sha1", Type.STRING))
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, final RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($base_java_binary).ATTRIBUTE(classpath_resources) -->
       <em class="harmful">DO NOT USE THIS OPTION UNLESS THERE IS NO OTHER WAY)</em>
         A list of resources that must be located at the root of the java tree. This attribute's
         only purpose is to support third-party libraries that require that their resources be
         found on the classpath as exactly <code>"myconfig.xml"</code>. It is only allowed on
         binaries and not libraries, due to the danger of namespace conflicts.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       .add(attr("classpath_resources", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType())
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($base_java_binary).ATTRIBUTE(jvm_flags) -->
       A list of flags to embed in the wrapper script generated for running this binary.
       Subject to <a href="#make_variables">"Make variable"</a> substitution and
       <a href="#sh-tokenization">Bourne shell tokenization</a>.
         The wrapper script for a Java binary includes a <code>CLASSPATH</code> definition (to
         find all the dependent jars) and invokes the right Java interpreter. The command line
         generated by the wrapper script includes the name of the main class followed by a
         <code>"$@"</code> so you can pass along other arguments after the classname.  However,
         arguments intended for parsing by the JVM must be specified <i>before</i> the classname
         on the command line. The contents of <code>jvm_flags</code> are added to the wrapper
         script before the classname is listed.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       .add(attr("jvm_flags", STRING_LIST))
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($base_java_binary).ATTRIBUTE(main_class) -->
       Name of class with <code>main()</code> method to use as entry point.
       If a rule uses this option, it does not need a <code>srcs=[...]</code> list.
       Thus, with this attribute one can make an executable from a Java library that already
       contains one or more <code>main()</code> methods.
         The value of this attribute is a class name, not a source file. The class must be
         available at runtime: it may be compiled by this rule (from <code>srcs</code>) or
         provided by direct or transitive dependencies (through <code>runtime_deps</code> or
         <code>deps</code>). If the class is unavailable, the binary will fail at runtime; there
         is no build-time check.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       .add(attr("main_class", STRING))
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($base_java_binary).ATTRIBUTE(create_executable) -->
       Whether to build the executable wrapper script or not.
       If this option is present, no executable wrapper script is built around the
       <code>.jar</code> file. Incompatible with <code>main_class</code> attribute.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       .add(attr("create_executable", BOOLEAN).nonconfigurable("internal").value(true))
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($base_java_binary).ATTRIBUTE(deploy_manifest_lines) -->
       A list of lines to add to the <code>META-INF/</code> file generated for the
       <code>*_deploy.jar</code> target. The contents of this attribute are <em>not</em> subject
       to <a href="#make_variables">"Make variable"</a> substitution.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       .add(attr("deploy_manifest_lines", STRING_LIST))
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($base_java_binary).ATTRIBUTE(stamp) -->
       Enable link stamping.
       Whether to encode build information into the binary. Possible values:
         <li><code>stamp = 1</code>: Stamp the build information into the binary. Stamped
           binaries are only rebuilt when their dependencies change. Use this if there are tests
           that depend on the build information.</li>
         <li><code>stamp = 0</code>: Always replace build information by constant values. This
           gives good build result caching.</li>
         <li><code>stamp = -1</code>: Embedding of build information is controlled by the
           <a href="blaze-user-manual.html#flag--stamp">--[no]stamp</a> flag.</li>
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       // TODO(bazel-team): describe how to access this data at runtime
       .add(attr("stamp", TRISTATE).value(TriState.AUTO))
       .add(attr(":java_launcher", LABEL).value(JavaSemantics.JAVA_LAUNCHER)) // blaze flag