Beispiel #1
  private static boolean validateArguments(Map<String, String> parsedArguments) {
    List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
    validatePortListArgument(parsedArguments, SERVER_PORT_KEY, errorMessages);
    validatePortArgument(parsedArguments, PROXY_PORT_KEY, errorMessages);
    validatePortArgument(parsedArguments, PROXY_REMOTE_PORT_KEY, errorMessages);
    validateHostnameArgument(parsedArguments, PROXY_REMOTE_HOST_KEY, errorMessages);

    if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) {
      int maxLengthMessage = 0;
      for (String errorMessage : errorMessages) {
        if (errorMessage.length() > maxLengthMessage) {
          maxLengthMessage = errorMessage.length();
          System.getProperty("line.separator") + "   " + Strings.padEnd("", maxLengthMessage, '='));
      for (String errorMessage : errorMessages) {
        outputPrintStream.println("   " + errorMessage);
          "   " + Strings.padEnd("", maxLengthMessage, '=') + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
      return false;
    return true;
 protected String toString(IEObjectRegion region) {
   EObject obj = region.getSemanticElement();
   StringBuilder builder =
       new StringBuilder(Strings.padEnd(toClassWithName(obj), textWidth, ' ') + " ");
   EObject element = region.getGrammarElement();
   if (element instanceof AbstractElement)
     builder.append(grammarToString.apply((AbstractElement) element));
   else if (element instanceof AbstractRule) builder.append(((AbstractRule) element).getName());
   else builder.append(": ERROR: No grammar element.");
   List<String> segments = Lists.newArrayList();
   EObject current = obj;
   while (current.eContainer() != null) {
     EObject container = current.eContainer();
     EStructuralFeature containingFeature = current.eContainingFeature();
     StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder();
     if (containingFeature.isMany()) {
       int index = ((List<?>) container.eGet(containingFeature)).indexOf(current);
       segment.append("[" + index + "]");
     current = container;
   if (!segments.isEmpty()) {
     builder.append(" path:");
   return builder.toString();
 protected String quote(String string) {
   if (string == null) return "null";
   string = string.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\t", "\\t");
   int textLen = textWidth - 2;
   if (string.length() > textLen) return "\"" + string.substring(0, textLen - 3) + "...\"";
   else return Strings.padEnd("\"" + string + "\"", textWidth, ' ');
Beispiel #4
  * @return the given path as a string, expanded using {@code separator} to fulfill the required
  *     {@code pathSize}.
 public String getExpandedPath(Path path) {
   Preconditions.checkArgument(path.toString().length() <= pathSize);
   return Strings.padEnd(path.toString(), pathSize, separator);
  * Returns a string, of length at least {@code minLength}, consisting of {@code string} appended
  * with as many copies of {@code padChar} as are necessary to reach that length. For example,
  * <ul>
  *   <li>{@code padEnd("4.", 5, '0')} returns {@code "4.000"}
  *   <li>{@code padEnd("2010", 3, '!')} returns {@code "2010"}
  * </ul>
  * <p>See {@link Formatter} for a richer set of formatting capabilities.
  * @param string the string which should appear at the beginning of the result
  * @param minLength the minimum length the resulting string must have. Can be zero or negative, in
  *     which case the input string is always returned.
  * @param padChar the character to append to the end of the result until the minimum length is
  *     reached
  * @return the padded string
  * @see Strings#padEnd(String, int, char)
 public static String padEnd(final String string, final int minLength, final char padChar) {
   return Strings.padEnd(string, minLength, padChar);
/** @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API */
public class TextRegionAccessToString {

  protected static enum AstRegionComparator implements Comparator<IAstRegion> {
      public int compare(IAstRegion o1, IAstRegion o2) {
        EObject e1 = o1.getSemanticElement();
        EObject e2 = o2.getSemanticElement();
        if (e1 == e2) return 0;
        if (EcoreUtil.isAncestor(e1, e2)) return 1;
        return -1;
      public int compare(IAstRegion o1, IAstRegion o2) {
        EObject e1 = o1.getSemanticElement();
        EObject e2 = o2.getSemanticElement();
        if (e1 == e2) return 0;
        if (EcoreUtil.isAncestor(e1, e2)) return -1;
        return 1;

  private static final int TITLE_WIDTH = 2;
  private static final String EMPTY_TITLE = Strings.repeat(" ", TITLE_WIDTH);
  private static final String EOBJECT_BEGIN_PADDED = Strings.padEnd("B", TITLE_WIDTH, ' ');
  private static final String EOBJECT_END_PADDED = Strings.padEnd("E", TITLE_WIDTH, ' ');
  private static final String HIDDEN = "H";
  private static final String HIDDEN_PADDED = Strings.padEnd(HIDDEN, TITLE_WIDTH, ' ');
  private static final String SEMANTIC_PADDED = Strings.padEnd("S", TITLE_WIDTH, ' ');

  private Function<AbstractElement, String> grammarToString =
      new GrammarElementTitleSwitch().showRule().showAssignments().showQualified();

  private boolean hideColumnExplanation = false;

  private boolean hideIndentation = false;

  private boolean hightlightOrigin = false;

  private ITextSegment origin;

  private int textWidth = 20;

  public int getTextWidth() {
    return textWidth;

  public TextRegionAccessToString hideColumnExplanation() {
    this.hideColumnExplanation = true;
    return this;

  public TextRegionAccessToString hideIndentation() {
    this.hideIndentation = true;
    return this;

  public TextRegionAccessToString hightlightOrigin() {
    this.hightlightOrigin = true;
    return this;

  public boolean isHideColumnExplanation() {
    return hideColumnExplanation;

  public boolean isHideIndentation() {
    return hideIndentation;

  public boolean isHightlightOrigin() {
    return hightlightOrigin;

  protected String quote(String string) {
    if (string == null) return "null";
    string = string.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\t", "\\t");
    int textLen = textWidth - 2;
    if (string.length() > textLen) return "\"" + string.substring(0, textLen - 3) + "...\"";
    else return Strings.padEnd("\"" + string + "\"", textWidth, ' ');

  protected String toClassWithName(EObject obj) {
    String className = obj.eClass().getName();
    EStructuralFeature nameFeature = obj.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("name");
    if (nameFeature != null) {
      Object name = obj.eGet(nameFeature);
      if (name != null) return className + "'" + name + "'";
    return className;

  public String toString() {
    List<ITextSegment> list = toTokenAndGapList();
    if (list.isEmpty()) return "(empty)";
    Multimap<IHiddenRegion, IEObjectRegion> hiddens = LinkedListMultimap.create();
    List<String> errors = Lists.newArrayList();
    ITextRegionAccess access = list.get(0).getTextRegionAccess();
    TreeIterator<EObject> all = EcoreUtil2.eAll(access.regionForRootEObject().getSemanticElement());
    while (all.hasNext()) {
      EObject element =;
      IEObjectRegion obj = access.regionForEObject(element);
      if (obj == null) continue;
      IHiddenRegion previous = obj.getPreviousHiddenRegion();
      IHiddenRegion next = obj.getNextHiddenRegion();
      if (previous == null)
        errors.add("ERROR: " + EmfFormatter.objPath(element) + " has no leading HiddenRegion.");
      else hiddens.put(previous, obj);
      if (previous != next) {
        if (next == null)
          errors.add("ERROR: " + EmfFormatter.objPath(element) + " has no trailing HiddenRegion.");
        else hiddens.put(next, obj);
    TextRegionListToString result = new TextRegionListToString();
    if (!hideColumnExplanation) {
      result.add("Columns: 1:offset 2:length 3:kind 4: text 5:grammarElement", false);
      result.add("Kind: H=IHiddenRegion S=ISemanticRegion B/E=IEObjectRegion", false);
      result.add("", false);
    for (String error : errors) result.add(error, false);
    int indentation = 0;
    for (ITextSegment region : list) {
      List<IEObjectRegion> previous = Lists.newArrayList();
      List<IEObjectRegion> next = Lists.newArrayList();
      List<String> middle = Lists.newArrayList(toString(region));
      if (region instanceof IHiddenRegion) {
        Collection<IEObjectRegion> found = hiddens.get((IHiddenRegion) region);
        for (IEObjectRegion obj : found) {
          boolean p = obj.getNextHiddenRegion().equals(region);
          boolean n = obj.getPreviousHiddenRegion().equals(region);
          if (p && n) middle.add(EMPTY_TITLE + "Semantic " + toString(obj));
          else if (p) previous.add(obj);
          else if (n) next.add(obj);
        Collections.sort(previous, AstRegionComparator.CHILDREN_FIRST);
        Collections.sort(next, AstRegionComparator.CONTAINER_FIRST);
      for (IEObjectRegion obj : previous) {
        result.add(indent(indentation) + EOBJECT_END_PADDED + toString(obj));
      String indent = indent(indentation);
      result.add(region, indent + Joiner.on("\n").join(middle).replace("\n", "\n" + indent));
      for (IEObjectRegion obj : next) {
        result.add(indent(indentation) + EOBJECT_BEGIN_PADDED + toString(obj));
    return result.toString();

  protected String indent(int indentation) {
    if (hideIndentation) return "";
    return Strings.repeat(" ", indentation);

  protected String toString(AbstractRule rule) {
    return rule == null ? "null" : rule.getName();

  protected String toString(EObject ele) {
    if (ele instanceof AbstractElement) return grammarToString.apply((AbstractElement) ele);
    if (ele instanceof AbstractRule)
      return ele.eClass().getName() + "'" + ((AbstractRule) ele).getName() + "'";
    return ele.toString();

  protected String toString(IComment comment) {
    String text = quote(comment.getText());
    String gammar = toString(comment.getGrammarElement());
    return String.format("%s Comment:%s", text, gammar);

  protected String toString(IEObjectRegion region) {
    EObject obj = region.getSemanticElement();
    StringBuilder builder =
        new StringBuilder(Strings.padEnd(toClassWithName(obj), textWidth, ' ') + " ");
    EObject element = region.getGrammarElement();
    if (element instanceof AbstractElement)
      builder.append(grammarToString.apply((AbstractElement) element));
    else if (element instanceof AbstractRule) builder.append(((AbstractRule) element).getName());
    else builder.append(": ERROR: No grammar element.");
    List<String> segments = Lists.newArrayList();
    EObject current = obj;
    while (current.eContainer() != null) {
      EObject container = current.eContainer();
      EStructuralFeature containingFeature = current.eContainingFeature();
      StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder();
      if (containingFeature.isMany()) {
        int index = ((List<?>) container.eGet(containingFeature)).indexOf(current);
        segment.append("[" + index + "]");
      current = container;
    if (!segments.isEmpty()) {
      builder.append(" path:");
    return builder.toString();

  protected String toString(IHiddenRegion hiddens) {
    List<IHiddenRegionPart> parts = hiddens.getParts();
    if (parts.isEmpty()) return HIDDEN;
    List<String> children = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(parts.size());
    children.add(HIDDEN_PADDED + toString(parts.get(0)));
    for (int i = 1; i < parts.size(); i++) children.add(EMPTY_TITLE + toString(parts.get(i)));
    return Joiner.on("\n").join(children);

  protected String toString(ISemanticRegion token) {
    String text = quote(token.getText());
    return String.format("%s%s %s", SEMANTIC_PADDED, text, toString(token.getGrammarElement()));

  protected String toString(ITextSegment region) {
    String result;
    if (region instanceof IEObjectRegion) result = toString((IEObjectRegion) region);
    else if (region instanceof ISemanticRegion) result = toString((ISemanticRegion) region);
    else if (region instanceof IHiddenRegion) result = toString((IHiddenRegion) region);
    else if (region instanceof IWhitespace) result = toString((IWhitespace) region);
    else if (region instanceof IComment) result = toString((IComment) region);
    else if (region != null)
      result =
          region.getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(region));
    else result = "null";
    if (hightlightOrigin && region == origin) return ">>>" + result + "<<<";
    return result;

  protected String toString(IWhitespace whitespace) {
    String text = quote(whitespace.getText());
    String grammar = toString(whitespace.getGrammarElement());
    return String.format("%s Whitespace:%s", text, grammar);

  protected List<ITextSegment> toTokenAndGapList() {
    final int range = this.hightlightOrigin ? 4 : (Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2);
    ITextSegment first = null;
      ITextSegment current = origin;
      for (int i = 0; i < range && current != null; i++) {
        first = current;
        if (current instanceof ITextRegionAccess)
          current = ((ITextRegionAccess) current).regionForRootEObject().getPreviousHiddenRegion();
        else if (current instanceof ISequentialRegion)
          current = ((ISequentialRegion) current).getPreviousHiddenRegion();
        else if (current instanceof IHiddenRegionPart)
          current = ((IHiddenRegionPart) current).getHiddenRegion();
        else throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected Type: " + current.getClass());
    if (first == null) return Collections.emptyList();
    List<ITextSegment> result = Lists.newArrayList();
      ITextSegment current = first;
      for (int i = 0; i <= (range * 2) && current != null; i++) {
        if (current instanceof ISemanticRegion)
          current = ((ISemanticRegion) current).getNextHiddenRegion();
        else if (current instanceof IHiddenRegion)
          current = ((IHiddenRegion) current).getNextSemanticRegion();
        else throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected Type: " + current.getClass());
    return result;

  public TextRegionAccessToString withOrigin(ITextSegment origin) {
    this.origin = origin;
    return this;

  public TextRegionAccessToString withRegionAccess(ITextRegionAccess access) {
    this.origin = access.regionForRootEObject();
    this.hightlightOrigin = false;
    return this;

  public TextRegionAccessToString withTextWidth(int width) {
    this.textWidth = width;
    return this;