   * Read in the wishlist from the file, and pack it into an ArrayList of CompressedWishlistInfo for
   * display in the ListView. This data structure stores one copy of the card itself, and a list of
   * set-specific attributes like set name, rarity, and price.
   * @param changedCardName If the wishlist was changed by a dialog, this is the card which we
   *     should look at for changes
  private void readAndCompressWishlist(String changedCardName) {
    /* Read the wishlist */
    ArrayList<MtgCard> wishlist = WishlistHelpers.ReadWishlist(getActivity());
    SQLiteDatabase database = DatabaseManager.getInstance(getActivity(), false).openDatabase(false);
    try {
      /* Translate the set code to tcg name, of course it's not saved */
      for (MtgCard card : wishlist) {
        card.setName = CardDbAdapter.getSetNameFromCode(card.setCode, database);

      /* Clear the wishlist, or just the card that changed */
      if (changedCardName == null) {
      } else {
        for (CompressedWishlistInfo cwi : mCompressedWishlist) {
          if (cwi.mCard.name.equals(changedCardName)) {

      /* Compress the whole wishlist, or just the card that changed */
      for (MtgCard card : wishlist) {
        if (changedCardName == null || changedCardName.equals(card.name)) {
          /* This works because both MtgCard's and CompressedWishlistInfo's .equals() can compare each
           * other */
          if (!mCompressedWishlist.contains(card)) {
            mCompressedWishlist.add(new CompressedWishlistInfo(card));
          } else {
          /* Look up the new price */
          if (mShowIndividualPrices || mShowTotalWishlistPrice) {
            loadPrice(card.name, card.setCode, card.number);

      /* Check for wholly removed cards if one card was modified */
      if (changedCardName != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mCompressedWishlist.size(); i++) {
          if (mCompressedWishlist.get(i).mInfo.size() == 0) {

      /* Fill extra card data from the database, for displaying full card info */
      CardDbAdapter.fillExtraWishlistData(mCompressedWishlist, database);

    } catch (FamiliarDbException e) {
    DatabaseManager.getInstance(getActivity(), false).closeDatabase(false);