/** * 绑定指定业务的日志 * * @param bizCode * @param bizID */ public void bindBizLog(Long bizCode, Long bizID) { try { this.showPage(false); this.showQuery(false); String sql = "select A.*,B.TRUENAME from OP_LOG A,OP B"; String where = "A.OPERATOR_TARGET = B.OP_ID "; where = where + " AND A.OPERATOR_TYPE= " + bizCode + " AND A.OPERATOR_TARGET like '%" + bizID + "%'"; sql = sql + " where " + where + " order by A.CREATE_TIME desc"; this.bindData(DbUtils.queryMapList(this.fieldList, sql)); } catch (BizException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BizException("查询业务日志异常"); } }
public /*PageResult*/ List<Map<String, Object>> queryComm( QueryPageData queryPagedata, List<DbField> dbFieldList) { // 手动查询 List<String> storeN = queryPagedata.GetQueryValues("STORE_NAME"); String storeName = ""; if (storeN != null) { storeName = storeN.get(0); } // 门店 String storeSql = GaUtil.isNullStr(storeName) ? "" : " and st.STORE_NAME='" + storeName + "' "; List<String> time = queryPagedata.GetQueryValues("CREATETIME"); // 时间段查询 if (time != null && time.size() < 2) { throw new BizException("请选择完整的时间段"); } String begainTiem = time != null ? time.get(0) : ""; String endTime = time != null ? time.get(1) : ""; if (time != null && !GaUtil.compareTimeStr(begainTiem, endTime, "yyyy-MM-dd")) { throw new BizException("请选择正确的时间段"); } String timeSql = GaUtil.isNullStr(begainTiem) ? " where 1 = 1 " : "join STORE_SALES_ORDER sso on sso.STORE_SALES_ORDER_id =s.STORE_SALES_ORDER_id where sso.CREATE_TIME BETWEEN" + " '" + begainTiem + "' and '" + endTime + "' "; // 折扣比 Integer ratio = this.userACL.getDiscRatio(); double dratio = ratio == 0 ? 1.00 : ratio * 1.00 / 100; // 权限设置 String storeId = this.userACL.getStoreID(); String whereSql = GaUtil.isNullStr(storeId) ? "" : " s.STORE_ID IN(" + storeId + ") "; String sql = "SELECT *, ROUND(scnt*" + dratio + "/ 100 * 1.1, 2) CNT, ROUND(scnt / total * 100, 2) AS szb, ROUND(leiji / total * 100, 2) AS zb, " + "scnt / total SZHANBI, leiji / total ZHANBI , IF( leiji / total < 0.9, IF( leiji / total < 0.7, 'A', IF(scnt / total > 0.7, 'A', 'B') ), 'C' ) ABC" + " FROM (SELECT store_name, COMMODITY_NAME, scnt, (SELECT SUM(i.scnt) FROM (SELECT SUM(s.COMM_CNT * s.RETAIL_PRICE) scnt " + "FROM store_sales_detail s JOIN store st ON st.store_id = s.store_id " + timeSql + " " + whereSql + " " + storeSql + " GROUP BY s.COMMODITY_ID ORDER BY scnt DESC) i WHERE i.scnt >=o.scnt ) leiji, " + "(SELECT SUM(s.COMM_CNT * s.RETAIL_PRICE) scnt FROM store_sales_detail s JOIN store st ON st.store_id = s.store_id " + timeSql + " " + whereSql + " " + storeSql + ") total FROM (SELECT st.store_name, c.COMMODITY_ID, c.COMMODITY_NAME, SUM(s.COMM_CNT * s.RETAIL_PRICE) scnt " + "FROM store_sales_detail s JOIN commodity c ON c.COMMODITY_ID = s.COMMODITY_ID JOIN store st ON st.store_id = s.store_id " + timeSql + " " + whereSql + " " + storeSql + " GROUP BY s.COMMODITY_ID ORDER BY scnt DESC) o ORDER BY scnt DESC) t"; // PageResult result = BizUtil.queryListBySQL(sql, "", "", fields, queryPagedata, null); List<Map<String, Object>> result = DbUtils.queryMapList(DbUtils.getConnection(), sql); System.out.println(queryPagedata.GetPageParam()); return result; // return BizUtil.queryListBySQL(sql, "", "", dbFieldList, queryPagedata, this.userACL); }