Beispiel #1
   * @param x
   * @param y
   * @param finish
  private void rubberBand(float x, float y, boolean finish) {

    // Rubberbanding
    if (mDragPlanPoint >= 0 && mService.getPlan() != null) {

      // Threshold for movement
      float movementx = Math.abs(x - mDragStartedX);
      float movementy = Math.abs(y - mDragStartedY);
      if ((movementx > MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD * mDipToPix)
          || (movementy > MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD * mDipToPix)) {
         * Do something to plan
         * This is the new location
        double lon = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(x);
        double lat = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(y);

        mService.getPlan().replaceDestination(mPref, mDragPlanPoint, lon, lat, finish);

        // This will not snap again
        mDragStartedX = -1000;
        mDragStartedY = -1000;
Beispiel #2
   * Determine if shape belong to a screen based on Screen longitude and latitude
   * and shape max/min longitude latitude
  public static boolean isOnScreen(Origin origin, double lat, double lon) {

    double maxLatScreen = origin.getLatScreenTop();
    double minLatScreen = origin.getLatScreenBot();
    double minLonScreen = origin.getLonScreenLeft();
    double maxLonScreen = origin.getLonScreenRight();

    boolean isInLat = lat < maxLatScreen && lat > minLatScreen;
    boolean isInLon = lon < maxLonScreen && lon > minLonScreen;
    return isInLat && isInLon;
Beispiel #3
  * * Draw the edge distance markers if configured to do so
  * @param canvas what to draw them on
 private void drawEdgeMarkers(Canvas canvas) {
   if (mPref.isShowEdgeTape()) {
     if (mPointProjection == null) {
       int x = (int) (mOrigin.getOffsetX(mGpsParams.getLongitude()));
       int y = (int) (mOrigin.getOffsetY(mGpsParams.getLatitude()));
       float pixPerNm = mOrigin.getPixelsInNmAtLatitude(1, mGpsParams.getLatitude());
               (int) mService.getInfoLines().getHeight(),
Beispiel #4
  private void startClosestAirportTask(double x, double y) {
    // We won't be doing the airport long press under certain circumstances
    if (mDraw) {


    if (null != mClosestTask) {
    mLongTouchDestination = null;
    mClosestTask = new ClosestAirportTask();

    double lon2, lat2;
    if (mPref.isTrackUp()) {
      double c_x = mOrigin.getOffsetX(mGpsParams.getLongitude());
      double c_y = mOrigin.getOffsetY(mGpsParams.getLatitude());
      double thetab = mGpsParams.getBearing();

      double p[];
      p = Helper.rotateCoord(c_x, c_y, thetab, x, y);
      lon2 = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(p[0]);
      lat2 = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(p[1]);
    } else {
      lon2 = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(x);
      lat2 = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(y);
    mClosestTask.execute(lon2, lat2);
Beispiel #5
  /** @param canvas Does pretty much all drawing on screen */
  private void drawMap(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mService == null) {

    // If our track is supposed to be at the top, save the current
    // canvas and rotate it based upon our bearing if we have one
    boolean bRotated = false;
    if (mPref.isTrackUp() && (mGpsParams != null)) {
      bRotated = true;;
       * Rotate around current position
      float x = (float) mOrigin.getOffsetX(mGpsParams.getLongitude());
      float y = (float) mOrigin.getOffsetY(mGpsParams.getLatitude());
      canvas.rotate(-(int) mGpsParams.getBearing(), x, y);

    DrawingContext ctx = new DrawingContext();
    ctx.service = mService;
    ctx.canvas = canvas;
    ctx.context = mContext;
    ctx.dip2pix = mDipToPix;
    ctx.movement = mMovement;
    ctx.origin = mOrigin;
    ctx.paint = mPaint;
    ctx.textPaint = mMsgPaint;
    ctx.scale = mScale;
    ctx.pan = mPan;
    ctx.pref = mPref;
    ctx.runwayPaint = mRunwayPaint;
    ctx.view = this;

    // Call the draw routines for the items that rotate with
    // the chart
    drawTiles(canvas, ctx);
    drawLayers(canvas, ctx);
    drawDrawing(canvas, ctx);
    drawCapGrids(canvas, ctx);
    drawTraffic(canvas, ctx);
    drawTFR(canvas, ctx);
    drawShapes(canvas, ctx);
    drawAirSigMet(canvas, ctx);
    drawTracks(canvas, ctx);
    drawTrack(canvas, ctx);
    drawRunways(canvas, ctx);
    drawAircraft(canvas, ctx);
    drawUserDefinedWaypoints(canvas, ctx);

    // Restore the canvas to be upright again
    if (true == bRotated) {

    // Now draw the items that do NOT rotate with the chart
    drawEdgeMarkers(canvas); // Must be after the infolines
Beispiel #6
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.ds.avare.MultiTouchController.MultiTouchObjectCanvas#setPositionAndScale(java.lang.Object, com.ds.avare.MultiTouchController.PositionAndScale, com.ds.avare.MultiTouchController.PointInfo)
  public boolean setPositionAndScale(
      Object obj, PositionAndScale newObjPosAndScale, PointInfo touchPoint) {
    if (false == mCurrTouchPoint.isMultiTouch()) {

       * Do not move on drag
      if (mDragPlanPoint >= 0) {
        return true;

       * Do not move on multitouch
      if (mDraw && mService != null) {
        float x = mCurrTouchPoint.getX() * mScale.getScaleFactor();
        float y = mCurrTouchPoint.getY() * mScale.getScaleFactor();
         * Threshold the drawing so we do not generate too many points
        if (mPref.isTrackUp()) {
          double thetab = mGpsParams.getBearing();
          double p[] = new double[2];
          double c_x = mOrigin.getOffsetX(mGpsParams.getLongitude());
          double c_y = mOrigin.getOffsetY(mGpsParams.getLatitude());
          p = Helper.rotateCoord(c_x, c_y, thetab, x, y);
          mService.getDraw().addPoint((float) p[0], (float) p[1], mOrigin);
        } else {
          mService.getDraw().addPoint(x, y, mOrigin);
        return true;

      // Pan
      if (mPan.setMove(newObjPosAndScale.getXOff(), newObjPosAndScale.getYOff())) {
         * Query when we have moved one tile. This will happen in background.
    } else {

      // Zooming does not change drag
      mDragPlanPoint = -1;

       * on double touch find distance and bearing between two points.

      if (mPointProjection == null) {
        double x0 = mCurrTouchPoint.getXs()[0];
        double y0 = mCurrTouchPoint.getYs()[0];
        double x1 = mCurrTouchPoint.getXs()[1];
        double y1 = mCurrTouchPoint.getYs()[1];

        double lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1;
        // convert to origin coord if Trackup
        if (mPref.isTrackUp()) {
          double c_x = mOrigin.getOffsetX(mGpsParams.getLongitude());
          double c_y = mOrigin.getOffsetY(mGpsParams.getLatitude());
          double thetab = mGpsParams.getBearing();
          double p0[], p1[];
          p0 = Helper.rotateCoord(c_x, c_y, thetab, x0, y0);
          p1 = Helper.rotateCoord(c_x, c_y, thetab, x1, y1);
          lon0 = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(p0[0]);
          lat0 = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(p0[1]);
          lon1 = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(p1[0]);
          lat1 = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(p1[1]);
        } else {
          lon0 = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(x0);
          lat0 = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(y0);
          lon1 = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(x1);
          lat1 = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(y1);
        mPointProjection = new Projection(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1);

       * Clamp scaling.

    return true;
Beispiel #7
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see android.view.View.OnTouchListener#onTouch(android.view.View, android.view.MotionEvent)
  public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent e) {
    boolean bPassToGestureDetector = true;

    if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {

      /** Rubberbanding */
      rubberBand(e.getX(), e.getY(), true);

       * Drag stops for rubber band
      mDragPlanPoint = -1;

       * Do not draw point. Only when long press and down.
      mPointProjection = null;

       * Now that we have moved passed the macro level, re-query for new tiles.
       * Do not query repeatedly hence check for mFactor = 1
      if (mMacro != mScale.getMacroFactor()) {
    } else if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {

      if (mService != null) {
         * Find if this is close to a plan point. Do rubber banding if true
         * This is where rubberbanding starts
        if (mService.getPlan() != null && mDragPlanPoint < 0 && mPref.allowRubberBanding()) {
          double lon = mOrigin.getLongitudeOf(e.getX());
          double lat = mOrigin.getLatitudeOf(e.getY());
          mDragPlanPoint = mService.getPlan().findClosePointId(lon, lat, mScale.getScaleFactor());
          mDragStartedX = e.getX();
          mDragStartedY = e.getY();

      mGestureCallBack.gestureCallBack(GestureInterface.TOUCH, (LongTouchDestination) null);

      // Remember this point so we can make sure we move far enough before losing the long press
      mDoCallbackWhenDone = false;
      mDownFocusPoint = getFocusPoint(e);
      startClosestAirportTask(e.getX(), e.getY());
    } else if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
      if (mDownFocusPoint != null) {

        Point fp = getFocusPoint(e);
        final int deltaX = fp.x - mDownFocusPoint.x;
        final int deltaY = fp.y - mDownFocusPoint.y;
        int distanceSquare = (deltaX * deltaX) + (deltaY * deltaY);
        bPassToGestureDetector = distanceSquare > mTouchSlopSquare;
      // Rubberbanding, intermediate
      rubberBand(e.getX(), e.getY(), false);

    if (bPassToGestureDetector) {
      // Once we break out of the square or stop the long press, keep sending
      if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE || e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
        mDownFocusPoint = null;
        mPointProjection = null;
        if (mClosestTask != null) {
    return mMultiTouchC.onTouchEvent(e, mScale.getMaxScale(), mScale.getMinScale(), mMacro);
Beispiel #8
 private void updateCoordinates() {
   mOrigin.update(mGpsTile, getWidth(), getHeight(), mGpsParams, mPan, mScale);