   * Generation of a GATE document from a Behemoth one
   * @param key URL of the input doc
   * @param inputDoc
   * @return
   * @throws ResourceInstantiationException
   * @throws InvalidOffsetException
   * @throws IOException
  public gate.Document generateGATEDoc(BehemothDocument inputDoc)
      throws ResourceInstantiationException, InvalidOffsetException, IOException {

    gate.Document gatedocument = null;

    // if no text is available (e.g. Tika has not extracted it)
    // let GATE do the parsing itself from the binary content
    if (inputDoc.getText() == null) {
      try {
        gatedocument = generateGATEDocFromLocalDump(inputDoc);

        // transfer the text from GATE to Behemoth
        String textContent = gatedocument.getContent().toString();

        return gatedocument;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Can't generate GATE doc from byte dump", e);

    // if the input document does not have any text -> create a doc with an
    // empty text

    String text = inputDoc.getText();
    if (inputDoc.getText() == null) text = "";
    else text = inputDoc.getText();

    gatedocument = Factory.newDocument(text);

    // then the metadata as document features
    FeatureMap docFeatures = gatedocument.getFeatures();
    String docUrl = inputDoc.getUrl();
    if (docUrl != null) docFeatures.put("gate.SourceURL", docUrl);
    if (inputDoc.getMetadata() != null) {
      Iterator<Entry<Writable, Writable>> iter = inputDoc.getMetadata().entrySet().iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Entry<Writable, Writable> entry = iter.next();
        String skey = entry.getKey().toString().trim();
        String svalue = null;
        if (entry.getValue() != null) svalue = entry.getValue().toString().trim();
        docFeatures.put(skey, svalue);

    // finally the annotations as original markups
    // TODO change the name of the annotation set via config
    AnnotationSet outputAS = gatedocument.getAnnotations("Original markups");
    for (Annotation annot : inputDoc.getAnnotations()) {
      // add to outputAS as a GATE annotation
      FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
      outputAS.add(annot.getStart(), annot.getEnd(), annot.getType(), features);
    return gatedocument;
  /** Returns a list of annotations to be added to the Behemoth document from the GATE one * */
  private List<com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation> convertGATEAnnotationsToBehemoth(
      AnnotationSet GATEAnnotionSet, com.digitalpebble.behemoth.BehemothDocument behemoth) {

    List<com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation> beheannotations =
        new ArrayList<com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation>();

    AnnotationSet resultAS = GATEAnnotionSet.get(filters.getTypes());

    // sort the GATE annotations
    List<gate.Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<gate.Annotation>(resultAS);
    Collections.sort(annotationList, new OffsetComparator());
    Iterator<gate.Annotation> inputASIter = annotationList.iterator();

    while (inputASIter.hasNext()) {
      gate.Annotation source = inputASIter.next();

      com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation target = new com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation();

      // now do the features
      // is the type listed?
      Set<String> expectedfeatnames = filters.getFeatureFilters().get(source.getType());
      if (expectedfeatnames != null) {
        Iterator featurenames = source.getFeatures().keySet().iterator();
        while (featurenames.hasNext()) {
          // cast the feature name to a string which will be right in
          // 99% of cases
          String featurename = featurenames.next().toString();
          // if this feature name is not wanted just ignore it
          if (expectedfeatnames.contains(featurename) == false) continue;
          // we know that we want to keep this feature
          // let's see what the best way of representing the value
          // would be
          // TODO later => find a better way of mapping when not a
          // string
          Object originalvalue = source.getFeatures().get(featurename);
          if (originalvalue == null) originalvalue = "null";
          target.getFeatures().put(featurename, originalvalue.toString());
    return beheannotations;
  // Process an input document with GATE and a Reporter
  public synchronized BehemothDocument[] process(BehemothDocument inputDoc, Reporter reporter) {
    if (reporter != null) reporter.setStatus("GATE : " + inputDoc.getUrl().toString());

    boolean clearBehemothAnnotations = config.getBoolean("gate.deleteBehemothAnnotations", false);

    // process the text passed as value with the application
    // a) create a GATE document based on the text value
    gate.Document gatedocument = null;
    try {

      gatedocument = generateGATEDoc(inputDoc);
      // add it to the current corpus
      // get the application and assign the corpus to it
      // process it with GATE

      AnnotationSet annots = null;
      if ("".equals(filters.getAnnotationSetName())) annots = gatedocument.getAnnotations();
      else annots = gatedocument.getAnnotations(filters.getAnnotationSetName());

      // enrich the input doc with the annotations from
      // the GATE application
      // transfer the annotations from the GATE document
      // to the Behemoth one using the filters
      List<com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation> beheannotations =
          convertGATEAnnotationsToBehemoth(annots, inputDoc);

      // sort the annotations before adding them?

      // clear the existing behemoth annotations
      if (clearBehemothAnnotations) {


      // add counters about num of annotations added
      if (reporter != null)
        for (com.digitalpebble.behemoth.Annotation annot : beheannotations) {
          reporter.incrCounter("GATE", annot.getType(), 1);

      // Add the document features from GATE to Behemoth
      Set<String> docFeatFilter = this.filters.getDocFeaturesFilter();
      MapWritable beheMD = inputDoc.getMetadata(true);
      if (docFeatFilter.size() > 0) {
        for (String docFeatName : docFeatFilter) {
          Object featValue = gatedocument.getFeatures().get(docFeatName);
          if (featValue != null) {
            beheMD.put(new Text(docFeatName), new Text(featValue.toString()));

      if (reporter != null) reporter.incrCounter("GATE", "Document", 1);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error(inputDoc.getUrl().toString(), e);
      if (reporter != null) reporter.incrCounter("GATE", "Exceptions", 1);
    } finally {
      // remove the document from the corpus again
      // and from memory
      if (gatedocument != null) Factory.deleteResource(gatedocument);
    // currently returns only the input document
    return new BehemothDocument[] {inputDoc};