public ByteArrayBuffer readBufferBySlot(Slot slot) {
    if (Slot.isNull(slot)) {
      return null;

    if (DTrace.enabled) {
      DTrace.READ_SLOT.logLength(slot.address(), slot.length());

    ByteArrayBuffer buffer = new ByteArrayBuffer(slot.length());

    buffer.readEncrypt(this, slot.address());
    return buffer;
  public StatefulBuffer readStatefulBufferBySlot(Transaction trans, int id, Slot slot) {
    if (Slot.isNull(slot)) {
      return null;

    if (DTrace.enabled) {
      DTrace.READ_SLOT.logLength(slot.address(), slot.length());

    StatefulBuffer buffer = createStatefulBuffer(trans, slot.address(), slot.length());
    buffer.readEncrypt(this, slot.address());
    return buffer;
  public void free(Slot slot) {
    if (slot.isNull()) {

      // TODO: This should really be an IllegalArgumentException but old database files
      //       with index-based FreespaceManagers appear to deliver zeroed slots.
      // throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (_freespaceManager == null) {
      // Can happen on early free before freespacemanager
      // is up, during conversion.

    if (DTrace.enabled) {
      DTrace.FILE_FREE.logLength(slot.address(), slot.length());