  public void serverNotEnoughWorkerThreadsCausesBindTimerToCloseChannel() throws Exception {
    BlockThreadSmppServerHandler serverHandler0 = new BlockThreadSmppServerHandler();
    SmppServerConfiguration configuration = createSmppServerConfiguration();
    // permit up to 0.5 seconds to bind
    DefaultSmppServer server0 = new DefaultSmppServer(configuration, serverHandler0);

    try {
      // there is an issue without telling the server how many worker threads
      // to create beforehand with starvation only Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
      // worker threads are created by default!!! (yikes)
      int workersToStarveWith = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

      // initiate bind requests on all sessions we care about -- this should
      // technicaly "starve" the server of worker threads since they'll all
      // be blocked in a Thread.sleep
      for (int i = 0; i < workersToStarveWith; i++) {
        DefaultSmppClient client0 = new DefaultSmppClient();
        SmppSessionConfiguration sessionConfig0 = createDefaultConfiguration();
        sessionConfig0.setName("WorkerTest.Session." + i);
        // don't use default method of binding, connect the socket first
        DefaultSmppSession session0 =
            client0.doOpen(sessionConfig0, new DefaultSmppSessionHandler());
        // try to bind and execute a bind request and wait for a bind response
        BaseBind bindRequest = client0.createBindRequest(sessionConfig0);
        try {
          // just send the request without caring if it succeeds
          session0.sendRequestPdu(bindRequest, 2000, false);
        } catch (SmppChannelException e) {

      // now try to bind normally -- since all previous workers are "starved"
      // this should fail to bind and the socket closed by the "BindTimer"
      DefaultSmppClient client0 = new DefaultSmppClient();
      SmppSessionConfiguration sessionConfig0 = createDefaultConfiguration();

      try {
      } catch (SmppTimeoutException e) {
        // the BindTimer should end up closing the connection since the
        // worker thread were "starved"
        logger.debug("Correctly received SmppChannelException during bind");

    } finally {
      Assert.assertEquals(0, server0.getChannels().size());
      Assert.assertEquals(3, server0.getCounters().getBindTimeouts());
  public void serverSessionBindVersion33() throws Exception {
    DefaultSmppServer server0 = createSmppServer();

    try {
      DefaultSmppClient client0 = new DefaultSmppClient();
      SmppSessionConfiguration sessionConfig0 = createDefaultConfiguration();

      // set back to version 3.3

      // we will not use the proper method of binding since we need to
      // access the bind response to verify it's correct
      DefaultSmppSession session0 = client0.doOpen(sessionConfig0, new DefaultSmppSessionHandler());

      // create a bind request based on this config
      BaseBind bindRequest = client0.createBindRequest(sessionConfig0);

      // execute a bind request and wait for a bind response
      BaseBindResp bindResponse = session0.bind(bindRequest, 200);


      SmppServerSession serverSession0 = serverHandler.sessions.iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals(1, serverHandler.sessions.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(1, server0.getChannels().size());
      Assert.assertEquals(true, serverSession0.isBound());
      Assert.assertEquals(SmppBindType.TRANSCEIVER, serverSession0.getBindType());
      Assert.assertEquals(SmppSession.Type.SERVER, serverSession0.getLocalType());
      Assert.assertEquals(SmppSession.Type.CLIENT, serverSession0.getRemoteType());

      // verify "requested" version is still 3.3
          SmppConstants.VERSION_3_3, serverSession0.getConfiguration().getInterfaceVersion());
      // verify the session interface version is normalized to 3.3
      Assert.assertEquals(SmppConstants.VERSION_3_3, serverSession0.getInterfaceVersion());
      Assert.assertEquals(false, serverSession0.areOptionalParametersSupported());

      // verify client session version settings are correct
      Assert.assertEquals((byte) 0x33, session0.getConfiguration().getInterfaceVersion());
      Assert.assertEquals((byte) 0x33, session0.getInterfaceVersion());
      Assert.assertEquals(false, session0.areOptionalParametersSupported());

      // verify NO optional parameters were included in bind response
      Assert.assertEquals(0, bindResponse.getOptionalParameterCount());
      Assert.assertEquals("cloudhopper", bindResponse.getSystemId());

      Assert.assertEquals(0, serverHandler.sessions.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(0, server0.getChannels().size());
      Assert.assertEquals(false, serverSession0.isBound());
    } finally {
  public void serverSessionTimesOutWithNoBindRequest() throws Exception {
    DefaultSmppServer server0 = createSmppServer();

    try {
      DefaultSmppClient client0 = new DefaultSmppClient();
      SmppSessionConfiguration sessionConfig0 = createDefaultConfiguration();

      // we will not use the proper method of binding since we need to
      DefaultSmppSession session0 = client0.doOpen(sessionConfig0, new DefaultSmppSessionHandler());

      // there is a bind timeout of 50 ms and we'll wait 100 ms

      // try to bind and execute a bind request and wait for a bind response
      BaseBind bindRequest = client0.createBindRequest(sessionConfig0);

      try {
        BaseBindResp bindResponse = session0.bind(bindRequest, 200);
      } catch (SmppChannelException e) {
        // correct behavior

      // verify everything after the session timed out
      Assert.assertEquals(0, serverHandler.sessions.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(0, server0.getChannels().size());
      Assert.assertEquals(false, session0.isBound());
      Assert.assertEquals(true, session0.isClosed());

    } finally {