  public TemplateProfile prepare(RegisterTemplateCmd cmd) throws ResourceAllocationException {
    TemplateProfile profile = super.prepare(cmd);

    if (profile.getZoneId() == null || profile.getZoneId() == -1) {
      List<DataCenterVO> dcs = _dcDao.listAllIncludingRemoved();
      for (DataCenterVO dc : dcs) {
        List<HostVO> pxeServers =
            _resourceMgr.listAllHostsInOneZoneByType(Host.Type.BaremetalPxe, dc.getId());
        if (pxeServers.size() == 0) {
          throw new CloudRuntimeException(
              "Please add PXE server before adding baremetal template in zone " + dc.getName());
    } else {
      List<HostVO> pxeServers =
          _resourceMgr.listAllHostsInOneZoneByType(Host.Type.BaremetalPxe, profile.getZoneId());
      if (pxeServers.size() == 0) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(
            "Please add PXE server before adding baremetal template in zone "
                + profile.getZoneId());

    return profile;
  public void scheduleRestartForVmsOnHost(final HostVO host) {

    if (host.getType() != Host.Type.Routing) {
    s_logger.warn("Scheduling restart for VMs on host " + host.getId());

    final List<VMInstanceVO> vms = _instanceDao.listByHostId(host.getId());
    final DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(host.getDataCenterId());

    // send an email alert that the host is down
    StringBuilder sb = null;
    if ((vms != null) && !vms.isEmpty()) {
      sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.append("  Starting HA on the following VMs: ");
      // collect list of vm names for the alert email
      VMInstanceVO vm = vms.get(0);
      if (vm.isHaEnabled()) {
        sb.append(" " + vm.getName());
      for (int i = 1; i < vms.size(); i++) {
        vm = vms.get(i);
        if (vm.isHaEnabled()) {
          sb.append(" " + vm.getName());

    // send an email alert that the host is down, include VMs
    HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
    String hostDesc =
        "name: "
            + host.getName()
            + " (id:"
            + host.getId()
            + "), availability zone: "
            + dcVO.getName()
            + ", pod: "
            + podVO.getName();

        "Host is down, " + hostDesc,
        "Host [" + hostDesc + "] is down." + ((sb != null) ? sb.toString() : ""));

    for (final VMInstanceVO vm : vms) {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Notifying HA Mgr of to investigate vm " + vm.getId() + "-" + vm.getName());
      scheduleRestart(vm, true);
  public boolean delete(TemplateProfile profile) {
    boolean success = true;

    VMTemplateVO template = profile.getTemplate();
    Long zoneId = profile.getZoneId();
    Long templateId = template.getId();

    String zoneName;
    List<HostVO> secondaryStorageHosts;
    if (!template.isCrossZones() && zoneId != null) {
      DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId);
      zoneName = zone.getName();
      secondaryStorageHosts = _ssvmMgr.listSecondaryStorageHostsInOneZone(zoneId);
    } else {
      zoneName = "(all zones)";
      secondaryStorageHosts = _ssvmMgr.listSecondaryStorageHostsInAllZones();

        "Attempting to mark template host refs for template: "
            + template.getName()
            + " as destroyed in zone: "
            + zoneName);

    // Make sure the template is downloaded to all the necessary secondary storage hosts
    for (HostVO secondaryStorageHost : secondaryStorageHosts) {
      long hostId = secondaryStorageHost.getId();
      List<VMTemplateHostVO> templateHostVOs = _tmpltHostDao.listByHostTemplate(hostId, templateId);
      for (VMTemplateHostVO templateHostVO : templateHostVOs) {
        if (templateHostVO.getDownloadState() == Status.DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
          String errorMsg = "Please specify a template that is not currently being downloaded.";
              "Template: "
                  + template.getName()
                  + " is currently being downloaded to secondary storage host: "
                  + secondaryStorageHost.getName()
                  + "; cant' delete it.");
          throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);

    Account account = _accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(template.getAccountId());
    String eventType = "";

    if (template.getFormat().equals(ImageFormat.ISO)) {
      eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_DELETE;
    } else {
      eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_DELETE;

    // Iterate through all necessary secondary storage hosts and mark the template on each host as
    // destroyed
    for (HostVO secondaryStorageHost : secondaryStorageHosts) {
      long hostId = secondaryStorageHost.getId();
      long sZoneId = secondaryStorageHost.getDataCenterId();
      List<VMTemplateHostVO> templateHostVOs = _tmpltHostDao.listByHostTemplate(hostId, templateId);
      for (VMTemplateHostVO templateHostVO : templateHostVOs) {
        VMTemplateHostVO lock = _tmpltHostDao.acquireInLockTable(templateHostVO.getId());
        try {
          if (lock == null) {
                "Failed to acquire lock when deleting templateHostVO with ID: "
                    + templateHostVO.getId());
            success = false;
          UsageEventVO usageEvent =
              new UsageEventVO(eventType, account.getId(), sZoneId, templateId, null);
          _tmpltHostDao.update(templateHostVO.getId(), templateHostVO);
          String installPath = templateHostVO.getInstallPath();
          if (installPath != null) {
            Answer answer =
                    new DeleteTemplateCommand(secondaryStorageHost.getStorageUrl(), installPath));

            if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
                  "Failed to delete "
                      + templateHostVO
                      + " due to "
                      + ((answer == null) ? "answer is null" : answer.getDetails()));
            } else {
              s_logger.debug("Deleted template at: " + installPath);
          } else {
          VMTemplateZoneVO templateZone = _tmpltZoneDao.findByZoneTemplate(sZoneId, templateId);

          if (templateZone != null) {
        } finally {
          if (lock != null) {

      if (!success) {

        "Successfully marked template host refs for template: "
            + template.getName()
            + " as destroyed in zone: "
            + zoneName);

    // If there are no more non-destroyed template host entries for this template, delete it
    if (success && (_tmpltHostDao.listByTemplateId(templateId).size() == 0)) {
      long accountId = template.getAccountId();

      VMTemplateVO lock = _tmpltDao.acquireInLockTable(templateId);

      try {
        if (lock == null) {
          s_logger.debug("Failed to acquire lock when deleting template with ID: " + templateId);
          success = false;
        } else if (_tmpltDao.remove(templateId)) {
          // Decrement the number of templates
          _resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(accountId, ResourceType.template);

      } finally {
        if (lock != null) {

          "Removed template: "
              + template.getName()
              + " because all of its template host refs were marked as destroyed.");

    return success;
  protected Long restart(HaWorkVO work) {
    List<HaWorkVO> items = _haDao.listFutureHaWorkForVm(work.getInstanceId(), work.getId());
    if (items.size() > 0) {
      StringBuilder str =
          new StringBuilder(
              "Cancelling this work item because newer ones have been scheduled.  Work Ids = [");
      for (HaWorkVO item : items) {
        str.append(item.getId()).append(", ");
      str.delete(str.length() - 2, str.length()).append("]");
      return null;

    items = _haDao.listRunningHaWorkForVm(work.getInstanceId());
    if (items.size() > 0) {
      StringBuilder str =
          new StringBuilder(
              "Waiting because there's HA work being executed on an item currently.  Work Ids =[");
      for (HaWorkVO item : items) {
        str.append(item.getId()).append(", ");
      str.delete(str.length() - 2, str.length()).append("]");
      return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _investigateRetryInterval;

    long vmId = work.getInstanceId();

    VMInstanceVO vm = _itMgr.findByIdAndType(work.getType(), work.getInstanceId());
    if (vm == null) {
      s_logger.info("Unable to find vm: " + vmId);
      return null;

    s_logger.info("HA on " + vm);
    if (vm.getState() != work.getPreviousState() || vm.getUpdated() != work.getUpdateTime()) {
          "VM "
              + vm
              + " has been changed.  Current State = "
              + vm.getState()
              + " Previous State = "
              + work.getPreviousState()
              + " last updated = "
              + vm.getUpdated()
              + " previous updated = "
              + work.getUpdateTime());
      return null;

    short alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USERVM;
    if (VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ROUTER;
    } else if (VirtualMachine.Type.ConsoleProxy.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_CONSOLE_PROXY;
    } else if (VirtualMachine.Type.SecondaryStorageVm.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_SSVM;

    HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(work.getHostId());
    boolean isHostRemoved = false;
    if (host == null) {
      host = _hostDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(work.getHostId());
      if (host != null) {
            "VM "
                + vm.toString()
                + " is now no longer on host "
                + work.getHostId()
                + " as the host is removed");
        isHostRemoved = true;

    DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(host.getDataCenterId());
    HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
    String hostDesc =
        "name: "
            + host.getName()
            + "(id:"
            + host.getId()
            + "), availability zone: "
            + dcVO.getName()
            + ", pod: "
            + podVO.getName();

    Boolean alive = null;
    if (work.getStep() == Step.Investigating) {
      if (!isHostRemoved) {
        if (vm.getHostId() == null || vm.getHostId() != work.getHostId()) {
          s_logger.info("VM " + vm.toString() + " is now no longer on host " + work.getHostId());
          return null;

        Enumeration<Investigator> en = _investigators.enumeration();
        Investigator investigator = null;
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
          investigator = en.nextElement();
          alive = investigator.isVmAlive(vm, host);
          s_logger.info(investigator.getName() + " found " + vm + "to be alive? " + alive);
          if (alive != null) {
        boolean fenced = false;
        if (alive == null) {
          s_logger.debug("Fencing off VM that we don't know the state of");
          Enumeration<FenceBuilder> enfb = _fenceBuilders.enumeration();
          while (enfb.hasMoreElements()) {
            FenceBuilder fb = enfb.nextElement();
            Boolean result = fb.fenceOff(vm, host);
            s_logger.info("Fencer " + fb.getName() + " returned " + result);
            if (result != null && result) {
              fenced = true;
        } else if (!alive) {
          fenced = true;
        } else {
              "VM " + vm.getHostName() + " is found to be alive by " + investigator.getName());
          if (host.getStatus() == Status.Up) {
            s_logger.info(vm + " is alive and host is up. No need to restart it.");
            return null;
          } else {
            s_logger.debug("Rescheduling because the host is not up but the vm is alive");
            return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _investigateRetryInterval;

        if (!fenced) {
          s_logger.debug("We were unable to fence off the VM " + vm);
              "Unable to restart " + vm.getHostName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
              "Insufficient capacity to restart VM, name: "
                  + vm.getHostName()
                  + ", id: "
                  + vmId
                  + " which was running on host "
                  + hostDesc);
          return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _restartRetryInterval;

        try {
          _itMgr.advanceStop(vm, true, _accountMgr.getSystemUser(), _accountMgr.getSystemAccount());
        } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
          assert false : "How do we hit this when force is true?";
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Caught exception even though it should be handled.", e);
        } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
          assert false : "How do we hit this when force is true?";
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Caught exception even though it should be handled.", e);
        } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
          assert false : "How do we hit this when force is true?";
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Caught exception even though it should be handled.", e);

        _haDao.update(work.getId(), work);
      } else {
            "How come that HA step is Investigating and the host is removed? Calling forced Stop on Vm anyways");
        try {
          _itMgr.advanceStop(vm, true, _accountMgr.getSystemUser(), _accountMgr.getSystemAccount());
        } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
          assert false : "How do we hit this when force is true?";
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Caught exception even though it should be handled.", e);
        } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
          assert false : "How do we hit this when force is true?";
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Caught exception even though it should be handled.", e);
        } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
          assert false : "How do we hit this when force is true?";
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Caught exception even though it should be handled.", e);

    vm = _itMgr.findByIdAndType(vm.getType(), vm.getId());

    if (!_forceHA && !vm.isHaEnabled()) {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("VM is not HA enabled so we're done.");
      return null; // VM doesn't require HA

    if (!_storageMgr.canVmRestartOnAnotherServer(vm.getId())) {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("VM can not restart on another server.");
      return null;

    if (work.getTimesTried() > _maxRetries) {
      s_logger.warn("Retried to max times so deleting: " + vmId);
      return null;

    try {
      VMInstanceVO started =
              new HashMap<VirtualMachineProfile.Param, Object>(),
      if (started != null) {
        s_logger.info("VM is now restarted: " + vmId + " on " + started.getHostId());
        return null;

      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Rescheduling VM " + vm.toString() + " to try again in " + _restartRetryInterval);
    } catch (final InsufficientCapacityException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getHostName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "Insufficient capacity to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getHostName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
    } catch (final ResourceUnavailableException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getHostName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "The Storage is unavailable for trying to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getHostName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
    } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getHostName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "The Storage is unavailable for trying to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getHostName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
    } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getHostName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "The Storage is unavailable for trying to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getHostName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
    vm = _itMgr.findByIdAndType(vm.getType(), vm.getId());
    return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _restartRetryInterval;
  public Host addTrafficMonitor(AddTrafficMonitorCmd cmd) {

    long zoneId = cmd.getZoneId();

    DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId);
    String zoneName;
    if (zone == null) {
      throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find zone with ID: " + zoneId);
    } else {
      zoneName = zone.getName();

    List<HostVO> trafficMonitorsInZone =
        _resourceMgr.listAllHostsInOneZoneByType(Host.Type.TrafficMonitor, zoneId);
    if (trafficMonitorsInZone.size() != 0) {
      throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
          "Already added an traffic monitor in zone: " + zoneName);

    URI uri;
    try {
      uri = new URI(cmd.getUrl());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new InvalidParameterValueException(e.getMessage());

    String ipAddress = uri.getHost();
    // String numRetries = params.get("numretries");
    // String timeout = params.get("timeout");

    TrafficSentinelResource resource = new TrafficSentinelResource();
    String guid =
        getTrafficMonitorGuid(zoneId, NetworkUsageResourceName.TrafficSentinel, ipAddress);

    Map<String, Object> hostParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    hostParams.put("zone", String.valueOf(zoneId));
    hostParams.put("ipaddress", ipAddress);
    hostParams.put("url", cmd.getUrl());
    hostParams.put("inclZones", (cmd.getInclZones() != null) ? cmd.getInclZones() : _TSinclZones);
    hostParams.put("exclZones", (cmd.getExclZones() != null) ? cmd.getExclZones() : _TSexclZones);
    hostParams.put("guid", guid);
    hostParams.put("name", guid);

    try {
      resource.configure(guid, hostParams);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
      throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    Map<String, String> hostDetails = new HashMap<String, String>();
    hostDetails.put("url", cmd.getUrl());
    hostDetails.put("last_collection", "" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    if (cmd.getInclZones() != null) {
      hostDetails.put("inclZones", cmd.getInclZones());
    if (cmd.getExclZones() != null) {
      hostDetails.put("exclZones", cmd.getExclZones());

    Host trafficMonitor =
        _resourceMgr.addHost(zoneId, resource, Host.Type.TrafficMonitor, hostDetails);
    return trafficMonitor;
  public Long migrate(final HaWorkVO work) {
    final long vmId = work.getInstanceId();

    final VirtualMachineGuru<VMInstanceVO> mgr = findManager(work.getType());

    VMInstanceVO vm = mgr.get(vmId);
    if (vm == null || vm.getRemoved() != null) {
      s_logger.debug("Unable to find the vm " + vmId);
      return null;

    s_logger.info("Migrating vm: " + vm.toString());
    if (vm.getHostId() == null || vm.getHostId() != work.getHostId()) {
      s_logger.info("VM is not longer running on the current hostId");
      return null;

    short alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USERVM_MIGRATE;
    if (VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ROUTER_MIGRATE;
    } else if (VirtualMachine.Type.ConsoleProxy.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_CONSOLE_PROXY_MIGRATE;

    HostVO fromHost = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());
    String fromHostName = ((fromHost == null) ? "unknown" : fromHost.getName());
    HostVO toHost = null;
    if (work.getStep() == Step.Scheduled) {
      if (vm.getState() != State.Running) {
            "VM's state is not ready for migration. "
                + vm.toString()
                + " State is "
                + vm.getState().toString());
        return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _migrateRetryInterval;

      DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(fromHost.getDataCenterId());
      HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(fromHost.getPodId());

      try {
        toHost = mgr.prepareForMigration(vm);
        if (toHost == null) {
          if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Unable to find a host for migrating vm " + vmId);
              "Unable to migrate vm "
                  + vm.getName()
                  + " from host "
                  + fromHostName
                  + " in zone "
                  + dcVO.getName()
                  + " and pod "
                  + podVO.getName(),
              "Unable to find a suitable host");
      } catch (final InsufficientCapacityException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to mgirate due to insufficient capacity " + vm.toString());
            "Unable to migrate vm "
                + vm.getName()
                + " from host "
                + fromHostName
                + " in zone "
                + dcVO.getName()
                + " and pod "
                + podVO.getName(),
            "Insufficient capacity");
      } catch (final StorageUnavailableException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Storage is unavailable: " + vm.toString());
            "Unable to migrate vm "
                + vm.getName()
                + " from host "
                + fromHostName
                + " in zone "
                + dcVO.getName()
                + " and pod "
                + podVO.getName(),
            "Storage is gone.");

      if (toHost == null) {
        return null;

      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Migrating from " + work.getHostId() + " to " + toHost.getId());
      _haDao.update(work.getId(), work);

    if (work.getStep() == Step.Migrating) {
      vm = mgr.get(vmId); // let's see if anything has changed.
      boolean migrated = false;
      if (vm == null
          || vm.getRemoved() != null
          || vm.getHostId() == null
          || !_itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, Event.MigrationRequested, vm.getHostId())) {
        s_logger.info("Migration cancelled because state has changed: " + vm.toString());
      } else {
        try {
          boolean isWindows =
          MigrateCommand cmd =
              new MigrateCommand(vm.getInstanceName(), toHost.getPrivateIpAddress(), isWindows);
          Answer answer = _agentMgr.send(fromHost.getId(), cmd);
          if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
            migrated = true;
            _storageMgr.unshare(vm, fromHost);
            _haDao.update(work.getId(), work);
        } catch (final AgentUnavailableException e) {
          s_logger.debug("host became unavailable");
        } catch (final OperationTimedoutException e) {
          s_logger.debug("operation timed out");
          if (e.isActive()) {
            scheduleRestart(vm, true);

      if (!migrated) {
        s_logger.info("Migration was unsuccessful.  Cleaning up: " + vm.toString());

        DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(vm.getDataCenterId());
        HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(vm.getPodId());
            "Unable to migrate vm "
                + vm.getName()
                + " from host "
                + fromHost.getName()
                + " in zone "
                + dcVO.getName()
                + " and pod "
                + podVO.getName(),
            "Migrate Command failed.  Please check logs.");

        _itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, Event.MigrationFailedOnSource, toHost.getId());

        Command cleanup = mgr.cleanup(vm, null);
        _agentMgr.easySend(toHost.getId(), cleanup);
        _storageMgr.unshare(vm, toHost);

        return null;

    if (toHost == null) {
      toHost = _hostDao.findById(work.getHostId());
    DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(toHost.getDataCenterId());
    HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(toHost.getPodId());

    try {
      if (!mgr.completeMigration(vm, toHost)) {
            "Unable to migrate "
                + vmId
                + " to host "
                + toHost.getName()
                + " in zone "
                + dcVO.getName()
                + " and pod "
                + podVO.getName(),
            "Migration not completed");
        s_logger.warn("Unable to complete migration: " + vm.toString());
      } else {
        s_logger.info("Migration is complete: " + vm.toString());
      return null;
    } catch (final AgentUnavailableException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Agent is unavailable for " + vm.toString());
    } catch (final OperationTimedoutException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Operation timed outfor " + vm.toString());
    _itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, Event.MigrationFailedOnDest, toHost.getId());
    return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _migrateRetryInterval;
   * compareState does as its name suggests and compares the states between management server and
   * agent. It returns whether something should be cleaned up
  protected Command compareState(VMInstanceVO vm, final AgentVmInfo info, final boolean fullSync) {
    State agentState = info.state;
    final String agentName = info.name;
    final State serverState = vm.getState();
    final String serverName = vm.getName();

    Command command = null;

    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "VM "
              + serverName
              + ": server state = "
              + serverState.toString()
              + " and agent state = "
              + agentState.toString());

    if (agentState == State.Error) {
      agentState = State.Stopped;

      short alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USERVM;
      if (VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.equals(vm.getType())) {
        alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ROUTER;
      } else if (VirtualMachine.Type.ConsoleProxy.equals(vm.getType())) {
        alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_CONSOLE_PROXY;

      HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(vm.getPodId());
      DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(vm.getDataCenterId());
      HostVO hostVO = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());

      String hostDesc =
          "name: "
              + hostVO.getName()
              + " (id:"
              + hostVO.getId()
              + "), availability zone: "
              + dcVO.getName()
              + ", pod: "
              + podVO.getName();
          "VM (name: "
              + vm.getName()
              + ", id: "
              + vm.getId()
              + ") stopped on host "
              + hostDesc
              + " due to storage failure",
          "Virtual Machine "
              + vm.getName()
              + " (id: "
              + vm.getId()
              + ") running on host ["
              + vm.getHostId()
              + "] stopped due to storage failure.");

    if (serverState == State.Migrating) {
      s_logger.debug("Skipping vm in migrating state: " + vm.toString());
      return null;

    if (agentState == serverState) {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Both states are " + agentState.toString() + " for " + serverName);
      assert (agentState == State.Stopped || agentState == State.Running)
          : "If the states we send up is changed, this must be changed.";
          agentState == State.Stopped
              ? VirtualMachine.Event.AgentReportStopped
              : VirtualMachine.Event.AgentReportRunning,
      if (agentState == State.Stopped) {
        s_logger.debug("State matches but the agent said stopped so let's send a cleanup anyways.");
        return info.mgr.cleanup(vm, agentName);
      return null;

    if (agentState == State.Stopped) {
      // This state means the VM on the agent was detected previously
      // and now is gone.  This is slightly different than if the VM
      // was never completed but we still send down a Stop Command
      // to ensure there's cleanup.
      if (serverState == State.Running) {
        // Our records showed that it should be running so let's restart it.
        vm = info.mgr.get(vm.getId());
        scheduleRestart(vm, false);
        command = info.mgr.cleanup(vm, agentName);
      } else if (serverState == State.Stopping) {
        if (fullSync) {
          s_logger.debug("VM is in stopping state on full sync.  Updating the status to stopped");
          vm = info.mgr.get(vm.getId());
          command = info.mgr.cleanup(vm, agentName);
        } else {
          s_logger.debug("Ignoring VM in stopping mode: " + vm.getName());
      } else if (serverState == State.Starting) {
        s_logger.debug("Ignoring VM in starting mode: " + vm.getName());
      } else {
        s_logger.debug("Sending cleanup to a stopped vm: " + agentName);
        _itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, VirtualMachine.Event.AgentReportStopped, null);
        command = info.mgr.cleanup(vm, agentName);
    } else if (agentState == State.Running) {
      if (serverState == State.Starting) {
        if (fullSync) {
          s_logger.debug("VM state is starting on full sync so updating it to running");
          vm = info.mgr.get(vm.getId());
      } else if (serverState == State.Stopping) {
        if (fullSync) {
          s_logger.debug("VM state is in stopping on fullsync so resend stop.");
          vm = info.mgr.get(vm.getId());
          command = info.mgr.cleanup(vm, agentName);
        } else {
          s_logger.debug("VM is in stopping state so no action.");
      } else if (serverState == State.Destroyed
          || serverState == State.Stopped
          || serverState == State.Expunging) {
        s_logger.debug("VM state is in stopped so stopping it on the agent");
        vm = info.mgr.get(vm.getId());
        command = info.mgr.cleanup(vm, agentName);
      } else {
        _itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, VirtualMachine.Event.AgentReportRunning, vm.getHostId());
    } /*else if (agentState == State.Unknown) {
          if (serverState == State.Running) {
              if (fullSync) {
                  vm = info.handler.get(vm.getId());
              scheduleRestart(vm, false);
          } else if (serverState == State.Starting) {
              if (fullSync) {
                  vm = info.handler.get(vm.getId());
              scheduleRestart(vm, false);
          } else if (serverState == State.Stopping) {
              if (fullSync) {
                  s_logger.debug("VM state is stopping in full sync.  Resending stop");
                  command = info.handler.cleanup(vm, agentName);
    return command;
  protected Long restart(final HaWorkVO work) {
    final long vmId = work.getInstanceId();

    final VirtualMachineGuru<VMInstanceVO> mgr = findManager(work.getType());
    if (mgr == null) {
          "Unable to find a handler for " + work.getType().toString() + ", throwing out " + vmId);
      return null;

    VMInstanceVO vm = mgr.get(vmId);
    if (vm == null) {
      s_logger.info("Unable to find vm: " + vmId);
      return null;

    s_logger.info("HA on " + vm.toString());
    if (vm.getState() != work.getPreviousState() || vm.getUpdated() != work.getUpdateTime()) {
          "VM "
              + vm.toString()
              + " has been changed.  Current State = "
              + vm.getState()
              + " Previous State = "
              + work.getPreviousState()
              + " last updated = "
              + vm.getUpdated()
              + " previous updated = "
              + work.getUpdateTime());
      return null;

    final HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(work.getHostId());

    DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(host.getDataCenterId());
    HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
    String hostDesc =
        "name: "
            + host.getName()
            + "(id:"
            + host.getId()
            + "), availability zone: "
            + dcVO.getName()
            + ", pod: "
            + podVO.getName();

    short alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USERVM;
    if (VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ROUTER;
    } else if (VirtualMachine.Type.ConsoleProxy.equals(vm.getType())) {
      alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_CONSOLE_PROXY;

    Boolean alive = null;
    if (work.getStep() == Step.Investigating) {
      if (vm.getHostId() == null || vm.getHostId() != work.getHostId()) {
        s_logger.info("VM " + vm.toString() + " is now no longer on host " + work.getHostId());
        if (vm.getState() == State.Starting && vm.getUpdated() == work.getUpdateTime()) {
          _itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, Event.AgentReportStopped, null);
        return null;

      Enumeration<Investigator> en = _investigators.enumeration();
      Investigator investigator = null;
      while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
        investigator = en.nextElement();
        alive = investigator.isVmAlive(vm, host);
        if (alive != null) {
              investigator.getName() + " found VM " + vm.getName() + "to be alive? " + alive);
      if (alive != null && alive) {
        s_logger.debug("VM " + vm.getName() + " is found to be alive by " + investigator.getName());
        if (host.getStatus() == Status.Up) {
          compareState(vm, new AgentVmInfo(vm.getInstanceName(), mgr, State.Running), false);
          return null;
        } else {
          s_logger.debug("Rescheduling because the host is not up but the vm is alive");
          return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _investigateRetryInterval;

      boolean fenced = false;
      if (alive == null || !alive) {
        fenced = true;
        s_logger.debug("Fencing off VM that we don't know the state of");
        Enumeration<FenceBuilder> enfb = _fenceBuilders.enumeration();
        while (enfb.hasMoreElements()) {
          final FenceBuilder fb = enfb.nextElement();
          Boolean result = fb.fenceOff(vm, host);
          if (result != null && !result) {
            fenced = false;

      if (alive == null && !fenced) {
        s_logger.debug("We were unable to fence off the VM " + vm.toString());
            "Unable to restart " + vm.getName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
            "Insufficient capacity to restart VM, name: "
                + vm.getName()
                + ", id: "
                + vmId
                + " which was running on host "
                + hostDesc);
        return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _restartRetryInterval;


      _haDao.update(work.getId(), work);

    // send an alert for VMs that stop unexpectedly
        "VM (name: "
            + vm.getName()
            + ", id: "
            + vmId
            + ") stopped unexpectedly on host "
            + hostDesc,
        "Virtual Machine "
            + vm.getName()
            + " (id: "
            + vm.getId()
            + ") running on host ["
            + hostDesc
            + "] stopped unexpectedly.");

    vm = mgr.get(vm.getId());

    if (!_forceHA && !vm.isHaEnabled()) {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("VM is not HA enabled so we're done.");
      return null; // VM doesn't require HA

    if (!_storageMgr.canVmRestartOnAnotherServer(vm.getId())) {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("VM can not restart on another server.");
      return null;

    if (work.getTimesTried() > _maxRetries) {
      s_logger.warn("Retried to max times so deleting: " + vmId);
      return null;

    try {
      VMInstanceVO started = mgr.start(vm.getId(), 0);
      if (started != null) {
        s_logger.info("VM is now restarted: " + vmId + " on " + started.getHostId());
        return null;

      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Rescheduling VM " + vm.toString() + " to try again in " + _restartRetryInterval);
      vm = mgr.get(vm.getId());
      return (System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) + _restartRetryInterval;
    } catch (final InsufficientCapacityException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "Insufficient capacity to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
      return null;
    } catch (final StorageUnavailableException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "The Storage is unavailable for trying to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
      return null;
    } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "The Storage is unavailable for trying to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
      return null;
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to restart " + vm.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
          "Unable to restart " + vm.getName() + " which was running on host " + hostDesc,
          "The Storage is unavailable for trying to restart VM, name: "
              + vm.getName()
              + ", id: "
              + vmId
              + " which was running on host "
              + hostDesc);
      return null;
  private void generateEmailAlert(
      DataCenterVO dc,
      HostPodVO pod,
      ClusterVO cluster,
      double totalCapacity,
      double usedCapacity,
      short capacityType) {

    String msgSubject = null;
    String msgContent = null;
    String totalStr;
    String usedStr;
    String pctStr = formatPercent(usedCapacity / totalCapacity);
    short alertType = -1;
    Long podId = pod == null ? null : pod.getId();
    Long clusterId = cluster == null ? null : cluster.getId();

    switch (capacityType) {

        // Cluster Level
      case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY:
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Low Available Memory in cluster "
                + cluster.getName()
                + " pod "
                + pod.getName()
                + " of availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "System memory is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + " MB, used: "
                + usedStr
                + " MB ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        alertType = ALERT_TYPE_MEMORY;
      case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU:
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Low Unallocated CPU in cluster "
                + cluster.getName()
                + " pod "
                + pod.getName()
                + " of availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = _dfWhole.format(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = _dfWhole.format(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Unallocated CPU is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + " Mhz, used: "
                + usedStr
                + " Mhz ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        alertType = ALERT_TYPE_CPU;
      case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE:
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Low Available Storage in cluster "
                + cluster.getName()
                + " pod "
                + pod.getName()
                + " of availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Available storage space is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + " MB, used: "
                + usedStr
                + " MB ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        alertType = ALERT_TYPE_STORAGE;
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Remaining unallocated Storage is low in cluster "
                + cluster.getName()
                + " pod "
                + pod.getName()
                + " of availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Unallocated storage space is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + " MB, allocated: "
                + usedStr
                + " MB ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Remaining unallocated Local Storage is low in cluster "
                + cluster.getName()
                + " pod "
                + pod.getName()
                + " of availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Unallocated storage space is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + " MB, allocated: "
                + usedStr
                + " MB ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        alertType = ALERT_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE;

        // Pod Level
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Number of unallocated private IPs is low in pod "
                + pod.getName()
                + " of availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Number of unallocated private IPs is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + ", allocated: "
                + usedStr
                + " ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        alertType = ALERT_TYPE_PRIVATE_IP;

        // Zone Level
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Low Available Secondary Storage in availablity zone " + dc.getName();
        totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Available secondary storage space is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + " MB, used: "
                + usedStr
                + " MB ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Number of unallocated virtual network public IPs is low in availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Number of unallocated public IPs is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + ", allocated: "
                + usedStr
                + " ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Number of unallocated direct attached public IPs is low in availablity zone "
                + dc.getName();
        totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Number of unallocated direct attached public IPs is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + ", allocated: "
                + usedStr
                + " ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
      case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_VLAN:
        msgSubject =
            "System Alert: Number of unallocated VLANs is low in availablity zone " + dc.getName();
        totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity);
        usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity);
        msgContent =
            "Number of unallocated VLANs is low, total: "
                + totalStr
                + ", allocated: "
                + usedStr
                + " ("
                + pctStr
                + "%)";
        alertType = ALERT_TYPE_VLAN;

    try {
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      _emailAlert.sendAlert(alertType, dc.getId(), podId, clusterId, msgSubject, msgContent);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      s_logger.error("Exception in CapacityChecker", ex);