   * Create, populate, and return a btree with a branching factor of (3) and ten sequential keys
   * [1:10]. The values are {@link SimpleEntry} objects whose state is the same as the corresponding
   * key.
   * @return The btree.
   * @see src/architecture/btree.xls, which details this input tree and a series of output trees
   *     with various branching factors.
  public BTree getProblem1() {

    final BTree btree = getBTree(3);

    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {

      btree.insert(TestKeyBuilder.asSortKey(i), new SimpleEntry(i));

    return btree;
   * Test generates an {@link IndexSegment} from a (typically historical) fused view of an index
   * partition. The resulting {@link IndexSegment} is a complete replacement for the historical view
   * but does not possess any deleted index entries. Typically the {@link IndexSegment} will be used
   * to replace the current index partition definition such that the resources that were the inputs
   * to the view from which the {@link IndexSegment} was built are no longer required to read on
   * that view. This change needs to be recorded in the {@link MetadataIndex} before clients will
   * being reading from the new view using the new {@link IndexSegment}.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws ExecutionException
   * @throws InterruptedException
   * @todo test more complex merges.
  public void test_mergeWithOverflow()
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

     * Register the index.
    final String name = "testIndex";
    final UUID indexUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
    final IndexMetadata indexMetadata = new IndexMetadata(name, indexUUID);

      // must support delete markers

      // must be an index partition.
          new LocalPartitionMetadata(
              0, // partitionId.
              -1, // not a move.
              new byte[] {}, // leftSeparator
              null, // rightSeparator
              new IResourceMetadata[] { //
                resourceManager.getLiveJournal().getResourceMetadata(), //
              }, //
              //                    ,"" // history

      // submit task to register the index and wait for it to complete.
          .submit(new RegisterIndexTask(concurrencyManager, name, indexMetadata))

     * Populate the index with some data.
    final BTree groundTruth =
        BTree.create(new SimpleMemoryRawStore(), new IndexMetadata(indexUUID));
      final int nentries = 10;

      final byte[][] keys = new byte[nentries][];
      final byte[][] vals = new byte[nentries][];

      final Random r = new Random();

      for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {

        keys[i] = TestKeyBuilder.asSortKey(i);

        vals[i] = new byte[4];


        groundTruth.insert(keys[i], vals[i]);

      final IIndexProcedure proc =
              indexMetadata, 0 /* fromIndex */, nentries /*toIndex*/, keys, vals);

      // submit the task and wait for it to complete.
          .submit(new IndexProcedureTask(concurrencyManager, ITx.UNISOLATED, name, proc))

     * Force overflow causing an empty btree to be created for that index on
     * a new journal and the view definition in the new btree to be updated.

    // createTime of the old journal.
    final long createTime0 = resourceManager.getLiveJournal().getRootBlockView().getCreateTime();

    // uuid of the old journal.
    final UUID uuid0 = resourceManager.getLiveJournal().getRootBlockView().getUUID();

    // force overflow onto a new journal.
    final OverflowMetadata overflowMetadata = resourceManager.doSynchronousOverflow();

    // nothing should have been copied to the new journal.
    assertEquals(0, overflowMetadata.getActionCount(OverflowActionEnum.Copy));

    // lookup the old journal again using its createTime.
    final AbstractJournal oldJournal = resourceManager.getJournal(createTime0);
    assertEquals("uuid", uuid0, oldJournal.getRootBlockView().getUUID());
    assertNotSame("closeTime", 0L, oldJournal.getRootBlockView().getCloseTime());

    // run merge task.
    final BuildResult result;

       * Note: The task start time is a historical read on the final
       * committed state of the old journal. This means that the generated
       * index segment will have a createTime EQ to the lastCommitTime on
       * the old journal. This also means that it will have been generated
       * from a fused view of all data as of the final commit state of the
       * old journal.
      //            final OverflowMetadata omd = new OverflowMetadata(resourceManager);

      final ViewMetadata vmd = overflowMetadata.getViewMetadata(name);

      // task to run.
      final CompactingMergeTask task = new CompactingMergeTask(vmd);

      try {

        // overflow must be disallowed as a task pre-condition.
        resourceManager.overflowAllowed.compareAndSet(true, false);

         * Submit task and await result (metadata describing the new
         * index segment).
        result = concurrencyManager.submit(task).get();

      } finally {

        // re-enable overflow processing.

      final IResourceMetadata segmentMetadata = result.segmentMetadata;

      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info(segmentMetadata.toString());

      // verify index segment can be opened.

      // Note: this assertion only works if we store the file path vs its basename.
      //            assertTrue(new File(segmentMetadata.getFile()).exists());

      // verify createTime == lastCommitTime on the old journal.

      // verify segment has all data in the groundTruth btree.
        final IndexSegmentStore segStore =
            (IndexSegmentStore) resourceManager.openStore(segmentMetadata.getUUID());

        final IndexSegment seg = segStore.loadIndexSegment();

        AbstractBTreeTestCase.assertSameBTree(groundTruth, seg);

     * verify same data from ground truth and the new view (using btree
     * helper classes for this).
      final IIndex actual = resourceManager.getIndex(name, ITx.UNISOLATED);

      AbstractBTreeTestCase.assertSameBTree(groundTruth, actual);