   * Generates a Drawable for a Bootstrap Label background, according to state parameters
   * @param context the current context
   * @param bootstrapBrand the BootstrapBrand theming whose colors should be used
   * @param rounded whether the corners should be rounded or not
   * @param height the view height in px
   * @return the Bootstrap Label background
  static Drawable bootstrapLabel(
      Context context, BootstrapBrand bootstrapBrand, boolean rounded, float height) {

    int cornerRadius =
        (int) DimenUtils.pixelsFromDpResource(context, R.dimen.bootstrap_default_corner_radius);

    GradientDrawable drawable = new GradientDrawable();

    // corner radius should be half height if rounded as a "Pill" label
    drawable.setCornerRadius(rounded ? height / 2 : cornerRadius);
    return drawable;
  static StateListDrawable bootstrapDropDownArrow(
      Context context,
      int width,
      int height,
      ExpandDirection expandDirection,
      boolean outline,
      BootstrapBrand brand) {
    StateListDrawable stateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable();

    int defaultColor = outline ? brand.defaultFill(context) : brand.defaultTextColor(context);
    int activeColor =
            ? ColorUtils.resolveColor(android.R.color.white, context)
            : brand.activeTextColor(context);
    int disabledColor = outline ? brand.disabledFill(context) : brand.disabledTextColor(context);

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
          new int[] {android.R.attr.state_hovered},
          createArrowIcon(context, width, height, activeColor, expandDirection));

        new int[] {android.R.attr.state_activated},
        createArrowIcon(context, width, height, activeColor, expandDirection));
        new int[] {android.R.attr.state_focused},
        createArrowIcon(context, width, height, activeColor, expandDirection));
        new int[] {android.R.attr.state_pressed},
        createArrowIcon(context, width, height, activeColor, expandDirection));
        new int[] {android.R.attr.state_selected},
        createArrowIcon(context, width, height, activeColor, expandDirection));
        new int[] {-android.R.attr.state_enabled},
        createArrowIcon(context, width, height, disabledColor, expandDirection));
        new int[] {}, createArrowIcon(context, width, height, defaultColor, expandDirection));
    return stateListDrawable;
   * Generates a colorstatelist for a bootstrap button
   * @param context the current context
   * @param outline whether the button is outlined
   * @param brand the button brand
   * @return the color state list
  static ColorStateList bootstrapButtonText(
      Context context, boolean outline, BootstrapBrand brand) {

    int defaultColor = outline ? brand.defaultFill(context) : brand.defaultTextColor(context);
    int activeColor =
            ? ColorUtils.resolveColor(android.R.color.white, context)
            : brand.activeTextColor(context);
    int disabledColor = outline ? brand.disabledFill(context) : brand.disabledTextColor(context);

    if (outline && brand instanceof DefaultBootstrapBrand) { // special case
      DefaultBootstrapBrand db = (DefaultBootstrapBrand) brand;

      if (db == DefaultBootstrapBrand.SECONDARY) {
        defaultColor = ColorUtils.resolveColor(R.color.bootstrap_brand_secondary_border, context);
        disabledColor = defaultColor;
    return new ColorStateList(
        getStateList(), getColorList(defaultColor, activeColor, disabledColor));
   * Generates a background drawable for a Bootstrap Button
   * @param context the current context
   * @param brand the bootstrap brand
   * @param strokeWidth the stroke width in px
   * @param cornerRadius the corner radius in px
   * @param position the position of the button in its parent view
   * @param showOutline whether the button should be outlined
   * @param rounded whether the corners should be rounded
   * @return a background drawable for the BootstrapButton
  static Drawable bootstrapButton(
      Context context,
      BootstrapBrand brand,
      int strokeWidth,
      int cornerRadius,
      ViewGroupPosition position,
      boolean showOutline,
      boolean rounded) {

    GradientDrawable defaultGd = new GradientDrawable();
    GradientDrawable activeGd = new GradientDrawable();
    GradientDrawable disabledGd = new GradientDrawable();

    defaultGd.setColor(showOutline ? Color.TRANSPARENT : brand.defaultFill(context));
    activeGd.setColor(showOutline ? brand.activeFill(context) : brand.activeFill(context));
    disabledGd.setColor(showOutline ? Color.TRANSPARENT : brand.disabledFill(context));

    defaultGd.setStroke(strokeWidth, brand.defaultEdge(context));
    activeGd.setStroke(strokeWidth, brand.activeEdge(context));
    disabledGd.setStroke(strokeWidth, brand.disabledEdge(context));

    if (showOutline && brand instanceof DefaultBootstrapBrand) {
      DefaultBootstrapBrand db = (DefaultBootstrapBrand) brand;

      if (db == DefaultBootstrapBrand.SECONDARY) {
        int color = ColorUtils.resolveColor(R.color.bootstrap_brand_secondary_border, context);

        defaultGd.setStroke(strokeWidth, color);
        activeGd.setStroke(strokeWidth, color);
        disabledGd.setStroke(strokeWidth, color);

    setupDrawableCorners(position, rounded, cornerRadius, defaultGd, activeGd, disabledGd);
    return setupStateDrawable(position, strokeWidth, defaultGd, activeGd, disabledGd);