public void retryResult(String sResponseCode, String sResponseDesc) { L.event( "In retryResult()... sResponseCode ==> " + sResponseCode + ", sResponseDesc ==> " + sResponseDesc); Constants.IS_FAILED_UPLOAD_RUNNING = false; }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(Message msg) { String sResponseCode = msg.getData().getString(StringUtils.CODE); String sResponseDesc = msg.getData().getString(StringUtils.DESC); L.debug("onPostExecute()... " + sResponseDesc); DeviceUtil.updateTestScreen(); NotificationUtil.showFailedNotification(activity, sResponseDesc, true); retryResult(sResponseCode, sResponseDesc); }
void startTesting() { no_of_cycles = Long.parseLong(FTPTestConfigObj.sTestCyles); DeviceUtil.clearLogcat(); // context.print("FTPTestConfigObj -> " + FTPTestConfigObj.toString()); sHostURL = FTPTestConfigObj.sServerURL; sUsername = FTPTestConfigObj.sUsername; sPassword = FTPTestConfigObj.sPassword; sDownloadSrcFilePath = FTPTestConfigObj.sFileToDownload; sUploadSrcFilePath = FTPTestConfigObj.sManuallUploadFile; bManuallUploadStatus = FTPTestConfigObj.bManuallUploadStatus; sDownloadDestFilePath = FileUtil.APP_TMP_DIR + "/" + new File(FTPTestConfigObj.sFileToDownload).getName(); context.print( "sDownloadSrcFilePath - " + sDownloadSrcFilePath + ", sDownloadDestFilePath - " + sDownloadDestFilePath); if (bManuallUploadStatus) { sUploadSrcFilePath = FTPTestConfigObj.sManuallUploadFile; L.debug("FTP TEST RUNNER: Manuall Upload File Path: " + sUploadSrcFilePath); } else { sUploadSrcFilePath = sDownloadDestFilePath; L.debug("FTP TEST RUNNER: Upload File Path: " + sUploadSrcFilePath); } sUploadDestDirPath = FTPTestConfigObj.sUploadPath; for (int cyc_i = 0; cyc_i < no_of_cycles; cyc_i++) { context.print("startTesting()... cyc_i -> " + cyc_i); L.debug("*********** FTP TEST STARTED ***********"); L.debug("FTP Cycle's count: " + cyc_i); doDownloadAndUpload(); } // doDownloadAndUpload(); DownloadAndUploadCompletedHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); }
@Override protected Message doInBackground(String... files) { Message msg = new Message(); String sResponseCode = "", sResponseDesc = ""; int iTotalToUpload, iSuccessUpload = 0, iFailedUpload = 0; int filesCount = arrLstDevInfoXMLFilesPath.size(); iTotalToUpload = filesCount; for (int file_i = 0; file_i < filesCount; file_i++) { String sLogcatFilePath = arrLstLogcatFilesPath.get(file_i); String sDevInfoXMLFilePath = arrLstDevInfoXMLFilesPath.get(file_i); Message lc_msg = doUpload(sLogcatFilePath, sDevInfoXMLFilePath); sResponseCode = lc_msg.getData().getString(StringUtils.CODE); if (sResponseCode.equals(ResponseCodes.SUCCESS)) iSuccessUpload++; else iFailedUpload++; } if (iSuccessUpload == iTotalToUpload) { L.debug("@@@@@ Retry Upload Task @@@@"); sResponseDesc = "All failed results has been uploaded"; pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_IS_TEST_CONFIG_SET, false); pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_TEST_NAME, ""); pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_SELECTED_MARKET_PALCE, ""); L.debug("Test config data cleared!!"); } else { sResponseDesc = String.format( "Failed results upload completed. %d failed of %d results", iFailedUpload, iTotalToUpload); pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_IS_TEST_CONFIG_SET, false); pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_TEST_NAME, ""); pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_SELECTED_MARKET_PALCE, ""); L.debug("Test config data cleared!!"); } Bundle bndle = new Bundle(); bndle.putString(StringUtils.CODE, sResponseCode); bndle.putString(StringUtils.DESC, sResponseDesc); msg.setData(bndle); return msg; }
void doUploadFailedResults( AppActivity activity, ArrayList<String> lstXMLFilePath, ArrayList<String> lstLogcatFilesPath) { L.event(" Uploading failed files "); NotificationUtil.showFailedNotification(activity, " Uploading failed files ", true); ResultUploadTask retryTask = new ResultUploadTask(activity, lstXMLFilePath, lstLogcatFilesPath); retryTask.execute(); Constants.IS_FAILED_UPLOAD_RUNNING = true; }
private Message doUpload(String sLogcatFilePath, String sDevInfoXMLFilePath) { Message msg = new Message(); Bundle bndle = new Bundle(); String sResponseCode = "", sResponseDesc = ""; try { APIManager apiClient = new APIManager(activity); String sIMEI = new DeviceUtil(activity).getIMEI(); Preferences pref = new Preferences(activity); String sUsername = pref.getUsername(); String sPwd = pref.getPassword(); APIManager.Status status = APIManager.Status.NONE; if (Validator.isEmpty(sLogcatFilePath)) { status = apiClient.processUploadSingle(sDevInfoXMLFilePath); } else { status = apiClient.processUpload(sUsername, sPwd, sIMEI, sLogcatFilePath, sDevInfoXMLFilePath); } if (status == APIManager.Status.ERROR) { sResponseCode = ResponseCodes.FAILURE; sResponseDesc = apiClient.getErrorMessage(); } else { String sResponse = apiClient.getResponse(); L.debug("Upload Response :: " + sResponse); if (sResponse != null && sResponse.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(ResponseCodes.SUCCESS_UPLOAD)) { sResponseCode = ResponseCodes.SUCCESS; sResponseDesc = "Result uploaded!"; } else { sResponseCode = ResponseCodes.FAILURE; sResponseDesc = sResponse; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sResponseCode = ResponseCodes.FAILURE; sResponseDesc = Messages.err(e); } if (Constants.DELETE_FILES_AFTER_UPLOAD) if (sResponseCode.equals(ResponseCodes.SUCCESS)) { // Delete log files FileUtil.delete(sDevInfoXMLFilePath); FileUtil.delete(sLogcatFilePath); } bndle.putString(StringUtils.CODE, sResponseCode); bndle.putString(StringUtils.DESC, sResponseDesc); msg.setData(bndle); return msg; }
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); Constants.CurrentActivity = this; event("onNewIntent()"); try { Bundle bndle = intent.getExtras(); L.printBundleValues(bndle); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } setIntent(intent); };
public ResultUploadTask( AppActivity activity, ArrayList<String> lstXMLFilePath, ArrayList<String> lstLogcatFilesPath) { this.activity = activity; arrLstDevInfoXMLFilesPath = lstXMLFilePath; arrLstLogcatFilesPath = lstLogcatFilesPath; L.event( "RetryUploadTask()... \n DevInfoXMLFilesPath ==> " + arrLstDevInfoXMLFilesPath + "\n LogcatFilesPath ==> " + arrLstLogcatFilesPath); }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { // ################### String sResponseCode = msg.getData().getString(StringUtils.CODE); String sResponseDesc = msg.getData().getString(StringUtils.DESC); clearFTPFiles(); if (sResponseCode.equals(ResponseCodes.SUCCESS)) { L.debug("File download and upload success"); } else { L.debug(sResponseDesc); if (!pref.isTestCanceled() && pref.isTestRunning()) { L.debug("RunnableFailed..."); pref.setFTPTestRunningState(false); /* * NotificationUtil.showFinishedNotification( context, * StringUtils.TEST_TYPE_CODE_FTP, testconfig.getTestName() * + "_" + testconfig.getTestCycle(), * Messages.FTP_DOWNLOAD_FAILED); */ NotificationUtil.showFinishedNotification( context, StringUtils.TEST_TYPE_CODE_FTP, pref.getValue(Preferences.KEY_TEST_NAME, "") + "_" + testconfig.getTestCycle(), Messages.FTP_DOWNLOAD_FAILED); DeviceUtil.updateTestScreen(); doResultUploaded(sResponseCode, sResponseDesc); } } }
public void run() { if (pref.isFTPTestRunning()) { if (Constants.OS_VERSION_JELLY_BEAN_MR2 <= deviceOSVersion) { CurrRXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(uid); CurrRXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpRxSegments(uid); } else { CurrRXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidTcpRxBytes(uid); CurrRXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpRxSegments(uid); } long CurrAllRXPackets = TrafficStats.getUidRxPackets(uid); long CurrTotalRXPackets = TrafficStats.getTotalRxPackets(); long CurrMobileRXPackets = TrafficStats.getMobileRxPackets(); context.debug( "StartRXBytes bytes - " + StartRXBytes + ", CurrRXBytes - " + CurrRXBytes + ", CurrRXSegments - " + CurrRXSegments); /*System.out.println("by Ank StartRXBytes bytes - " + StartRXBytes + ", CurrRXBytes - " + CurrRXBytes + ", CurrRXSegments - " + CurrRXSegments);*/ long RXBytes = CurrRXBytes - StartRXBytes; long RXSegments = CurrRXSegments - StartRXSegments; context.debug("Start :" + StartAllRXPackets + "RXPackets :" + CurrAllRXPackets); long AllRXPackets = CurrAllRXPackets - StartAllRXPackets; context.debug("AllRXPackets :" + AllRXPackets); long TotalRXPackets = CurrTotalRXPackets - StartTotalRXPackets; long MobileRXPackets = CurrMobileRXPackets - StartMobileRXPackets; L.log_ftp_rx( settings.getFTPLogcatPath(), RXBytes, RXSegments, AllRXPackets, TotalRXPackets, MobileRXPackets); } else timer.cancel(); }
public void run() { if (pref.isFTPTestRunning()) { if (Constants.OS_VERSION_JELLY_BEAN_MR2 <= deviceOSVersion) { CurrTXBytes = DeviceUtil.getStats(uid).getSendCount(); CurrTXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpTxSegments(uid); } else { CurrTXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidTcpTxBytes(uid); CurrTXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpTxSegments(uid); } context.debug( "StartTXBytes bytes - " + StartTXBytes + ", CurrTXBytes - " + CurrTXBytes + ", CurrTXSegments - " + CurrTXSegments); long CurrAllTXPackets = TrafficStats.getUidTxPackets(uid); long CurrTotalTXPackets = TrafficStats.getTotalTxPackets(); long CurrMobileTXPackets = TrafficStats.getMobileTxPackets(); long TXBytes = CurrTXBytes - StartTXBytes; long TXSegments = CurrTXSegments - StartTXSegments; long AllTXPackets = CurrAllTXPackets - StartAllTXPackets; long TotalTXPackets = CurrTotalTXPackets - StartTotalTXPackets; long MobileTXPackets = CurrMobileTXPackets - StartMobileTXPackets; L.log_ftp_tx( settings.getFTPLogcatPath(), TXBytes, TXSegments, AllTXPackets, TotalTXPackets, MobileTXPackets); } else { timer.cancel(); try { if (ftp != null && ftp.getClient() != null) ftp.getClient().abort(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (!pref.isTestCanceled() && pref.isTestRunning()) { L.debug("DownloadAndUploadCompletedHandler..."); pref.setFTPTestRunningState(false); // testconfig.getTestName() new ResultUploader( context, pref.getValue(Preferences.KEY_TEST_NAME, "") + StringUtils.TEST_CYCLE_APPEND_FILE + testconfig.getTestCycle(), StringUtils.TEST_TYPE_CODE_FTP, settings.getFTPDeviceInfoPath(), settings.getFTPLogcatPath()) { public void resultUploaded(String code, String desc) { doResultUploaded(code, desc); }; }; } }
public void startTest() { deviceOSVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; L.debug("DEVICE OS VERSION: " + deviceOSVersion); FTPTestConfigObj = testconfig.getFTPTestConfig(); /* * * String sTestName = testconfig.getTestName() + * StringUtils.TEST_CYCLE_APPEND_FILE + testconfig.getTestCycle(); */ String sTestName = pref.getValue(Preferences.KEY_TEST_NAME, "") + StringUtils.TEST_CYCLE_APPEND_FILE + testconfig.getTestCycle(); pref.setFTPTestRunningState(true); DeviceUtil dv = new DeviceUtil(context); String sDeviceInfoXML = dv.getDeviceInfo( StringUtils.FILE_CODE_TEST_TYPE_FTP, sTestName, pref.getUsername(), pref.getValue(Preferences.KEY_SELECTED_MARKET_PLACE_ID, "")); L.debug(sDeviceInfoXML); String sCurrTime = TimeUtil.getCurrentTimeFilename(); FileUtil.CURRENT_FTP_TESTTIME = sCurrTime; String path = FileUtil.FTP_LOG_DIR + "deviceinfo" + "_" + sTestName + "_" + sCurrTime + ".xml"; File fle = new File(path); if (fle.exists()) { fle.delete(); } String dev_info_path = FileUtil.writeToXMLFile(path, sDeviceInfoXML); L.debug("Device info initial data written into " + dev_info_path); pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_CURRENT_FTP_DEV_INFO_PATH, dev_info_path); String logcat_path = FileUtil.FTP_LOG_DIR + StringUtils.FILE_CODE_TEST_TYPE_FTP + "_" + dv.getIMEI() + "_" + sTestName + "_" + sCurrTime + ".txt"; L.debug("!!! logcat_path !!!!: " + logcat_path); File log_fle = new File(logcat_path); try { log_fle.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { } pref.putValue(Preferences.KEY_CURRENT_FTP_LOGCAT_PATH, log_fle.getAbsolutePath()); try { Airometric app = (Airometric) context.getApplication(); app.startListeners(dev_info_path); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } NotificationUtil.cancelNotification(context, StringUtils.TEST_TYPE_CODE_FTP); uploadTask = new StartTestTask(); uploadTask.execute(); Constants.CurrentTask = uploadTask; NotificationUtil.showRunningNotification(context, StringUtils.TEST_TYPE_CODE_FTP); context.showActivity(TestTypeActivity.class); }
protected void doDownloadAndUpload() { context.print("doDownloadAndUpload()..."); Message msg = new Message(); Bundle bndle = new Bundle(); String sResponseCode = "", sResponseDesc = ""; try { ftp = new FTP(handler); if (ftp.ftpConnect(sHostURL, sUsername, sPassword, port)) { timer = new Timer(); uid = android.os.Process.myUid(); if (Constants.OS_VERSION_JELLY_BEAN_MR2 <= deviceOSVersion) { StartRXBytes = DeviceUtil.getStats(uid).getReceiveCount(); // StartRXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(uid); StartRXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpRxSegments(uid); } else { StartRXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidTcpRxBytes(uid); StartRXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpRxSegments(uid); } context.debug( "Initial RX bytes - " + StartRXBytes + ", Initial RX Segments - " + StartRXSegments); downloadTimerTask = new DownloadTimeTask(); timer.schedule(downloadTimerTask, 0, Constants.FTP_LOG_INTERVAL * 1000); // Download if (ftp.ftpDownload(sDownloadSrcFilePath, sDownloadDestFilePath)) { context.print("File downloaded"); sResponseCode = ResponseCodes.SUCCESS; timer.cancel(); try { timer = new Timer(); /* Constants.OS_VERSION_JELLY_BEAN_MR2 == deviceOSVersion || Constants.OS_VERSION_KIT_KAT == deviceOSVersion || Constants.OS_VERSION_LOLLIPOP == deviceOSVersion || Constants.OS_VERSION_LOLLIPOP_MR2 == deviceOSVersion || Constants.OS_VERSION_MARSHMALLOW == deviceOSVersion*/ if (Constants.OS_VERSION_JELLY_BEAN_MR2 <= deviceOSVersion) { StartTXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(uid); StartTXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpTxSegments(uid); } else { StartTXBytes = TrafficStats.getUidTcpTxBytes(uid); StartTXSegments = TrafficStats.getUidTcpTxSegments(uid); } context.debug( "Initial TX bytes - " + StartTXBytes + ", Initial TX segments - " + StartTXSegments); uploadTimerTask = new UploadTimeTask(); timer.schedule(uploadTimerTask, 0, Constants.FTP_LOG_INTERVAL * 1000); L.debug("Upload Section- src file path: " + sUploadSrcFilePath); L.debug("Upload Section- dest file path: " + sUploadDestDirPath); // Upload if (ftp.ftpUpload( sUploadSrcFilePath, new File(sUploadSrcFilePath).getName(), sUploadDestDirPath)) { context.print("File uploaded"); sResponseCode = ResponseCodes.SUCCESS; L.debug("********* FTP UPLOADING SUCCESS **********"); } else { context.print("File upload failed - " + ftp.getServerError()); sResponseCode = StringUtils.ERROR_CODE; sResponseDesc = Messages.FTP_UPLOAD_FAILED + "(" + ftp.getServerError() + ")"; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sResponseCode = StringUtils.ERROR_CODE; sResponseDesc = Messages.FTP_UPLOAD_FAILED + "(" + Messages.err(e) + ")"; } } else { context.print("File download failed - " + ftp.getServerError()); sResponseCode = StringUtils.ERROR_CODE; sResponseDesc = Messages.FTP_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; } timer.cancel(); } else { sResponseCode = StringUtils.ERROR_CODE; sResponseDesc = Messages.FTP_LOGIN_FAILED; } try { if (ftp.getClient().isConnected()) ftp.ftpDisconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sResponseCode = StringUtils.ERROR_CODE; sResponseDesc = Messages.err(e); } bndle.putString(StringUtils.CODE, sResponseCode); bndle.putString(StringUtils.DESC, sResponseDesc); msg.setData(bndle); if (!pref.isTestCanceled() && pref.isTestRunning()) DownloadAndUploadHandler.sendMessage(msg); }
private void initLayouts() { L.log("Initialize Layouts..."); rbTestTypeGroup = (RadioGroup) findViewById(; rbDownloadConfigurationTest = (RadioButton) findViewById(; rbManualConfigurationTest = (RadioButton) findViewById(; rbExternalTest = (RadioButton) findViewById(; rbDownloadConfigurationTest.setChecked(false); rbManualConfigurationTest.setChecked(false); rbExternalTest.setChecked(false); String sLevel = pref.getUserLevel(); debug("Logged in user -> + " + pref.getUsername() + "; Level -> " + sLevel); if (sLevel.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.USER_LEVEL_TECHNICIAN)) { rbManualConfigurationTest.setEnabled(false); rbManualConfigurationTest.setTextColor(color.gray_light); } ((TextView) findViewById( .setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { Intent i = new Intent(TestTypeActivity.this, SettingsActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, 1); } }); // rbTestTypeGroup.setSelected(false); rbTestTypeGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener(chkListener); isAnyOfTestRunning = false; if (pref.isTestRunning()) isAnyOfTestRunning = true; btnStopTest = (Button) findViewById(; btnStopTest.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { stopTest(); } }); btnUploadFailedResults = (Button) findViewById(; btnUploadFailedResults.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { doUploadFailedResults(); } }); if (isAnyOfTestRunning) { boolean ext_tst_runng = pref.isExternalTestRunning(); if (ext_tst_runng) btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); else btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); /*new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } }, 5000);*/ } }
public void checkBundleValues() { event("checkBundleValues()"); Bundle bndle = this.getIntent().getExtras(); if (bndle != null) if (bndle.containsKey(StringUtils.EXTRA_STATUS_MSG)) msg = bndle.getString(StringUtils.EXTRA_STATUS_MSG); L.debug("MESSAGE in TEST TYPE ACTIVITITY: " + msg); if (!Validator.isEmpty(msg)) { new AppAlert(activity, msg) { @Override public void okClickListener() { L.debug("Message != empty"); final Intent intent = new Intent(activity, TestTypeActivity.class); new Timer() .schedule( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { finish(); startActivity(intent); } }, 20000); } }; } if (pref.isTestRunning()) isAnyOfTestRunning = true; else isAnyOfTestRunning = false; btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (isAnyOfTestRunning) { boolean ext_tst_runng = pref.isExternalTestRunning(); if (ext_tst_runng) { new Timer() .schedule( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { // btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); activity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } }, 10000); } else btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { new Timer() .schedule( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { // btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); activity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { btnStopTest.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } }, 10000); } }