Beispiel #1
   * Update the cached values for players velocity to be prepared to give them additional movement
   * freedom in their next move events
   * @param v
   * @param data
  public void updateVelocity(Vector v, MovingData data) {

    // Compare the velocity vector to the existing movement freedom that we've from previous events
    double tmp = (Math.abs(v.getX()) + Math.abs(v.getZ())) * 3D;
    if (tmp > data.horizFreedom) data.horizFreedom = tmp;

    if (v.getY() > data.maxYVelocity) {
      data.maxYVelocity = v.getY();
Beispiel #2
   * The actual check. First find out if the event needs to be handled at all Second check if the
   * player moved too far horizontally Third check if the player moved too high vertically Fourth
   * treat any occured violations as configured
   * @param event
  public Location check(Player player, Location from, Location to, MovingData data) {

    updateVelocity(player.getVelocity(), data);

    Location newToLocation = null;

    final long startTime = System.nanoTime();

    /** *********** DECIDE WHICH CHECKS NEED TO BE RUN ************ */
    final boolean flyCheck =
        !allowFlying && !plugin.hasPermission(player, PermissionData.PERMISSION_FLYING, checkOPs);
    final boolean runCheck = true;

    /** *************** REFINE EVENT DATA FOR CHECKS ************** */
    if (flyCheck || runCheck) {

      // In both cases it will be interesting to know the type of underground the player
      // is in or goes to
      final int fromType =
          helper.isLocationOnGround(from.getWorld(), from.getX(), from.getY(), from.getZ(), false);
      final int toType =
          helper.isLocationOnGround(to.getWorld(), to.getX(), to.getY(), to.getZ(), false);

      final boolean fromOnGround = fromType != MovingEventHelper.NONSOLID;
      final boolean toOnGround = toType != MovingEventHelper.NONSOLID;

      // Distribute data to checks in the form needed by the checks

      /** ******************* EXECUTE THE CHECKS ******************* */
      double result = 0.0D;

      if (flyCheck) {
        result += Math.max(0D, flyingCheck.check(player, from, fromOnGround, to, toOnGround, data));

      if (runCheck) {
        result +=
                    !allowFakeSneak && player.isSneaking(),
                    !allowFastSwim && (fromType & toType & MovingEventHelper.LIQUID) > 0,

      /** ******* HANDLE/COMBINE THE RESULTS OF THE CHECKS ********** */

      if (result <= 0) {
        if (fromOnGround) {
          data.setBackPoint = from;
          data.jumpPhase = 0;
        } else if (toOnGround) {
          data.jumpPhase = 0;
      } else if (result > 0) {
        // Increment violation counter
        data.violationLevel += result;
        if (data.setBackPoint == null) data.setBackPoint = from;

      if (result > 0 && data.violationLevel > 1) {

        setupSummaryTask(player, data);

        int level = limitCheck(data.violationLevel - 1);


        newToLocation =
            action(player, from, to, actions[level], data.violationsInARow[level], data);

    // Slowly reduce the level with each event
    data.violationLevel *= 0.97;
    data.horizFreedom *= 0.97;

    statisticElapsedTimeNano += System.nanoTime() - startTime;

    return newToLocation;