  * <a
  * href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2081602&group_id=4075&atid=104075">Sourceforge
  * issue "NullPointerException Thrown by Overriden Method" - ID: 2081602</a>. Overriding a method
  * which is invoked from super-constructor issues a NPE.
 public void sourceforge_issue_2081602() throws Exception {
   // Interpreter.DEBUG = true;
   Callable result =
               "Object echo(msg, x) {",
               "   print(msg + ' ' + x);",
               "   return x;",
               "public class A implements " + Callable.class.getName() + " {",
               "   int _id;",
               "   public A (int id) {",
               "      print (\" A.<init> \" + id);",
               "      setId(id);",
               "   }",
               "   public void setId (int id) {",
               "      print (\" A.setId \" + id);",
               "      _id = id;",
               "   }",
               "   public Object call() { return _id; }",
               "public class B extends A {",
               "   public B (int id) {",
               "      super (echo(\" B.<init>\", id * 3));",
               "   }",
               "   public void setId (int id) {",
               "      print (\" B.setId \" + id);",
               "      super.setId(id * 5);",
               "   }",
               "return new B (1);");
   Assert.assertEquals(15, result.call());
  * <a
  * href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2081602&group_id=4075&atid=104075">Sourceforge
  * issue "NullPointerException Thrown by Overriden Method" - ID: 2081602</a>. Just a "learning
  * test" to check the call flow for constructors of generated classes.
  * @see #sourceforge_issue_2081602
 public void sourceforge_issue_2081602_learning_test() throws Exception {
   final Object result =
           "Object echo(msg, x) {",
           "   print(msg + ' ' + x);",
           "   return x;",
           "public class A implements java.util.concurrent.Callable {",
           "   int _id;",
           "   public A (int id) {",
           "      _id = echo(\"A\", id);",
           "   }",
           "   public Object call() { return _id; }",
           "public class B extends A {",
           "   public B (int id) {",
           "      super (echo(\"B\", id * 2));",
           "   }",
           "return new B (2);");
   Assert.assertEquals(4, ((java.util.concurrent.Callable) result).call());
 public void misc_tests() throws Exception {
   Assert.assertEquals(true, TestUtil.eval("return true == true;"));
   Assert.assertEquals(true, TestUtil.eval("return false == false;"));
   Assert.assertEquals(false, TestUtil.eval("return true == false;"));
   Assert.assertEquals(false, TestUtil.eval("return false == true;"));
   try {
     TestUtil.eval("throw new RuntimeException();");
   } catch (TargetError e) {
     Assert.assertTrue(e.getTarget().getClass() == RuntimeException.class);
           "String a;",
           "try {",
           "	a = \"foobar\";",
           "} catch (Exception e) {",
           "	throw e;",
           "return a;"));
   String script =
       "boolean fieldBool = false;\n"
           + "int fieldInt = 0;\n"
           + "Boolean fieldBool2 = false;\n"
           + "void run() {\n"
           + "fieldBool = ! fieldBool;\n"
           + "fieldBool2 = ! fieldBool2;\n"
           + "fieldInt++;\n"
           + "System.out.println(\"fieldBool: \"+fieldBool);\n"
           + "System.out.println(\"fieldBool2: \"+fieldBool2);\n"
           + "System.out.println(\"fieldInt: \"+fieldInt);\n"
           + "}\n";
   Interpreter bsh = new Interpreter();
   Runnable runnable = (Runnable) bsh.getInterface(Runnable.class);