  * The inner array is an array of 2 colors, for alternating exon colors. The "outer" array
  * represents transcript coloring. Transcripts can have different exon coloring pairs(see
  * SelectableDNARenderer's exonColorIndex and transcriptColorIndex). This now takes in 2 colors
  * from Config edeFeatureColor. It no longer is setting up 4 colors for alternating transcripts as
  * well as exons. Easy enough to reinstate if desired.
 public Color[][] getColorArray() {
   Color firstExonColor = Config.getExonDetailEditorFeatureColor1();
   Color secondExonColor = Config.getExonDetailEditorFeatureColor2();
   Color[][] colors = {{firstExonColor, secondExonColor}};
   // Color [][] colors = {{Color.blue, new Color(0,0,180)},
   // {new Color(100,150,255), new Color(100,0,200)}};
   return colors;
 public String generateURL(SeqFeatureI f) {
   if (f instanceof AnnotatedFeatureI)
     // For now, all annotations share a common base URL, defined in the style
     // file as ExternalRefURL.
     return generateAnnotURL((AnnotatedFeatureI) f, Config.getExternalRefURL());
   else return generateAnalysisURL(f);
  private String generateAnalysisURL(SeqFeatureI f) {
    // Figure out URL for getting more information about this feature.
    // If more than one feature was selected, use the LAST one.
    String id = getIdForURL(f);
    FeatureProperty prop = Config.getPropertyScheme().getFeatureProperty(f.getFeatureType());

    String urlPrefix = getURLPrefix(prop, f, id);

    if (urlPrefix == null) {
      String m =
          "Sorry, no URL registered for type "
              + f.getFeatureType()
              + "\nin tiers file "
              + Config.getStyle().getTiersFile();
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, m);
      return null;
    return URLQueryGenerator.getURL(urlPrefix, id);
  public void setGene(AnnotatedFeatureI g) {
    this.gene = g;
    if (g == null) return;

    if (!g.isProteinCodingGene()) {
      setText("NOT A PEPTIDE");
    } else {

      Hashtable curator_values = Config.getPeptideStates();

      String pep_status = g.getProperty("sp_status");
      PeptideStatus this_status = Config.getPeptideStatus(pep_status);

      JMenuItem item;

      /* these are the computed values that cannot be over-ridden
         by a curator
      item = new JMenuItem(this_status.getText());
      /* these are the possible values to be selected
      by a curator */
      Enumeration e = curator_values.keys();
      while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = (String) e.nextElement();
        PeptideStatus a_status = (PeptideStatus) curator_values.get(key);
        if (a_status.getPrecedence() >= this_status.getPrecedence()
            && !a_status.getText().equals(this_status.getText())
            && a_status.getCurated()) {
          item = new JMenuItem(a_status.getText());
Beispiel #5
  public TypesMenu(AnnotationEditor editor) {
    super("Create new annotation");
    this.editor = editor;
    //    setEnabled(false);

    PropertyScheme scheme = Config.getPropertyScheme();
    Vector annotFeatureProps = scheme.getAnnotationFeatureProps();
    Iterator props = annotFeatureProps.iterator();
    while (props.hasNext()) {
      String type = ((FeatureProperty) props.next()).getDisplayType();
      JMenuItem typeItem = new JMenuItem(type);
  /* Note: low and high are relative coordinates */
  protected String getResiduesFromSourceImpl(int low, int high) {

    int realStart = low; //  + getRange().getStart();
    int realEnd = high; // + getRange().getStart();

    Hashtable var = new Hashtable();

    //    var.put("bp_start",String.valueOf(new Integer(realStart)));
    //    var.put("bp_end", String.valueOf(new Integer(realEnd)));
    //    var.put("chr",getRange().getName());
    //    var.put("type","basepairs");
    //    var.put("format","fasta");
    //    var.put("region","1");
    //    var.put("btnsubmit","Export");
    //    var.put("tab","fasta");
    // http://dev.ensembl.org:80/perl/exportview?tab=fasta&btnsubmit=Export&format=fasta&region=1&type=basepairs&chr=2&bp_start=123&bp_end=100000

    var.put("vc_start", String.valueOf(new Integer(realStart)));
    var.put("vc_end", String.valueOf(new Integer(realEnd)));
    var.put("chr", getRange().getName());
    var.put("seqonly", "1");
    // http://dev.ensembl.org:80/perl/exportview?tab=fasta&btnsubmit=Export&format=fasta&region=1&type=basepairs&chr=2&bp_start=123&bp_end=100000

    String host = server;
    int port = Config.getCGIPort();
    String cgistr = "perl/apolloview";
    //    String cgistr = "perl/exportview";

    CGI cgi = new CGI(host, port, cgistr, var, System.out);


    FastaFile fa = new FastaFile(cgi.getInput(), false);
    Vector seqs = fa.getSeqs();

    if (seqs.size() == 1) {
      System.out.println("Returning sequence");
      return ((SequenceI) seqs.elementAt(0)).getResidues();
    } else {
      System.out.println("Returning null");
      return null;
  /** For annotations, try to find the appropriate identifier to add to the base URL. */
  protected String generateAnnotURL(AnnotatedFeatureI g, String baseAnnotURL) {
    if (baseAnnotURL == null || baseAnnotURL.equals("")) return null;

    Hashtable id_hash = new Hashtable();

    String id;
    for (int i = 0; i < g.getDbXrefs().size(); i++) {
      DbXref ref = (DbXref) g.getDbXrefs().elementAt(i);
      id = ref.getIdValue();
      // Apparently, if the id starts with FBan we want to replace "FBan" with "CG".
      if (id.startsWith("FBan")) {
        id = id.substring("FBan".length());
        try {
          int cg_num = Integer.parseInt(id);
          id = "CG" + cg_num;
          id_hash.put(id, id);
        } catch (Exception e) {
      } else if (id.startsWith("FB")) { // FBgn, FBab, etc.
        id_hash.put(id, id);
      } else if (id.startsWith("TE")) { // FBgn, FBab, etc.
        id_hash.put(id, id);

    id = getCG(g.getId(), "CG");
    if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);
    else {
      id = getCG(g.getId(), "CR");
      if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);
      else {
        id = getCG(g.getId(), "FB");
        if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);

    id = getCG(g.getName(), "CG");
    if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);
    else {
      id = getCG(g.getName(), "CR");
      if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);

    for (int i = 0; i < g.getSynonyms().size(); i++) {
      Synonym syn = (Synonym) (g.getSynonyms().elementAt(i));
      id = getCG(syn.getName(), "CG");
      if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);
      else {
        id = getCG(syn.getName(), "CR");
        if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);
        else {
          id = getCG(g.getId(), "FB");
          if (id != null) id_hash.put(id, id);

    // The code here was glomming together all the elements into one
    // big |ed string, but that's not what the FlyBase annotation report CGI wants.
    // An FB or CG or CR identifier should be sufficient.
    StringBuffer query_str = new StringBuffer();
    for (Enumeration e = id_hash.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String namepart = (String) e.nextElement();
      //      System.out.println("Considering namepart " + namepart); // DEL
      if (namepart.indexOf("FB") == 0
          || namepart.indexOf("CG") == 0
          || namepart.indexOf("CR") == 0) {
        if (query_str.length() > 0) query_str.replace(0, query_str.length(), namepart);
        else query_str.append(namepart);
      if (query_str.length() > 0) query_str.append('|');

    // if not FlyBase ID, use the annotation's regular ID
    if (query_str.length() == 0) {

    String url = null;
    //    System.out.println("generateAnnotUrl: query = " + query_str); // DEL
    if (query_str.length() > 0) {
      // if a custom URL is setup for this type in the tiers file, use that - otherwise use the
      // global
      // one setup in the style file
      FeatureProperty fp = Config.getPropertyScheme().getFeatureProperty(g.getTopLevelType());
      if (fp.getURLString() != null && fp.getURLString().length() > 0) {
        url = fp.getURLString() + g.getId();
      } else {
        url = baseAnnotURL + query_str.toString();

    return url;
public class AminoAcidRenderer extends DefaultBaseRenderer {

  private static Hashtable colors = new Hashtable();
  Color bgcolor;
  Color disabled = new Color(200, 200, 200);

  int phase;
  Font regularFont = apollo.config.Config.getExonDetailEditorSequenceFont();
  Font boldFont = apollo.config.Config.getExonDetailEditorSequenceFont();
  SeqAlignPanel panel;

  Color hatchColor;

  static {
    colors.put("M", Color.green);
    colors.put("*", Color.red);

  public AminoAcidRenderer(int width, int height, int phase, SeqAlignPanel panel) {
    super(width, height);
    this.phase = phase;
    this.panel = panel;

  public void setFontSizes(int size) {
    regularFont = new Font("Courier", 0, size);
    boldFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, size);

  public Color getHatchColor() {
    return hatchColor;

  public Component getBaseRendererComponent(char base, int pos, int tier, SequenceI seq) {

    if (panel instanceof BaseEditorPanel && ((BaseEditorPanel) panel).getShowHitZones()) {
      Vector hitZones = ((BaseEditorPanel) panel).getTranslatedHitZones(phase);

      hatchColor = null;
      for (int hitIndex = 0; hitZones != null && hitIndex < hitZones.size(); hitIndex++) {
        int[] hitZone = (int[]) hitZones.elementAt(hitIndex);

        if (pos >= hitZone[0] * 3 + phase && pos < hitZone[1] * 3 + phase) {
          hatchColor = Color.yellow;

    if (colors.get(base + "") == null) setFont(regularFont);
    else setFont(boldFont);
    return super.getBaseRendererComponent(base, pos, tier, seq);

  public Color getTextColor() {
    Color stored = (Color) colors.get(c + "");
    if (stored == null) return disabled;
    else return stored;
 public boolean keep(SeqFeatureI f) {
   FeatureProperty fp = Config.getPropertyScheme().getFeatureProperty(f.getTopLevelType());
   return displayType.equalsIgnoreCase(fp.getDisplayType());
public class SelectableDNARenderer extends DefaultBaseRenderer {
  protected final Color[][] transcriptColorList;

  protected int transcriptColorIndex = 0;
  protected int exonColorIndex = 0;

  SeqAlignPanel baseEditor;

  double currentRange[] = new double[2];
  double transcriptRange[] = new double[2];

  double oldRange[] = new double[2];
  SeqFeatureI currentFeature;
  FeatureSetI currentFeatureSet;
  int type;
  boolean isIntron;
  boolean isExon;

  int targetNucleotide = -1;
  int targetTier = -1;
  int hitIndex;

  Color targetColor;
  Color seqSelectColor;
  Color hatchColor;
  //  Color shiftColor = new Color(255, 153, 0); // bright orange
  Color shiftColor = apollo.config.Config.getStyle().getSeqErrorColor();

  public SelectableDNARenderer(SeqAlignPanel baseEditor, int width, int height) {
    super(width, height);
    this.baseEditor = baseEditor;
    if (baseEditor instanceof BaseEditorPanel) {
      transcriptColorList = ((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).getColorArray();
      setSeqSelectColor(((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).getSeqSelectColor());
    } else {
      transcriptColorList = new Color[1][1];
      transcriptColorList[0][0] = Color.blue;
    //    setTargetColor(Color.yellow);

  public void setTargetPos(int pos, int tier) {
    targetNucleotide = pos;
    targetTier = tier;

  public void setTargetColor(Color in) {
    targetColor = in;

  public void setSeqSelectColor(Color in) {
    seqSelectColor = in;

  public void paintNotify() {
    currentRange[0] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    currentRange[1] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    transcriptRange[0] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    transcriptRange[1] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    currentFeature = null;
    transcriptColorIndex = 0;
    exonColorIndex = 0;
    hitIndex = 0;

   * Get component to be rendered, if pos outside of current range getFeatureAtPosition and reset
   * currentRange, if feature is non null and not an instance of FeatureSetI then its an exon, and
   * set isExon flag
  public Component getBaseRendererComponent(char base, int pos, int tier, SequenceI seq) {
    init(base, pos, tier, seq);

    hatchColor = null;
    if (((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).getShowHitZones()) {
      Vector hitZones = ((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).hitZones;

      for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < hitZones.size(); hitIndex++) {
        int[] hitZone = (int[]) hitZones.elementAt(hitIndex);

        if (pos >= hitZone[0] && pos < hitZone[1]) {
          hatchColor = Color.yellow;

    currentFeature = baseEditor.getFeatureAtPosition(pos, tier);
    double[] range = establishRange(currentFeature, pos, tier, false);

    if (range[1] != currentRange[1] || range[0] != currentRange[0]) {
      currentRange[0] = range[0];
      currentRange[1] = range[1];

      currentFeatureSet = baseEditor.getFeatureSetAtPosition(pos, tier);
      range = establishRange(currentFeatureSet, pos, tier, true);
      transcriptRange[0] = range[0];
      transcriptRange[1] = range[1];

      if (currentFeature != null) {
        // This decides the index into the color array, transcripts
        // can have different colors for their features
        transcriptColorIndex =
            (baseEditor.getRangeIndex(tier, (int) currentRange[0], (int) currentRange[1]))
                % transcriptColorList.length;
        exonColorIndex =
            (baseEditor.getExonRangeIndex(tier, (int) currentRange[0], (int) currentRange[1]))
                % transcriptColorList[transcriptColorIndex].length;
      if (currentFeature == null) {
        isExon = false;
        isIntron = false;
        // } else if (currentFeature.canHaveChildren()) {
      } else if (currentFeature.hasKids()) { // 1 level annots can but dont
        isExon = false;
        isIntron = true;
      } else {
        isExon = true;
        isIntron = false;
    return this;

  /* Establish the currentRange of bases covered by the
     currentFeature of this renderer
  public double[] establishRange(SeqFeatureI sf, int pos, int tier, boolean use_set) {
    double range[];
    if (sf == null || (!use_set && (sf.canHaveChildren()))) {
      range = baseEditor.getRangeAtPosition(tier, pos);
    } else {
      range = new double[2];
      range[0] = (double) baseEditor.basePairToPos(sf.getLow());
      range[1] = (double) baseEditor.basePairToPos(sf.getHigh());
    return range;

  public Color getHatchColor() {
    return hatchColor;

  public Color getBackgroundBoxColor() {
    if (pos == targetNucleotide && tier == targetTier) return targetColor;
    int lowSeqSelect;
    int highSeqSelect;
    if (baseEditor instanceof BaseEditorPanel) {
      lowSeqSelect = ((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).selectLowPos();
      highSeqSelect = ((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).selectHighPos();
    } else {
      lowSeqSelect = -1;
      highSeqSelect = -1;

    if (lowSeqSelect != -1 && highSeqSelect != -1 && pos >= lowSeqSelect && pos <= highSeqSelect) {
      return seqSelectColor;

    int basePos = baseEditor.posToBasePair(pos);

    if (((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).isSequencingErrorPosition(basePos)) return shiftColor;

    if (isExon) {
      ExonI exon = null;
      if (currentFeature instanceof ExonI) exon = (ExonI) currentFeature;
      else if (currentFeature instanceof DrawableSeqFeature)
        exon = (ExonI) ((DrawableSeqFeature) currentFeature).getFeature();
      if (exon != null && exon.getTranscript() != null) {
        Transcript transcript = exon.getTranscript();
        int tss = (int) exon.getTranscript().getTranslationStart();
        if (basePos == tss
            || basePos == (tss + exon.getStrand())
            || basePos == (tss + (2 * exon.getStrand())))
          return DrawableUtil.getStartCodonColor(transcript);
        else {
          int tes = (int) transcript.getTranslationEnd();
          if (basePos == tes
              || basePos == (tes + exon.getStrand())
              || basePos == (tes + (2 * exon.getStrand()))) return Color.red;
          else {
            int shift_pos = (int) transcript.plus1FrameShiftPosition();
            if (basePos == shift_pos) return shiftColor;
            else {
              shift_pos = (int) transcript.minus1FrameShiftPosition();
              if (basePos == shift_pos) return shiftColor;
              else {
                int stop_pos = (int) transcript.readThroughStopPosition();
                if (basePos == stop_pos
                    || basePos == (stop_pos + exon.getStrand())
                    || basePos == (stop_pos + (2 * exon.getStrand()))) return Color.pink;
      return transcriptColorList[transcriptColorIndex][exonColorIndex];
    return null;

  public Color getBackgroundLineColor() {
    if (pos == targetNucleotide && tier == targetTier) return null;
    if (isIntron) return transcriptColorList[transcriptColorIndex][0];
    return null;

  public Color getTextColor() {
    return Color.white;

  public void paint(Graphics g) {

    Color boxColor = getBackgroundBoxColor();
    Color hatchColor = getHatchColor();
    Color backgroundLineColor = getBackgroundLineColor();
    //    Color textColor = getForeground();
    int outlineType = getOutlineType();
    Color outlineColor = getOutlineColor();

    if (backgroundLineColor != null) {
      g.fillRect(0, getSize().height / 2 - 1, getSize().width, 2);

    if (boxColor != null) {
      g.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height);

    if (hatchColor != null) {

      // Bev thinks the cross-hatching makes it too hard to read the base.
      // For a single diagonal line, replace the following three lines with
      // g.drawLine(0,getSize().height, getSize().width,0);
      // For an underline, replace with
      // g.drawLine(0,getSize().height, getSize().width,getSize().height);

      // Draw three cross-hatch lines
      // g.drawLine(0,0,getSize().width,getSize().height);
      // g.drawLine(getSize().width/2,0,getSize().width,getSize().height/2);
      // g.drawLine(0,getSize().height/2,getSize().width/2,getSize().height);

      // Draw a line at top and bottom of matching base
      g.drawLine(0, getSize().height, getSize().width, getSize().height); // bottom
      g.drawLine(0, 0, getSize().width, 0); // top
      //      g.drawLine(0,0, 0,getSize().height);  // left side
      //      g.drawLine(getSize().width,0, getSize().width,getSize().height);  // right side

    if (outlineType != NO_OUTLINE && outlineColor != null) {
      g.drawLine(0, 0, getSize().width - 1, 0);
      g.drawLine(0, getSize().height - 1, getSize().width - 1, getSize().height - 1);
      if (outlineType == LEFT_OUTLINE) g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, getSize().height - 1);
      else if (outlineType == RIGHT_OUTLINE) {
        g.drawLine(getSize().width - 1, 0, getSize().width - 1, getSize().height - 1);

    if (getTextColor() != null) {
      int leadDistance = (getSize().width - metrics.charWidth(c)) / 2;
      g.drawString(c + "", leadDistance, getSize().height - 2);

   * Checks if selected or selected refs feature is the current feature set, so an exon as well as a
   * transcript will have an outline type
  public int getOutlineType() {
    SeqFeatureI selected = null;
    if (baseEditor instanceof BaseEditorPanel) {
      selected = ((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).getSelectedFeature();
    if (featSetContainsFeat(currentFeatureSet, selected)) {
      if (pos == transcriptRange[0]) return LEFT_OUTLINE;
      else if (pos == transcriptRange[1]) return RIGHT_OUTLINE;
      else return CENTER_OUTLINE;
    return NO_OUTLINE;

   * Checks if selected or selected refs feature is the feature set at current pos, so an exon as
   * well as a transcript will have an outline color
  public Color getOutlineColor() {
    SeqFeatureI selected = null;
    if (baseEditor instanceof BaseEditorPanel) {
      selected = ((BaseEditorPanel) baseEditor).getSelectedFeature();
    FeatureSetI featureSet = baseEditor.getFeatureSetAtPosition(pos, tier);
    if (featSetContainsFeat(featureSet, selected)) return Color.magenta;
    else return null;

  /** True if feat or feats refFeat is fs */
  private boolean featSetContainsFeat(FeatureSetI fs, SeqFeatureI feat) {
    if (fs == null || feat == null) return false;
    if (fs == feat) return true;
    if (fs == feat.getRefFeature()) return true;
    // This should probably be generalized(recursive) for whole ancestor tree and added to
    // FeatureSetI - for now only need to do feat and ref feat
    // could use FeatureSet.find i guess - is that what thats intended for?
    return false;

  public void setTier(int tier) {
    this.tier = tier;

  public boolean canRender(SeqFeatureI feature) {
    return feature.isAnnot();