   * Set the visibility of the extra metadata view.
   * @param visible True to show, false to hide
  private void setExtraInfoVisible(boolean visible) {
    TableLayout table = mInfoTable;
    if (table == null) return;
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD_MR1) visible = false;

    table.setColumnCollapsed(0, !visible);
    // Make title, album, and artist multi-line when extra info is visible
    boolean singleLine = !visible;
    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
      TableRow row = (TableRow) table.getChildAt(i);
      ((TextView) row.getChildAt(1)).setSingleLine(singleLine);
    // toggle visibility of all but the first three rows (the title/artist/
    // album rows) and the last row (the seek bar)
    int visibility = visible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE;
    for (int i = table.getChildCount() - 1; --i != 2; ) {
    mExtraInfoVisible = visible;
    if (visible && !mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_LOAD_EXTRA_INFO)) {