/** Shows the specified page of PDF to the screen. */
  private void showPage() {
    if (mPdfRenderer.getPageCount() == (count)) {
      count = 0;
    // Make sure to close the current page before opening another one.
    if (null != mCurrentPage) {
    // Use `openPage` to open a specific page in PDF.
    mCurrentPage = mPdfRenderer.openPage(count);
    // Important: the destination bitmap must be ARGB (not RGB).
    Bitmap bitmap =
            mCurrentPage.getWidth(), mCurrentPage.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    // Here, we render the page onto the Bitmap.
    // To render a portion of the page, use the second and third parameter. Pass nulls to get
    // the default result.
    // Pass either RENDER_MODE_FOR_DISPLAY or RENDER_MODE_FOR_PRINT for the last parameter.
    mCurrentPage.render(bitmap, null, null, PdfRenderer.Page.RENDER_MODE_FOR_DISPLAY);
    // We are ready to show the Bitmap to user.
    Animation hyperspaceJumpAnimation =
        AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.anim.anim_slide_bottom_top);
    //        updateUi();
