private void showUserHashDialog() { String userHash = NavigineApp.Settings.getString("user_hash", ""); LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater(); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.user_hash_dialog, null); _userEdit = (EditText) view.findViewById(; _userEdit.setText(userHash); _userEdit.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); // _userEdit.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() // { // public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } // public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } // public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) // { // String text = _userEdit.getText().toString(); // int length = _userEdit.getText().length(); // // if (text.endsWith("-")) // return; // // if (count <= before) // return; // // if (length == 4 || length == 9 || length == 14) // { // _userEdit.setText((text + "-")); // _userEdit.setSelection(length + 1); // } // } // }); AlertDialog.Builder alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext); alertBuilder.setView(view); alertBuilder.setTitle("Enter user ID"); alertBuilder.setNegativeButton( getString(R.string.cancel_button), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dlg, int id) {} }); alertBuilder.setPositiveButton( getString(R.string.ok_button), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dlg, int id) { String userHash = _userEdit.getText().toString(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = NavigineApp.Settings.edit(); editor.putString("user_hash", userHash); editor.commit(); NavigineApp.applySettings(); refreshMapList(); } }); AlertDialog dialog = alertBuilder.create(); dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false);; }
@Override public void onClick(View inButton) { boolean isErr = false; if (mTitle.getText().toString().length() == 0) { mTitle.setError("Required"); mTitle.setEms(10); isErr = true; } if (mDesc.getText().toString().length() == 0) { mDesc.setActivated(true); mDesc.setError("Required"); isErr = true; } if (inButton.getId() == openWeb.getId()) web.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); else if (inButton.getId() == mAvail.getId()) startActivity(new Intent(this, CheckActivity.class)); else if (inButton.getId() == mBack.getId()) finish(); else if (inButton.getId() == mSub.getId()) { AlertDialog.Builder al = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); if (isErr) return; else al.setTitle("Continue?") .setIcon(R.drawable.ornament) .setMessage("Your listing is going to be submitted to your chosen category.") .setPositiveButton( "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface d, int x) { payment = new ArrayList<String>(); if (mCard.isChecked()) payment.add("Card"); if (mCheck.isChecked()) payment.add("Check"); if (mOnline.isChecked()) payment.add("Online"); if (mCash.isChecked()) payment.add("Cash"); // Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), payment.toString(), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), StartActivity.class); intent.putExtra("Payment", payment); intent.putExtra("Category", mChosenCategory); intent.putExtra("Title", mTitle.getText().toString()); intent.putExtra("Price", mPrice.getText().toString()); intent.putExtra("Description", mDesc.getText().toString()); intent.putExtra("Location", mLocation.getText().toString()); intent.putExtra("Photo", jpegData); startActivity(intent); } }) .setNegativeButton( "Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface d, int x) {} }) .show(); } else startActivityForResult( new Intent(this,, REQ); }
public void restartGame(View v) { for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { View mainView = findViewById( getResources() .getIdentifier("mainView" + Integer.toString(i), "id", getPackageName())); if (sdk < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { mainView.setBackgroundDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.empty)); } else { mainView.setBackground(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.empty)); } player = 1; matriz = new int[3][3]; tv.setText("Jogador 1"); tv1.setText(""); vencedor = false; } }
public static String visualize(View view) { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); view.draw(canvas); return shadowOf(canvas).getDescription(); }
@Override public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View view = convertView; if (view == null) { LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.content_list_item, null); } TextView titleTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(; TextView stateTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(; TextView downTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(; Button downloadButton = (Button) view.findViewById(; Button uploadButton = (Button) view.findViewById(; LocationInfo info = mInfoList.get(position); String titleText = info.title; String stateText = ""; if (titleText.length() > 30) titleText = titleText.substring(0, 28) + "..."; synchronized (mLoaderMap) { if (mLoaderMap.containsKey(info.title)) { LoaderState loader = mLoaderMap.get(info.title); if (loader.state < 100) stateText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%d%%", loader.state); else if (loader.state == 100) stateText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Done!"); else stateText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Failed!"); } } if (info.localVersion < 0) titleText += " (?)"; else { if (info.localModified) titleText += String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " (v. %d+)", info.localVersion); else titleText += String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " (v. %d)", info.localVersion); } String mapFile = NavigineApp.Settings.getString("map_file", ""); if (mapFile.equals(info.archiveFile)) { titleTextView.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); view.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#590E0E")); } else { titleTextView.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL); view.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); } titleTextView.setText(titleText); stateTextView.setText(stateText); if (info.localModified) { downloadButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); uploadButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); downTextView.setText("Version is modified. Upload?"); } else if (info.serverVersion > info.localVersion) { downloadButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); uploadButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); String downText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Version available: %d", info.serverVersion); downTextView.setText(downText); } else { downloadButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); uploadButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); downTextView.setText("Version is up to date"); } downloadButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startDownload(position); } }); uploadButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startUpload(position); } }); return view; }
public void onClickPlay(View v) { if (vencedor) { return; } Drawable background; switch (v.getId()) { case if (matriz[0][0] != 0) { return; } matriz[0][0] = player; break; case if (matriz[0][1] != 0) { return; } matriz[0][1] = player; break; case if (matriz[0][2] != 0) { return; } matriz[0][2] = player; break; case if (matriz[1][0] != 0) { return; } matriz[1][0] = player; break; case if (matriz[1][1] != 0) { return; } matriz[1][1] = player; break; case if (matriz[1][2] != 0) { return; } matriz[1][2] = player; break; case if (matriz[2][0] != 0) { return; } matriz[2][0] = player; break; case if (matriz[2][1] != 0) { return; } matriz[2][1] = player; break; case if (matriz[2][2] != 0) { return; } matriz[2][2] = player; break; } if (player == 1) { background = getResources().getDrawable(; } else { background = getResources().getDrawable(; } if (sdk < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { v.setBackgroundDrawable(background); } else { v.setBackground(background); } verificaCampeao(); if (player == 2) { tv.setText("Jogador 1"); if (vencedor) { tv1.setText("Vencedor: Jogador 2"); } } else { tv.setText("Jogador 2"); if (vencedor) { tv1.setText("Vencedor: Jogador 1"); } } player = player == 1 ? 2 : 1; }