  protected void drawableStateChanged() {

    if (mColorStateList != null && mColorStateList.isStateful()) {
Beispiel #2
  public boolean isStateful() {
    boolean isStateful = false;
    if (textBg != null) {
      isStateful = textBg.isStateful();
    if (textColorStateList != null) {
      isStateful = isStateful | textColorStateList.isStateful();

    isStateful = isStateful | src.isStateful();

    return isStateful;
Beispiel #3
  public void testColorStateList() throws NotFoundException, XmlPullParserException, IOException {
    final int[][] state = new int[][] {{0}, {0}};
    final int[] colors = new int[] {Color.RED, Color.BLUE};
    ColorStateList c = new ColorStateList(state, colors);
    assertEquals(Color.RED, c.getDefaultColor());

    final int alpha = 36;
    final ColorStateList c1 = c.withAlpha(alpha);
    assertNotSame(Color.RED, c1.getDefaultColor());
    // check alpha
    assertEquals(alpha, c1.getDefaultColor() >>> 24);
    assertEquals(Color.RED & 0x00FF0000, c1.getDefaultColor() & 0x00FF0000);

    final int xmlId = R.drawable.testcolor;
    final int colorInXml = 0xFFA6C839; // this color value is define in testcolor.xml file.
    final Resources res = getContext().getResources();
    c = ColorStateList.createFromXml(res, res.getXml(xmlId));
    assertEquals(colorInXml, c.getDefaultColor());
    assertEquals(0, c.describeContents());
    assertEquals(colorInXml, c.getColorForState(new int[] {0}, 0));

    c = ColorStateList.valueOf(Color.GRAY);
    assertEquals(Color.GRAY, c.getDefaultColor());

    final Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
    c.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
    ColorStateList actual = ColorStateList.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
    // can only compare the state and the default color. because no API to
    // get every color of ColorStateList
    assertEquals(c.isStateful(), actual.isStateful());
    assertEquals(c.getDefaultColor(), actual.getDefaultColor());
 private ColorStateList createSwitchThumbColorStateList(Context paramContext) {
   int[][] arrayOfInt = new int[3][];
   int[] arrayOfInt1 = new int[3];
   ColorStateList localColorStateList =
       ThemeUtils.getThemeAttrColorStateList(paramContext, R.attr.colorSwitchThumbNormal);
   if ((localColorStateList != null) && (localColorStateList.isStateful())) {
     arrayOfInt[0] = ThemeUtils.DISABLED_STATE_SET;
     arrayOfInt1[0] = localColorStateList.getColorForState(arrayOfInt[0], 0);
     arrayOfInt[1] = ThemeUtils.CHECKED_STATE_SET;
     arrayOfInt1[1] = ThemeUtils.getThemeAttrColor(paramContext, R.attr.colorControlActivated);
     arrayOfInt[2] = ThemeUtils.EMPTY_STATE_SET;
     arrayOfInt1[2] = localColorStateList.getDefaultColor();
   for (; ; ) {
     return new ColorStateList(arrayOfInt, arrayOfInt1);
     arrayOfInt[0] = ThemeUtils.DISABLED_STATE_SET;
     arrayOfInt1[0] =
         ThemeUtils.getDisabledThemeAttrColor(paramContext, R.attr.colorSwitchThumbNormal);
     arrayOfInt[1] = ThemeUtils.CHECKED_STATE_SET;
     arrayOfInt1[1] = ThemeUtils.getThemeAttrColor(paramContext, R.attr.colorControlActivated);
     arrayOfInt[2] = ThemeUtils.EMPTY_STATE_SET;
     arrayOfInt1[2] = ThemeUtils.getThemeAttrColor(paramContext, R.attr.colorSwitchThumbNormal);
 public boolean isStateful() {
   return (mTint != null && mTint.isStateful())
       || (mBackground != null && mBackground.isStateful())
       || super.isStateful();
  public static Drawable createFromXmlInner(
      Context c, Resources r, XmlPullParser parser, AttributeSet attrs)
      throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
    Drawable drawable;

    final String name = parser.getName();

    // TODO: add the remaining drawables that are not covered.
    if (name.equals("selector")) {
      drawable = new StateListMaterialDrawable(c);
      // } else if (name.equals("animated-selector")) {
      // } else if (name.equals("level-list")) {
    } else if (name.equals("layer-list")) {
      drawable = new LayerMaterialDrawable(c);
      // } else if (name.equals("transition")) {
    } else if (name.equals("ripple")) {
      drawable = new RippleMaterialDrawable(c);
    } else if (name.equals("color")) {
      drawable = new ColorMaterialDrawable(c);
    } else if (name.equals("shape")) {
      drawable = new GradientMaterialDrawable(c);
      // } else if (name.equals("vector")) {
      // } else if (name.equals("animated-vector")) {
      // } else if (name.equals("scale")) {
      // } else if (name.equals("clip")) {
      // } else if (name.equals("rotate")) {
      // } else if (name.equals("animated-rotate")) {
    } else if (name.equals("animation-list")) {
      drawable = new AnimationMaterialDrawable(c);
    } else if (name.equals("inset")) {
      drawable = new InsetMaterialDrawable(c);
    } else if (name.equals("bitmap")) {
      drawable = new BitmapDrawable();
      if (r != null) {
        ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).setTargetDensity(r.getDisplayMetrics());
      drawable = new TintDrawable(c, drawable);
    } else if (name.equals("nine-patch")) {
      drawable = new NinePatchDrawable(null, null);
      if (r != null) {
        ((NinePatchDrawable) drawable).setTargetDensity(r.getDisplayMetrics());
      drawable = new TintDrawable(c, drawable);
    } else {
      drawable = null;

    if (drawable != null) {
      drawable.inflate(r, parser, attrs);

      if (drawable instanceof GradientMaterialDrawable) {
        // Before Lollipop, GradientDrawable does not support a ColorStateList solid color.
        // In the case of a stateful solid color, enclose the drawable inside a TintDrawable.
        ColorStateList solidColor = ((GradientMaterialDrawable) drawable).getSolidColor();
        if (solidColor != null && solidColor.isStateful()) {
          drawable = new TintDrawable(c, drawable, solidColor);
    } else {
      drawable = Drawable.createFromXmlInner(r, parser, attrs);

    return drawable;
 public boolean isStateful() {
   return mTintList != null && mTintList.isStateful() || mDrawable.isStateful();
 public boolean isStateful() {
   return colorStateList != null && colorStateList.isStateful();
 public boolean isStateful() {
   return mBorderColor.isStateful();