// Tests that lock block returns the correct path
  public void lockBlockTest() throws Exception {
    final int blockSize = (int) WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES / 2;

    CreateFileOptions options =
    FileOutStream out = mFileSystem.createFile(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"), options);
    URIStatus file = mFileSystem.getStatus(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));

    final long blockId = BlockId.createBlockId(BlockId.getContainerId(file.getFileId()), 0);


    String localPath = mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.lockBlock(blockId, SESSION_ID).getBlockPath();

    // The local path should exist

    UnderFileSystem ufs = UnderFileSystem.get(localPath, mMasterConfiguration);
    byte[] data = new byte[blockSize];
    int bytesRead = ufs.open(localPath).read(data);

    // The data in the local file should equal the data we wrote earlier
    Assert.assertEquals(blockSize, bytesRead);
    Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(bytesRead, data));

    mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.unlockBlock(blockId, SESSION_ID);
 /** Tests that a file can be created and validates the data written to it. */
 public void createOpen() throws IOException {
   String testFile = PathUtils.concatPath(mUnderfsAddress, "testFile");
   byte[] buf = new byte[TEST_BYTES.length];
   int bytesRead = mUfs.open(testFile).read(buf);
   Assert.assertTrue(bytesRead == TEST_BYTES.length);
   Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(buf, TEST_BYTES));