Beispiel #1
 public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webview, String s)
     if (a.a(webview, s))
         return true;
     String s1;
     Uri uri;
     Uri uri1;
     String s2;
     String s3;
     String s4;
     String s5;
         uri = Uri.parse(s);
     // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable
     catch (WebView webview)
         return true;
     if (s != null && s.startsWith(""))
         e.b(new Object[] {
         webview = Uri.parse(s).getQueryParameter("oauth_verifier");
         s = new Intent();
         s.putExtra("OauthVerifier", webview);
         a.setResult(-1, s);
         return true;
     s2 = uri.getHost();
     s3 = uri.getScheme();
     s4 = a.getResources().getString(m.bc_scheme);
     s5 = a.getResources().getString(m.bc_appscheme);
     uri1 = uri;
     s1 = s;
     if (s3 != null)
         uri1 = uri;
         s1 = s;
         if (!s3.equals(s5))
             uri1 = uri;
             s1 = s;
             if (WebViewerActivity.p.contains(s3))
                 s1 = s.replaceFirst(s3, s5);
                     uri1 = Uri.parse(s1);
                 // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable
                 catch (WebView webview)
                     return true;
     if (s2 != null && s3 != null && (s3.equals(s4) || s3.equals(s5)))
         if (s2.equals(a.getResources().getString(m.bc_host_pick_photo)))
             WebViewerActivity.a(a, Boolean.valueOf(true));
             DialogUtils.a(a, null, 48138);
             return true;
         } else
             c.a(a, uri1);
             return true;
     if (WebViewerActivity.q.contains(s3))
         return c.a(a, uri1);
     if (s3.equals("mailto"))
         c.b(a, s1);
         return true;
     } else
         return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(webview, s1);