Beispiel #1
  * Rebuild the component tree. The purpose of this method is moving fixed components to the root
  * component. This method will be called when {@link #batch()} is executed.
  * @param root root dom
 void rebuildingDomTree(WXDomObject root) {
   if (root != null && root.getFixedStyleRefs() != null) {
     int size = root.getFixedStyleRefs().size();
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
       String fixedRef = root.getFixedStyleRefs().get(i);
       WXDomObject wxDomObject = mRegistry.get(fixedRef);
       if (wxDomObject != null && wxDomObject.parent != null) {
         root.add(wxDomObject, -1);
Beispiel #2
   * Create a command object for moving the specific {@link WXDomObject} to a new parent. If any of
   * the following situation is met,
   * <ul>
   *   <li>dom to be moved is null
   *   <li>dom's parent is null
   *   <li>new parent is null
   *   <li>parent is under {@link CSSNode#hasNewLayout()}
   * </ul>
   * this method will return. Otherwise, put the command object in the queue.
   * @param ref Reference of the dom to be moved.
   * @param parentRef Reference of the new parent DOM node
   * @param index the index of the dom to be inserted in the new parent.
  void moveDom(final String ref, final String parentRef, final int index) {
    if (mDestroy) {
    WXSDKInstance instance = WXSDKManager.getInstance().getSDKInstance(mInstanceId);
    WXDomObject domObject = mRegistry.get(ref);
    WXDomObject parentObject = mRegistry.get(parentRef);
    if (domObject == null
        || domObject.parent == null
        || parentObject == null
        || parentObject.hasNewLayout()) {
      if (instance != null) {
        instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_ERR_DOM_MOVEELEMENT);
    if (domObject.parent.equals(parentObject)) {
    parentObject.add(domObject, index);

        new IWXRenderTask() {

          public void execute() {
            mWXRenderManager.moveComponent(mInstanceId, ref, parentRef, index);

          public String toString() {
            return "moveDom";

    mDirty = true;
    if (instance != null) {
      instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #3
   * Parse the jsonObject to {@link WXDomObject} recursively
   * @param map the original JSONObject
   * @return Dom Object corresponding to the JSONObject.
  private @Nullable WXDomObject parseInner(JSONObject map) {
    if (map == null || map.size() <= 0) {
      return null;

    String type = (String) map.get(TYPE);
    WXDomObject domObject = WXDomObjectFactory.newInstance(type);
    if (domObject == null) {
      return null;

    Object children = map.get(CHILDREN);
    if (children != null && children instanceof JSONArray) {
      JSONArray childrenArray = (JSONArray) children;
      int count = childrenArray.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        domObject.add(parseInner(childrenArray.getJSONObject(i)), -1);

    return domObject;
Beispiel #4
   * Create a command object for adding a dom node to its parent in a specific location. If dom's
   * parent doesn't exist or the dom has been added in current {@link WXSDKInstance}, this method
   * will return. If the above request is met, then put the command object in the queue.
   * @param dom the dom object in the form of JSONObject
   * @param parentRef parent to which the dom is added.
   * @param index the location of which the dom is added.
  void addDom(JSONObject dom, final String parentRef, final int index) {
    if (mDestroy) {
    WXDomObject parent = mRegistry.get(parentRef);
    WXSDKInstance instance = WXSDKManager.getInstance().getSDKInstance(mInstanceId);

    if (parent == null) {
      if (instance != null) {
        instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_ERR_DOM_ADDELEMENT);
    WXDomObject domObject = parseInner(dom);

    if (domObject == null || mRegistry.containsKey(domObject.getRef())) {
      if (WXEnvironment.isApkDebugable()) {
        WXLogUtils.e("[WXDomStatement] addDom error!!");
      if (instance != null) {
        instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_ERR_DOM_ADDELEMENT);


    parent.add(domObject, index);

    transformStyle(domObject, true);

    // Create component in dom thread
    final WXComponent component =
        mWXRenderManager.createComponentOnDomThread(mInstanceId, domObject, parentRef, index);
    if (component == null) {
      // stop redner, some fatal happened.
    AddDomInfo addDomInfo = new AddDomInfo();
    addDomInfo.component = component;
    mAddDom.put(domObject.getRef(), addDomInfo);

        new IWXRenderTask() {

          public void execute() {
            WXSDKInstance instance = WXSDKManager.getInstance().getSDKInstance(mInstanceId);
            if (instance == null || instance.getContext() == null) {
              WXLogUtils.e("instance is null or instance is destroy!");
            try {
              mWXRenderManager.addComponent(mInstanceId, component, parentRef, index);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              WXLogUtils.e("add component failed.", e);

          public String toString() {
            return "AddDom";
        new Pair<String, Map<String, Object>>(domObject.getRef(), domObject.getStyles()));
    mDirty = true;

    if (instance != null) {
      instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_SUCCESS);