public StoreDirect( Volume.Factory volFac, boolean readOnly, boolean deleteFilesAfterClose, int spaceReclaimMode, boolean syncOnCommitDisabled, long sizeLimit, boolean checksum, boolean compress, byte[] password, boolean disableLocks, int sizeIncrement) { super(checksum, compress, password, disableLocks); this.readOnly = readOnly; this.deleteFilesAfterClose = deleteFilesAfterClose; this.syncOnCommitDisabled = syncOnCommitDisabled; this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit; this.spaceReclaimSplit = spaceReclaimMode > 4; this.spaceReclaimReuse = spaceReclaimMode > 2; this.spaceReclaimTrack = spaceReclaimMode > 0; boolean allGood = false; try { index = volFac.createIndexVolume(); phys = volFac.createPhysVolume(); if (index.isEmpty()) { createStructure(); } else { checkHeaders(); indexSize = index.getLong(IO_INDEX_SIZE); physSize = index.getLong(IO_PHYS_SIZE); freeSize = index.getLong(IO_FREE_SIZE); maxUsedIoList = IO_USER_START - 8; while (index.getLong(maxUsedIoList) != 0 && maxUsedIoList > IO_FREE_RECID) maxUsedIoList -= 8; } allGood = true; } finally { if (!allGood) { // exception was thrown, try to unlock files if (index != null) { index.sync(); index.close(); index = null; } if (phys != null) { phys.sync(); phys.close(); phys = null; } } } }
@Override public void compact() { if (readOnly) throw new IllegalAccessError(); final File indexFile = index.getFile(); final File physFile = phys.getFile(); final int rafMode; if (index instanceof Volume.FileChannelVol) { rafMode = 2; } else if (index instanceof Volume.MappedFileVol && phys instanceof Volume.FileChannelVol) { rafMode = 1; } else { rafMode = 0; } lockAllWrite(); try { final File compactedFile = new File( (indexFile != null ? indexFile : File.createTempFile("mapdb", "compact")) + ".compact"); Volume.Factory fab = Volume.fileFactory(compactedFile, rafMode, false, sizeLimit, CC.VOLUME_SLICE_SHIFT, 0); StoreDirect store2 = new StoreDirect(fab, false, false, 5, false, 0L, checksum, compress, password, false, 0); compactPreUnderLock(); index.putLong(IO_PHYS_SIZE, physSize); index.putLong(IO_INDEX_SIZE, indexSize); index.putLong(IO_FREE_SIZE, freeSize); // create secondary files for compaction store2.lockAllWrite(); // transfer stack of free recids // TODO long stack take modifies the original store for (long recid = longStackTake(IO_FREE_RECID, false); recid != 0; recid = longStackTake(IO_FREE_RECID, false)) { store2.longStackPut(IO_FREE_RECID, recid, false); } // iterate over recids and transfer physical records store2.index.putLong(IO_INDEX_SIZE, indexSize); for (long ioRecid = IO_USER_START; ioRecid < indexSize; ioRecid += 8) { byte[] bb = get2(ioRecid, Serializer.BYTE_ARRAY_NOSIZE); store2.index.ensureAvailable(ioRecid + 8); if (bb == null || bb.length == 0) { store2.index.putLong(ioRecid, 0); } else { DataIO.DataOutputByteArray out = serialize(bb, Serializer.BYTE_ARRAY_NOSIZE); long[] indexVals = store2.physAllocate(out.pos, true, false); store2.put2(out, ioRecid, indexVals); } } File indexFile2 = store2.index.getFile(); File physFile2 = store2.phys.getFile(); store2.unlockAllWrite(); final boolean useDirectBuffer = index instanceof Volume.MemoryVol && ((Volume.MemoryVol) index).useDirectBuffer; index.sync(); // TODO is sync needed here? index.close(); index = null; phys.sync(); // TODO is sync needed here? phys.close(); phys = null; if (indexFile != null) { final long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final File indexFile_ = indexFile != null ? new File(indexFile.getPath() + "_" + time + "_orig") : null; final File physFile_ = physFile != null ? new File(physFile.getPath() + "_" + time + "_orig") : null; store2.close(); // not in memory, so just rename files if (!indexFile.renameTo(indexFile_)) throw new AssertionError("could not rename file"); if (!physFile.renameTo(physFile_)) throw new AssertionError("could not rename file"); if (!indexFile2.renameTo(indexFile)) throw new AssertionError("could not rename file"); // TODO process may fail in middle of rename, analyze sequence and add recovery if (!physFile2.renameTo(physFile)) throw new AssertionError("could not rename file"); final Volume.Factory fac2 = Volume.fileFactory(indexFile, rafMode, false, sizeLimit, CC.VOLUME_SLICE_SHIFT, 0); index = fac2.createIndexVolume(); phys = fac2.createPhysVolume(); indexFile_.delete(); physFile_.delete(); } else { // in memory, so copy files into memory Volume indexVol2 = new Volume.MemoryVol(useDirectBuffer, sizeLimit, CC.VOLUME_SLICE_SHIFT); Volume.volumeTransfer(indexSize, store2.index, indexVol2); Volume physVol2 = new Volume.MemoryVol(useDirectBuffer, sizeLimit, CC.VOLUME_SLICE_SHIFT); Volume.volumeTransfer(store2.physSize, store2.phys, physVol2); store2.close(); index = indexVol2; phys = physVol2; } physSize = store2.physSize; freeSize = store2.freeSize; index.putLong(IO_PHYS_SIZE, physSize); index.putLong(IO_INDEX_SIZE, indexSize); index.putLong(IO_FREE_SIZE, freeSize); index.putLong(IO_INDEX_SUM, indexHeaderChecksum()); maxUsedIoList = IO_USER_START - 8; while (index.getLong(maxUsedIoList) != 0 && maxUsedIoList > IO_FREE_RECID) maxUsedIoList -= 8; compactPostUnderLock(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOError(e); } finally { unlockAllWrite(); } }
@Override public Volume createTransLogVolume() { return new LoggerVolume(loggedFac.createTransLogVolume(), logFac.createTransLogVolume()); }
@Override public Volume createIndexVolume() { return new LoggerVolume(loggedFac.createIndexVolume(), logFac.createIndexVolume()); }