Beispiel #1
   * Decode the LONG_RECORD pointer that has previously been fetched into the Value. This will
   * replace the byte array in that value with the actual long value.
   * @param value
   * @param minimumBytesToFetch
   * @throws PersistitException
  void fetchLongRecord(final Value value, final int minimumBytesToFetch, final long timeout)
      throws PersistitException {

    Buffer buffer = null;

    try {
      final byte[] rawBytes = value.getEncodedBytes();
      final int rawSize = value.getEncodedSize();
      if (rawSize != LONGREC_SIZE) {
        corrupt("Invalid LONG_RECORD value size=" + rawSize + " but should be " + LONGREC_SIZE);
      if ((rawBytes[0] & 0xFF) != LONGREC_TYPE) {
            "Invalid LONG_RECORD value type="
                + (rawBytes[0] & 0xFF)
                + " but should be "
                + LONGREC_TYPE);
      final int longSize = Buffer.decodeLongRecordDescriptorSize(rawBytes, 0);
      final long startAtPage = Buffer.decodeLongRecordDescriptorPointer(rawBytes, 0);

      int remainingSize = Math.min(longSize, minimumBytesToFetch);


      int offset = 0;
          rawBytes, LONGREC_PREFIX_OFFSET, value.getEncodedBytes(), offset, LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE);

      offset += LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE;
      remainingSize -= LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE;
      long page = startAtPage;

      for (int count = 0; page != 0 && offset < minimumBytesToFetch; count++) {
        if (remainingSize <= 0) {
              "Invalid LONG_RECORD remaining size="
                  + remainingSize
                  + " of "
                  + rawSize
                  + " in page "
                  + page);
        buffer = _volume.getPool().get(_volume, page, false, true, timeout);
        if (buffer.getPageType() != PAGE_TYPE_LONG_RECORD) {
              "LONG_RECORD chain is invalid at page " + page + " - invalid page type: " + buffer);
        int segmentSize = buffer.getBufferSize() - HEADER_SIZE;
        if (segmentSize > remainingSize) {
          segmentSize = remainingSize;

            buffer.getBytes(), HEADER_SIZE, value.getEncodedBytes(), offset, segmentSize);

        offset += segmentSize;
        remainingSize -= segmentSize;
        // previousPage = page;
        page = buffer.getRightSibling();
        buffer = null;

        if (count > MAX_LONG_RECORD_CHAIN) {
          if (count > MAX_LONG_RECORD_CHAIN) {
            corrupt("LONG_RECORD chain starting at " + startAtPage + " is too long");
    } finally {
      if (buffer != null) {
Beispiel #2
   * Create a new LONG_RECORD chain and stores the supplied byte array in the pages of this chain.
   * The chain is written in right-to-left order so that any page having a right pointer points to a
   * valid successor.
   * <p>Each page is written with its own timestamp (necessary to satisfy write order invariant).
   * Therefore a checkpoint could occur during the middle, after some pages have been assigned a
   * timestamp and before others. This means that a crash recovery could recover the tail of a
   * chain, but not its head. This does not cause corruption, but does cause permanent loss of the
   * pages that were recovered at the right end but never linked to a data page. Current remedy:
   * save/reload data. Such dangling chains can be detected by IntegrityCheck and a future remedy
   * would be for IntegrityCheck to move them back to the garbage chain.
   * <p>If this method is called in the context of a transaction, it writes each page immediately to
   * the journal. This allows recovery to rebuild the long record for a recovered transaction that
   * committed after the keystone checkpoint.
   * @param value The value. Must be in "long record mode"
   * @param inTxn indicates whether this operation is within the context of a transaction.
   * @throws PersistitException
  long storeLongRecord(final Value value, final boolean inTxn) throws PersistitException {

    // Calculate how many LONG_RECORD pages we will need.
    boolean completed = false;
    final int longSize = value.getLongSize();
    final byte[] longBytes = value.getLongBytes();
    final byte[] rawBytes = value.getEncodedBytes();
    final int maxSegmentSize = _volume.getPool().getBufferSize() - HEADER_SIZE;

    Debug.$assert0.t(rawBytes.length == LONGREC_SIZE);

    System.arraycopy(longBytes, 0, rawBytes, LONGREC_PREFIX_OFFSET, LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE);

    long looseChain = 0;


    Buffer buffer = null;
    int offset =
            + (((longSize - LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE - 1) / maxSegmentSize) * maxSegmentSize);
    try {
      for (; ; ) {
        while (offset >= LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE) {
          buffer = _volume.getStructure().allocPage();
          final long timestamp = _persistit.getTimestampAllocator().updateTimestamp();

          int segmentSize = longSize - offset;
          if (segmentSize > maxSegmentSize) segmentSize = maxSegmentSize;

              segmentSize >= 0
                  && offset >= 0
                  && offset + segmentSize <= longBytes.length
                  && HEADER_SIZE + segmentSize <= buffer.getBytes().length);

          System.arraycopy(longBytes, offset, buffer.getBytes(), HEADER_SIZE, segmentSize);

          final int end = HEADER_SIZE + segmentSize;
          if (end < buffer.getBufferSize()) {
            buffer.clearBytes(end, buffer.getBufferSize());
          looseChain = buffer.getPageAddress();
          if (inTxn) {
          offset -= maxSegmentSize;
          buffer = null;

        final long page = looseChain;
        looseChain = 0;
        Buffer.writeLongRecordDescriptor(value.getEncodedBytes(), longSize, page);
        completed = true;

        return page;
    } finally {
      if (buffer != null) buffer.releaseTouched();
      if (looseChain != 0) {
        _volume.getStructure().deallocateGarbageChain(looseChain, 0);
      if (!completed) {